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Created May 29, 2015 15:24
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Persistent oscillation in PIXIS cameras
from winspec import SpeFile
from pathlib import Path
from matplotlib.pylab import *
from scipy.signal import argrelmax
# Period of sampling in seconds
regen_period = 0.001*2
# Change the path to load the SPE file
file_path = Path('./100BRX-800fs.SPE')
# Open the SPE file
spe = nudie.SpeFile(file_path)
# Throw away some frames in the beginning, and convert to float
res =[0, :, 3:].astype(float)
# Plot average spectrum
plot(res.mean(axis=1), marker='o', markersize=3)
# Generate frequency axis
f = np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.fftfreq(res.shape[1], regen_period))
fdc = argmin(np.abs(f - 0)) # dc index
# Fourier-transform each pixel
data_f = np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.fft(np.real(res), axis=1), axes=1)
# Take the RMS norm of the Fourier transforms along the pixel axis
data_normed = np.linalg.norm(np.abs(data_f), axis=0)
# Determine the indexes of a few frequencies to use later
f0, f60, f150 = argmin(np.abs(f - 0)), argmin(np.abs(f - 60)), argmin(np.abs(f - 150))
f30 = argmin(np.abs(f - 30))
# Normalize Fourier transform to DC peak
data_normed /= data_normed[f0]
# Find the largest peak between 60 and 150 Hz. Use that to scale the plotting
m = np.max(data_normed[f60:f150])
plot(f, data_normed)
xlim(0, 150)
ylim(0, m*1.5)
# Find a few peaks in the range 30 Hz and 150 Hz
idx = argrelmax(data_normed[f30:f150], order=1)
# select peaks that are at least 1/10 of the max in the window
filt = argwhere(data_normed[f30:f150][idx] > 0.25*m)
filt_freq, filt_data = f[f30:f150][idx][filt], data_normed[f30:f150][idx][filt]
scatter(filt_freq, filt_data, color='r', marker='*')
for i,d in zip(filt_freq, filt_data):
annotate("{:3.1f} Hz".format(i[0]), xy=(i,d), xytext=(i, d + 0.01*m), textcoords='data', horizontalalignment='center')
''' - read SPE files created by WinSpec with Princeton Instruments' cameras. '''
from __future__ import print_function, division
import ctypes, os
import numpy as np
import logging
import pathlib
__all__ = ['SpeFile', 'test_headers']
log = logging.getLogger('nudie.winspec')
__author__ = "Anton Loukianov"
__email__ = ""
__license__ = "BSD"
__version__ = "0.1"
# Definitions of types
spe_byte = ctypes.c_ubyte
spe_word = ctypes.c_ushort
spe_dword = ctypes.c_uint
spe_char = ctypes.c_char # 1 byte
spe_short = ctypes.c_short # 2 bytes
# long is 4 bytes in the manual. It is 8 bytes on my machine
spe_long = ctypes.c_int # 4 bytes
spe_float = ctypes.c_float # 4 bytes
spe_double = ctypes.c_double # 8 bytes
class ROIinfo(ctypes.Structure):
class AxisCalibration(ctypes.Structure):
class Header(ctypes.Structure):
def print_offsets():
''' Print the attribute names, sizes and offsets in the C structure
Assuming that the sizes are correct and add up to an offset of 4100 bytes,
everything should add up correctly. This information was taken from the
WinSpec 2.6 Spectroscopy Software User Manual version 2.6B, page 251.
If this table doesn't add up, something changed in the definitions of the
datatype widths. Fix this in winspec.structs file and let me know!
import inspect, re
A = Header()
for i in [Header, AxisCalibration, ROIinfo]:
fields = []
print('\n{:30s}[{:4s}]\tsize'.format(repr(i), 'offs'))
for name,obj in inspect.getmembers(i):
if inspect.isdatadescriptor(obj) and not inspect.ismemberdescriptor(obj) \
and not inspect.isgetsetdescriptor(obj):
fields.append((name, obj))
fields = sorted(fields, key=lambda x: x[1].offset)
for name, obj in fields:
print('{:30s}[{:4d}]\t{:4d}'.format(name, obj.size, obj.offset))
class SpeFile(object):
''' A file that represents the SPE file.
All details written in the file are contained in the `header` structure. Data is
accessed by using the `data` property.
Once the object is created and data accessed, the file is NOT read again. Create
a new object if you want to reread the file.
