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Created February 22, 2010 20:46
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# Add :gemcutter as a source that Bundler will use
# to find gems listed in the manifest. At least one source
# should be listed. URLs maybe also be used, such as
source :gemcutter
gem 'bundler', '0.9.7'
gem 'rails', '2.3.5', :require => nil
gem 'pg', '0.8.0'
gem 'json', '1.1.9'
gem 'authlogic', '2.1.1'
gem 'will_paginate', '2.3.11'
gem 'faker', '0.3.1'
gem 'sunspot', '0.10.8'
gem 'sunspot_rails', '0.11.5', :require => 'sunspot/rails'
gem 'haml', '2.2.19'
gem 'compass', '0.8.17'
gem 'compass-960-plugin', '0.9.11', :require => 'ninesixty'
gem 'rmagick', '2.12.0', :require => 'RMagick'
gem 'paperclip', ''
gem 'hpricot', '0.6'
gem 'rfeedparser', '0.9.951'
gem 'rack-oauth', '0.1.5'
gem 'facebooker', '1.0.58'
gem 'responds_to_parent', '1.0.20091013'
gem 'awesome_nested_set', '1.4.3'
gem 'state_machine', '0.8.0'
gem 'tlsmail', '0.0.1'
gem 'mongrel', '1.1.5'
gem 'mongrel_cluster', '1.0.5'
gem 'hoptoad_notifier', '2.1.3', :require => 'hoptoad_notifier'
group :development do
gem 'annotate'
group :test do
gem 'rspec', '1.3.0'
gem 'rspec-rails', '1.3.2'
gem 'factory_girl', '1.2.3'
gem 'webrat', '0.6.1.pre', :git => 'git://'
gem 'jspec', '3.2.0' # javascript testing framework
gem 'selenium-webdriver', '0.0.13'
gem 'cucumber-rails', '0.2.2'
gem 'nokogiri', '1.4.1'
gem 'spork', '0.7.5' #required by cucumber
gem 'database_cleaner', '0.4.0'
gem 'launchy' # open screenshots
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