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Last active August 29, 2015 14:11
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Some Fruit layout code
-- Apply an affine transform (passed as static arg)
-- to any GUI:
transformGUI :: Transform -> GUI b c -> GUI b c
transformGUI tf g = proc (inp, b) ->
(pic, c) <- g -< (inverse tf %$ inp, b)
returnA -< (tf %$ pic, c)
-- Dynamic version of TransformGUI
-- Takes Transform input signal instead of
-- static arg:
dynTransformGUI :: GUI b c -> GUI (Transform,b) c
dynTransformGUI g = proc (inp,(tf,b)) -> do
(pic,c) <- g -< (inverse tf %$ inp, b)
returnA -< (tf %$ pic, c)
-- dynamically clip a GUI's input signal using the given rectangle.
-- Note that this does NOT clip the GUI's output picture signal
dynClipGUI :: GUI a b -> GUI (G.Rectangle,a) b
dynClipGUI g = proc (inpS,(rectS,aS)) -> do
let clipInpS = G.clipRect rectS inpS
(noClipPicS,bS) <- g -< (clipInpS,aS)
returnA -< (noClipPicS, bS)
-- Now for the real GUI layout combinators:
-- dynFilterGUI: Interpose dynamic (time-varying) input and output
-- filters on a GUI's GUInput and Picture output signals:
type GUIInFilter = GUIInput -> GUIInput
type GUIOutFilter = G.Picture -> G.Picture
dynFilterGUI :: GUI a b -> GUI (GUIInFilter,GUIOutFilter,a) b
dynFilterGUI g = proc (inpS,(ifS,ofS,aS)) -> do
let fInpS = ifS inpS
(picS,bS) <- g -< (fInpS, aS)
let fPicS = ofS picS
returnA -< (fPicS,bS)
-- interpose a filter only on a GUI's input signal:
dynInFilterGUI :: GUI a b -> GUI (GUIInFilter,a) b
dynInFilterGUI g = proc (inpS,(ifS,aS)) -> do
let fInpS = ifS inpS
g -< (fInpS, aS)
-- Given an AffineTransform tf, produce a (GUIInFilter,GUIOutFilter) pair
-- that will apply the appropriate transforms to achieve the same effect
-- as transformGUI tf:
transFilters :: G.Transform -> (GUIInFilter,GUIOutFilter)
transFilters tf =
let mkInFilter t = \inp -> t G.%$ inp
mkOutFilter t = \pic -> t G.%$ pic
in (mkInFilter (G.inverse tf),mkOutFilter tf)
-- Given a clipping rectangle, return a GUIInFilter that will clip
-- the GUIInput signal by that amount
clipInFilter :: G.Rectangle -> GUIInFilter
clipInFilter = G.clipRect
-- Given a clipping rectangle, do "inverse" clipping: return all
-- values outside the clipping rectangle:
invClipInFilter :: G.Rectangle -> GUIInFilter
invClipInFilter = G.invClip
-- Given a function for computing a spatial transform to apply to g2
-- from the bounds of g1, and a function for computing how to
-- combine the two pictures, layout two GUIs:
layoutGUI :: (G.Rectangle -> G.Transform) ->
(G.Transform -> G.Picture -> G.Picture -> G.Picture) ->
GUI a b -> GUI c d -> GUI (a,c) (b,d)
layoutGUI mkTF combinePics g1 g2 =
emptyBounds = G.rectangle G.origin 0 0
in proc (inpS, (aS,cS)) -> do
rec (g1PicS, bS) <- dynClipGUI g1 -< (inpS, (g1BoundsS, aS))
g1BoundsS <- iPre emptyBounds -< extent g1PicS
let g2TF = mkTF g1BoundsS
let (transIF,transOF) = transFilters g2TF
let cmpIF = transIF . (invClipInFilter g1BoundsS)
(g2PicS, dS) <- dynInFilterGUI g2 -< (inpS,(cmpIF,cS))
let picS = combinePics g2TF g1PicS g2PicS
returnA -< (picS, (bS,dS))
aboveGUI :: GUI b c -> GUI d e -> GUI (b,d) (c,e)
aboveGUI = layoutGUI (\r -> G.xyTranslate 0 (rectMaxY r)) (\t -> G.vcomp)
besideGUI :: GUI b c -> GUI d e -> GUI (b,d) (c,e)
besideGUI = layoutGUI (\r -> G.xyTranslate (rectMaxX r) 0) (\t -> G.hcomp)
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