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Created April 8, 2009 21:04
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School assignment #2
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Batch adding users.
# Opens files users.csv and passwd, adding users from .csv file.
# The program processes these and is using a letter first to differ
# users between existing then year when user is created and three
# letters from name and two from lastname.
# Full name and ssn in comment.
# Subroutine for opening file.
sub openfile {
# Input is file.
($file) = (@_);
# Open file and put it in array @filecontents.
open(FILE, $file) || die("Could not open $file\n$!");
@filecontents = <FILE>;
# Close file.
# Return file content.
return @filecontents;
# Assign users.csv content to @lines.
@lines = &openfile("users.csv");
@existingusers = &openfile("passwd");
# Select year. $year is ex. 09.
$year = substr(localtime, 22, 23);
# Check if user exists in passwd.
foreach (@existingusers) {
# Split row by colon.
@exuservals = split(/:/, $_);
if($exuservals[0] =~ /[a-z]{1}[0-9]{2}[a-z]+/) {
# Split value 5 (comment field);
@expnr = reverse(split(' ', $exuservals[4]));
# Put values in arrays, username ($exuservals[0]), $expnr[2] is pnr.
push(@allusers, $exuservals[0]);
push(@expnrs, $expnr[0]);
# Columns with userdata are assigned to $lastname, $name and $pnr.
foreach $line(@lines) {
# Split line into lastname, name and pnr (ssn).
($lastname, $name, $pnr) = split(/,/, $line);
# Replace non-ascii with z.
$lastname =~ s/([^[:ascii:]])+/z/g;
$name =~ s/([^[:ascii:]])+/z/g;
# Parts of first and lastnames.
$npart = substr($name, 0, 3);
$lpart = substr($lastname, 0, 2);
# Lowercase string.
$thisuser = lc($year.$npart.$lpart);
$comment = "$name $lastname $pnr";
# Remove newline chars.
# If user exists, set skip to 1.
if ( grep(/$pnr/, @expnrs) ) {
print "$name $lastname ($pnr) exists, skipping..\n";
$skip = 1;
} else {
$skip = "";
# If $skip is true, jump to next iteration.
next if ($skip);
# Set prefixarray to alphabetic.
@prefix = ('a'..'z');
$i = 0;
#$newuserok = 0;
# Check if username with prefix a-z exists
foreach (@allusers) {
# If line is equal to ex. a-z09antli
if ($_ eq $prefix[$i].$thisuser) {
# Set username prefix. $prefix[a-z].
$newuser = $prefix[$i].$thisuser;
# Push $newuser to array @allusers, for checking existing users.
push(@allusers, $newuser);
# Add new user and comment to hash. Password is pnr in %newpass.
$newusers{$newuser} = $comment;
$newpass{$newuser} = reverse($pnr);
print "ADDING:\n";
# Put all userinfo into var $add, print and exec.
foreach $finalname( keys %newusers) {
$addpass = $newpass{$finalname};
$addcomment = $newusers{$finalname};
# Unix command for adding user.
$add = "useradd -p $addpass -d /home/$finalname -m -c $addcomment $finalname";
print "$add\n";
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