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Last active October 10, 2019 00:13
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  • Save antopilo/e359f2e9f3b811721b352ea143b3a9b2 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save antopilo/e359f2e9f3b811721b352ea143b3a9b2 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Player.cs class in my game Robin.
using Godot;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
public class Player : KinematicBody2D
public CollisionShape2D CollisionBox { get; private set; }
public AnimatedSprite Sprite { get; private set; }
public Camera Camera { get; private set; }
public Arrow Arrow { get; set; }
private Particles2D RunDust;
private const int GRAVITY = 4;
private const int ACCELERATION = 5;
private const int DECELERATION = 4;
private const float JUMP_TIMING_TOLERANCE = 0.1f;
private const int JUMP_FORCE = 190;
private const int SUPER_JUMP_FORCE = 220;
private const int WALL_JUMP_HEIGHT = 140;
private const int WALL_JUMP_FORCE = 120;
private const int JUMP_PAD_FORCE = 260;
private const int MAX_SPEED = 90;
private const int MAX_AIR_SPEED = 100;
private const int MAX_FALL_SPEED = 300;
private float NextJumpTime = 0f;
private float CurrentMaxSpeed = MAX_SPEED;
private float GravityMult = 1f;
public Vector2 Velocity = new Vector2();
public bool CanControl = true;
public int LastDirectionX = 0;
private int InputDirectionX = 0;
private int InputDirectionY = 0; // For later use maybe.
public States State { get; private set; }
public bool Alive = true;
public bool IsCrouching { get; private set; } = false;
public bool IsWallJumping { get; private set; } = false;
public bool WasOnGround { get; private set; } = false;
public bool CanWallJump { get; private set; } = false;
public bool CanJump { get; private set; } = false;
public bool ArrowExist { get; set; } = false;
public bool IsCeilling { get; private set; } = false;
public Particles2D RunDust1, WallJumpDust;
private float DeltaTime = 0;
[Export] float FootStepRate = 0f;
float FootStepTimer = 0;
public List<Node2D> Following = new List<Node2D>(); // List of following entities.
// Init.
public override void _Ready()
CollisionBox = (CollisionShape2D)GetNode("Collision");
Sprite = (AnimatedSprite)GetNode("AnimatedSprite");
Camera = (Camera)GetNode("Camera2D");
RunDust = (Particles2D)GetNode("Particles/RunDust");
WallJumpDust = (Particles2D)GetNode("Particles/WallJump");
// Jumping.
public override void _Input(InputEvent e)
if (Root.Console.Visible)
if (e.IsActionPressed("jump") && CanControl)
if (State == States.Ground || (DeltaTime <= NextJumpTime && CanJump))
CanJump = false;
WasOnGround = true;
// Jump sound.
//(GetNode("SFX/Jump") as AudioStreamPlayer).Play(0);
if (IsCrouching)
else if (CanWallJump)
WasOnGround = false;
WallJumpDust.Emitting = true;
if (e.IsActionReleased("jump") && Velocity.y < 0 && WasOnGround) // Tap jump
Velocity.y /= 1.75f;
// Main loop.
public override void _PhysicsProcess(float delta)
Sounds(delta); // Handles player sounds
Particles(); // Handles player particles
DeltaTime += delta;
FootStepTimer += delta;
/// <summary>
/// Update the direction of the player with the input.
/// Must be called every frame.
/// Also plays the animation.
/// </summary>
private void GetInput()
// Input disabling
if (!CanControl || !Alive || Root.Console.Visible)
InputDirectionX = 0;
InputDirectionY = 0;
// Horizontal Inputs
if (Godot.Input.IsActionPressed("Left"))
Sprite.FlipH = true;
InputDirectionX = -1;
LastDirectionX = -1;
else if (Godot.Input.IsActionPressed("Right"))
Sprite.FlipH = false;
InputDirectionX = 1;
LastDirectionX = 1;
InputDirectionX = 0;
if (State == States.Ground)
// Looking up
if (Godot.Input.IsActionPressed("Up"))
InputDirectionY = -1;
InputDirectionY = 0;
// Crouching
if (Godot.Input.IsActionPressed("Down") && State == States.Ground)
IsCrouching = true;
InputDirectionY = 1;
if (InputDirectionX == 0)
InputDirectionY = 0;
IsCrouching = false;
private void Particles()
WallJumpDust.Emitting = IsWallJumping;
RunDust.Emitting = InputDirectionX != 0 && State == States.Ground;
private void Sounds(float delta)
if (InputDirectionX != 0 && State == States.Ground && FootStepTimer >= 0.125)
(GetNode("SFX/Footstep") as AudioStreamPlayer).Play(0);
FootStepTimer = 0;
#region States
/// <summary>
/// Decide what state is the player in. See States.cs for all of the possible states.