# Map between header datatype field and numpy datatype
_datatype_map = {0 : np.float32, 1 : np.int32, 2 : np.int16, 3 : np.uint16}
def __init__(self, name,):
''' Open file `name` to read the header.'''
if type(name) == str:
name = pathlib.Path(name)
with'rb') as f:'opening file `{:s}`'.format(str(name)))
self.header = Header()
self.path = pathlib.Path(name).resolve()
self._data = None
# set some useful properties
self.reversed = True if self.header.geometric == 2 else False
self.gain = self.header.gain
if self.header.ADCtype == 8:
self.adc = 'Low Noise'
elif self.header.ADCtype == 9:
self.adc = 'High Capacity'
self.adc = 'Unknown'
if self.header.ADCrate == 12:
self.adc_rate = '2 MHz'
elif self.header.ADCrate == 6:
self.adc_rate = '100 KHz'
self.adc_rate = 'Unknown'
self.readout_time = self.header.ReadoutTime
def _read(self):
''' Read the data segment of the file and create an appropriately-shaped
numpy array
Based on the header, the right datatype is selected and returned as a
numpy array. The indexing convention is [Pixel index, ROI index, Frame
if self._data is not None:
log.debug('using cached data')
return self._data
# In python 2.7, apparently file and FileIO cannot be used interchangably
with'rb') as f:
log.debug('reading data') # Skip header (4100 bytes)
_count = self.header.xdim * self.header.ydim * self.header.NumFrames
self._data = np.fromfile(f, dtype= \
SpeFile._datatype_map[self.header.datatype], count=_count)
# Also, apparently the ordering of the data corresponds to how it is stored by the shift register
# Thus, it appears a little backwards...
self._data = self._data.reshape((self.header.NumFrames, self.header.ydim, self.header.xdim))
# In C array storage, stuff at the last index is stored closer in
# memory. It should be beneficial to have NumFrames be last, if all
# we usually do is average over them anyway.
self._data = np.rollaxis(self._data, 0, 3)
# flip data
if all([self.reversed == True, self.adc == '100 KHz']):
elif any([self.reversed == True, self.adc == '100 KHz']):
self._data = self._data[::-1, ...]
log.debug('flipped data because of nonstandard ADC setting ' +\
'or reversed setting')
return self._data
''' Data recorded in the file, returned as a numpy array.
The convention for indexes is that the first index is the frame index, followed by x,y region of
data = property(fget=_read)
def __str__(self):
return 'SPE File \n\t{:d}x{:d} area, {:d} frames\n\tTaken on {:s}' \
.format(self.header.xdim, self.header.ydim,
# Lengths of arrays used in header
# Definitions of WinSpec structures
# Region of interest defs
ROIinfo._pack_ = 1
ROIinfo._fields_ = [
('startx', spe_word),
('endx', spe_word),
('groupx', spe_word),
('starty', spe_word),
('endy', spe_word),
('groupy', spe_word)]
# Calibration structure for X and Y axes
AxisCalibration._pack_ = 1
AxisCalibration._fields_ = [
('offset', spe_double),
('factor', spe_double),
('current_unit', spe_char),
('reserved1', spe_char),
('string', spe_char * 40),
('reserved2', spe_char * 40),
('calib_valid', spe_char),
('input_unit', spe_char),
('polynom_unit', spe_char),
('polynom_order', spe_char),
('calib_count', spe_char),
('pixel_position', spe_double * 10),
('calib_value', spe_double * 10),
('polynom_coeff', spe_double * 6),
('laser_position', spe_double),
('reserved3', spe_char),
('new_calib_flag', spe_byte),
('calib_label', spe_char * 81),
('expansion', spe_char * 87)]
# Full header definition
Header._pack_ = 1
Header._fields_ = [
('ControllerVersion', spe_short),
('LogicOutput', spe_short),
('AmpHiCapLowNoise', spe_word),
('xDimDet', spe_word),
('mode', spe_short),
('exp_sec', spe_float),
('VChipXdim', spe_short),
('VChipYdim', spe_short),
('yDimDet', spe_word),
('date', spe_char * DATEMAX),
('VirtualChipFlag', spe_short),
('Spare_1', spe_char * 2), # Unused data
('noscan', spe_short),
('DetTemperature', spe_float),
('DetType', spe_short),
('xdim', spe_word),
('stdiode', spe_short),
('DelayTime', spe_float),
('ShutterControl', spe_word),
('AbsorbLive', spe_short),
('AbsorbMode', spe_word),
('CanDoVirtualChipFlag', spe_short),
