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Last active April 27, 2023 22:02
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  • Save antonwinter/eff0e5429dab3047c0cc2e4f75ee2bac to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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# Anton's config for Starship
# Don't print a new line at the start of the prompt
add_newline = false
# Order of modules on prompt
format = """\
[](bg:#DA627D fg:#9A348E)\
(↓ Source control - for right side ↓)\
[](fg:#DA627D bg:#FCA17D)\
[](fg:#FCA17D bg:#86BBD8)\
(↑ Source control - for right side ↑)\
[](fg:#86BBD8 bg:#06969A)\
[](fg:#06969A bg:#33658A)\
(↑ above input line ↑)\
(↓ on input line ↓)\
#right_format = """\
# $cmd_duration\
# $time\
# Generic prompt configurations
success_symbol = "[](fg:#33658A)"
error_symbol = "[[](bg:#ff3322 fg:#33658A)](fg:#ff3322)"
#vicmd_symbol = "[[](bg:#6f6a70 fg:#464347)[](bg:#464347 fg:#6f6a70)](bold bg:#6f6a70 fg:#ff3322)"
format = "$symbol "
#disabled = true
# Module configurations
disabled = false
#symbol = "☸︎"
symbol = "⎈ "
style = "bg:#9A348E"
format = '[$symbol$context(\($namespace\))]($style)'
# disabled = false
#show_always = true
style_root = "bold bg:#3388FF fg:#FF5511"
style_user = "bg:#9A348E fg:#EEEEEE"
format = "[[  ](bg:#9A348E)$user]($style)"
disabled = false
style = "bg:#9A348E fg:#EEEEEE"
#ssh_only = false
trim_at = "."
format = "[[ 󰌢 ](bg:#9A348E)($style)$hostname]($style)"
style = "italic fg:#DA627D bg:#FFFFFF"
read_only = ""
read_only_style = "fg:#FFFFFF bg:#DA627D"
truncation_length = 3
truncate_to_repo = true
#truncation_symbol = "…/"
#fish_style_pwd_dir_length = 1
format = "([$read_only ]($read_only_style))[$path]($style)"
#"~/Documents" = ""
#"~/Music" = ""
#"~/Movies" = ""
#"~/Pictures" = ""
#"~/Source" = ""
#"~" = " "
#"/" = "  "
# disabled = true
symbol = " "
# symbol = " " # alternate
style = "bg:#FCA17D fg:#2a2a2a"
# truncation_length = 4
# truncation_symbol = ""
format = "[$symbol$branch]($style)"
# disabled = true
style = "bg:#86BBD8 fg:#2a2a2a"
stashed = " ${count}"
ahead = "ﲗ ${count}"
behind = "ﲔ ${count}"
diverged = "李 ${ahead_count} ${behind_count}"
conflicted = "${count}"
deleted = " ${count}"
renamed = "﫦${count}"
modified = " 凜${count}"
staged = "  ${count}"
untracked = "  ${count}"
format = "([$stashed$staged$modified$renamed$untracked$deleted$conflicted$ahead_behind]($style))"
# disabled = true
style = "bold bg:#86BBD8 fg:#E74C3C"
rebase = "rebasing"
merge = "merging"
revert = "reverting"
cherry_pick = " picking"
bisect = "bisecting"
am = "am'ing"
am_or_rebase = "am/rebase"
format = '[ \($state($progress_current/$progress_total)\) ]($style)'
#disabled = false
symbol = ""
style = "bold bg:#06969A fg:#FFA200"
threshold = 2
format = "[$symbol$shlvl]($style)"
# disabled = true
symbol = "  "
style = "bold bg:#06969A fg:#FFA200"
# threshold = 1
format = "[$symbol$number]($style)"
disabled = false
symbol = ""
style = "bold bg:#33658A fg:#ff3322"
format = "[$symbol$status]($style)"
style = "bg:#9A348E fg:#FBDE2D"
min_time = 2_000
show_milliseconds = true
show_notifications = false
min_time_to_notify = 45_000
format = "[](fg:#9A348E)[祥$duration]($style)[](fg:#9A348E) "
#format = "[](fg:#9A348E)[祥$duration]($style)[](fg:#9A348E) iterm"
disabled = false
style = "bg:#33658A"
use_12hr = false
time_format = "%R"
utc_time_offset = "local"
format = "[  $time ]($style)"
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