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Created May 5, 2009 15:20
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Save antonlindstrom/107007 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
School assignment #7
# Program for Process Management
# Require the neccesary modules.
use Proc::ProcessTable;
use POSIX qw/strftime floor ceil/;
# Initiate class Proc::ProcessTable.
$process = new Proc::ProcessTable;
# Open /etc/passwd to get user name and uid.
open(USR, "/etc/passwd") || die "/etc/passwd could not be accessed!\n $!\n";
@users = <USR>;
foreach (@users) {
@usrposts = split(/:/, $_);
# Set user uid as key and username as value.
$user{$usrposts[2]} = $usrposts[0];
# format printf and print header.
$FORMAT = "%-4s %-6s %-5s %-10s %s\n";
printf($FORMAT, "PID", "USER", "CPU","TIME", "CMDLINE");
# Print out every process over 0%
foreach $p( @{$process->table} ) {
if ($p->pctcpu > 0.00 ) {
$timeofprocess = time-$p->start;
# Time in minutes and seconds.
$timeformatted = int(($p->time/1000000)/60).":".int(($p->time/1000000)%60);
# Print PID, USER, CPU Percentage, TIME and CMDLINE.
printf ($FORMAT, $p->pid, $user{$p->uid}, (ceil($p->pctcpu)."%"), $timeformatted, $p->cmndline);
# If process has run more than 2 minutes, is owned by a standard user (over 1000 uid) and is using over 90% CPU.
if ( ($timeofprocess > 120) && ($p->uid >= 1000) && (ceil($p->pctcpu) >= 90) ) {
print "\n";
# Preforming killing output
foreach (@ptokill) {
# Kill if processid is in the array @ptokill.
foreach $pk( @{$process->table} ) {
next if ($pk->pid != $_);
print "Killing process $_ from owner $user{$pk->uid}\n";
print " Command line: ".$pk->cmndline."\n";
$pkillnow = $pk->pid;
#system("kill $pkillnow");
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