('ThresholdMinLive', spe_short),
('ThresholdMinVal', spe_float),
('ThresholdMaxLive', spe_short),
('ThresholdMaxVal', spe_float),
('SpecAutoSpectroMode', spe_short),
('SpecCenterWlNm', spe_float),
('SpecGlueFlag', spe_short),
('SpecGlueStartWlNm', spe_float),
('SpecGlueEndWlNm', spe_float),
('SpecGlueMinOvrlpNm', spe_float),
('SpecGlueFinalResNm', spe_float),
('PulserType', spe_short),
('CustomChipFlag', spe_short),
('XPrePixels', spe_short),
('XPostPixels', spe_short),
('YPrePixels', spe_short),
('YPostPixels', spe_short),
('asynen', spe_short),
('datatype', spe_short), # 0 - float, 1 - long, 2 - short, 3 - ushort
('PulserMode', spe_short),
('PulserOnChipAccums', spe_word),
('PulserRepeatExp', spe_dword),
('PulseRepWidth', spe_float),
('PulseRepDelay', spe_float),
('PulseSeqStartWidth', spe_float),
('PulseSeqEndWidth', spe_float),
('PulseSeqStartDelay', spe_float),
('PulseSeqEndDelay', spe_float),
('PulseSeqIncMode', spe_short),
('PImaxUsed', spe_short),
('PImaxMode', spe_short),
('PImaxGain', spe_short),
('BackGrndApplied', spe_short),
('PImax2nsBrdUsed', spe_short),
('minblk', spe_word),
('numminblk', spe_word),
('SpecMirrorLocation', spe_short * 2),
('SpecSlitLocation', spe_short * 4),
('CustomTimingFlag', spe_short),
('ExperimentTimeLocal', spe_char * TIMEMAX),
('ExperimentTimeUTC', spe_char * TIMEMAX),
('ExposUnits', spe_short),
('ADCoffset', spe_word),
('ADCrate', spe_word),
('ADCtype', spe_word),
('ADCresolution', spe_word),
('ADCbitAdjust', spe_word),
('gain', spe_word),
('Comments', spe_char * 5 * COMMENTMAX),
('geometric', spe_word), # x01 - rotate, x02 - reverse, x04 flip
('xlabel', spe_char * LABELMAX),
('cleans', spe_word),
('NumSkpPerCln', spe_word),
('SpecMirrorPos', spe_short * 2),
('SpecSlitPos', spe_float * 4),
('AutoCleansActive', spe_short),
('UseContCleansInst', spe_short),
('AbsorbStripNum', spe_short),
('SpecSlipPosUnits', spe_short),
('SpecGrooves', spe_float),
('srccmp', spe_short),
('ydim', spe_word),
('scramble', spe_short),
('ContinuousCleansFlag', spe_short),
('ExternalTriggerFlag', spe_short),
('lnoscan', spe_long), # Longs are 4 bytes
('lavgexp', spe_long), # 4 bytes
('ReadoutTime', spe_float),
('TriggeredModeFlag', spe_short),
('Spare_2', spe_char * 10),
('sw_version', spe_char * FILEVERMAX),
('type', spe_short),
('flatFieldApplied', spe_short),
('Spare_3', spe_char * 16),
('kin_trig_mode', spe_short),
('dlabel', spe_char * LABELMAX),
('Spare_4', spe_char * 436),
('PulseFileName', spe_char * HDRNAMEMAX),
('AbsorbFileName', spe_char * HDRNAMEMAX),
('NumExpRepeats', spe_dword),
('NumExpAccums', spe_dword),
('YT_Flag', spe_short),
('clkspd_us', spe_float),
('HWaccumFlag', spe_short),
('StoreSync', spe_short),
('BlemishApplied', spe_short),
('CosmicApplied', spe_short),
('CosmicType', spe_short),
('CosmicThreshold', spe_float),
('NumFrames', spe_long),
('MaxIntensity', spe_float),
('MinIntensity', spe_float),
('ylabel', spe_char * LABELMAX),
('ShutterType', spe_word),
('shutterComp', spe_float),
('readoutMode', spe_word),
('WindowSize', spe_word),
('clkspd', spe_word),
('interface_type', spe_word),
('NumROIsInExperiment', spe_short),
('Spare_5', spe_char * 16),
('controllerNum', spe_word),
('SWmade', spe_word),
('NumROI', spe_short),
('ROIinfblk', ROIinfo * ROIMAX),
('FlatField', spe_char * HDRNAMEMAX),
('background', spe_char * HDRNAMEMAX),
('blemish', spe_char * HDRNAMEMAX),
('file_header_ver', spe_float),
('YT_Info', spe_char * 1000),
('WinView_id', spe_long),
('xcalibration', AxisCalibration),
('ycalibration', AxisCalibration),
('Istring', spe_char * 40),
('Spare_6', spe_char * 25),
('SpecType', spe_byte),
('SpecModel', spe_byte),
('PulseBurstUsed', spe_byte),
('PulseBurstCount', spe_dword),
('PulseBurstPeriod', spe_double),
('PulseBracketUsed', spe_byte),
('PulseBracketType', spe_byte),
('PulseTimeConstFast', spe_double),
('PulseAmplitudeFast', spe_double),
('PulseTimeConstSlow', spe_double),
('PulseAmplitudeSlow', spe_double),
('AnalogGain', spe_short),
('AvGainUsed', spe_short),
('AvGain', spe_short),
('lastvalue', spe_short)]
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