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Created September 21, 2018 11:39
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Akka does not unstash timer messages
import{ActorSystem, FSM, Props, Stash}
import scala.concurrent.duration.{FiniteDuration, _}
object Main
extends App
val system = ActorSystem("test")
system.actorOf(Props({new ExampleFSM}))
object ExampleFSM {
val interval: FiniteDuration = 2500 milliseconds
class ExampleFSM
extends FSM[ExState, ExData]
with Stash
startWith(ExState.Working, ExData.Empty)
override def preStart(): Unit = {
self ! InternalMsg.Start
onTransition {
case _ -> ExState.Working =>
println("Transition to [%s] state.".format(ExState.Working))
case _ -> ExState.Writing =>
println("Transition to [%s] state.".format(ExState.Writing))
setTimer("start", InternalMsg.Start, ExampleFSM.interval, repeat = false)
whenUnhandled {
case Event(msg, _) =>
if (stateName != ExState.Working) {
println(s"################################# Stashing $msg")
} else {
println("Unhandled message detected: " + msg)
when(ExState.Working) {
case Event(m@InternalMsg.Start, _) =>
println(s"Received $m")
self ! InternalMsg.BeginWriting
when(ExState.Writing) {
case Event(m@InternalMsg.BeginWriting, _) =>
println(s"Received $m")
self ! InternalMsg.Work(50)
case Event(m@InternalMsg.Work(count), _) =>
println(s"Received $m")
if (count == 0) {
} else {
self ! InternalMsg.Work(count - 1)
private object InternalMsg {
case object Start
case object BeginWriting
case class Work(value: Int)
trait ExState
object ExState {
case object Working extends ExState
case object Writing extends ExState
case object Done extends ExState
trait ExData
object ExData {
case object Empty extends ExData
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