/// </summary>
private void UpdateState()
var CollisionCount = GetSlideCount() - 1;
if (CollisionCount <= -1)
var Collision = GetSlideCollision(CollisionCount);
var NormalGround = new Vector2(0, -1);
var NormalLeft = new Vector2(1, 0);
var NormalRight = new Vector2(-1, 0);
var NormalCeiling = new Vector2(0, 1);
if (Collision.Normal == NormalGround && State != States.Ground)
if (Collision.Normal == NormalLeft || Collision.Normal == NormalRight)
EnterWallState(Collision.Normal == NormalLeft ? 1 : 0);
if (Collision.Normal == NormalCeiling)
Velocity.y = -Velocity.y / 4;
public void EnterGroundState() // Ground state.
if (State == States.Air)
Velocity.y = 3;
State = States.Ground;
CurrentMaxSpeed = MAX_SPEED;
CanControl = true;
CanJump = true;
IsCeilling = false;
public void EnterWallState(int direction) // Wall State
State = States.Wall;
GravityMult = 1;
if (State == States.Ground)
CanWallJump = true;
IsCeilling = false;
if (Velocity.y > 0)
Velocity.y /= 1.1f;
Sprite.FlipH = Convert.ToBoolean(direction);
public void EnterAirState() // Air State.
if (State != States.Air)
NextJumpTime = DeltaTime + JUMP_TIMING_TOLERANCE;
if (Velocity.y > 0)
State = States.Air;
#region Physics
/// <summary>
/// Pretty much just adds the acceleration.
/// </summary>
private void UpdateVelocity()
=> Velocity.x += InputDirectionX * ACCELERATION;
/// <summary>
/// Apply Constant force on the player. if the player is on the ground. Stop the gravity.
/// </summary>
private void ApplyGravity()
if (State == States.Ground)
GravityMult = 0;
GravityMult = 1;
Velocity.y += GRAVITY * GravityMult;
/// <summary>
/// Define speed limits.
/// </summary>
private void SpeedLimits()
if (IsWallJumping && Mathf.Abs(Velocity.x) > MAX_AIR_SPEED)
Velocity.x = MAX_AIR_SPEED * Mathf.Sign(Velocity.x);
if (Mathf.Abs(Velocity.x) > CurrentMaxSpeed)
Velocity.x = MAX_SPEED * Mathf.Sign(Velocity.x);
if (Mathf.Abs(Velocity.y) > MAX_FALL_SPEED)
Velocity.y = MAX_FALL_SPEED * Mathf.Sign(Velocity.y);
if (InputDirectionX == 0 && CanControl)
Velocity.x -= DECELERATION * Mathf.Sign(Velocity.x);
if (Mathf.Abs(Velocity.x) < 10 && InputDirectionX == 0)
Velocity.x = 0;
#region Abilities
/// <summary>
/// Decide if the player can Wall jump or not.
/// </summary>
private void CanWalljump()
var Left = (RayCast2D)GetNode("Raycasts/Left");
var Right = (RayCast2D)GetNode("Raycasts/Right");
CanWallJump = (Left.IsColliding() || Right.IsColliding()) || State == States.Wall;
/// <summary>
/// Normal jump
/// </summary>
public void Jump()
CurrentMaxSpeed = MAX_SPEED;
Velocity.y = -JUMP_FORCE;
/// <summary>
/// Crouch jump
/// </summary>
public void SuperJump()
CurrentMaxSpeed = MAX_SPEED;
Velocity.y = -SUPER_JUMP_FORCE;
/// <summary>
/// Wall jump
/// </summary>
public void WallJump()
var JumpDirection = 0;
IsWallJumping = true;
CanControl = false;
CurrentMaxSpeed = MAX_AIR_SPEED;
(GetNode("Timers/DisableInput") as Timer).Start();
var CollisionCount = GetSlideCount() - 1;
if (CollisionCount > -1)
var Collision = GetSlideCollision(CollisionCount);
if (Collision.Normal == new Vector2(1, 0))
JumpDirection = 1;
Sprite.FlipH = false;
else if (Collision.Normal == new Vector2(-1, 0))
JumpDirection = -1;
Sprite.FlipH = true;
else if (State != States.Ground)
var RayLeft = GetNode("Raycasts/Left") as RayCast2D;
var RayRight = GetNode("Raycasts/Right") as RayCast2D;
if (RayLeft.IsColliding())
JumpDirection = 1;
Sprite.FlipH = false;
else if (RayRight.IsColliding())
JumpDirection = -1;
Sprite.FlipH = true;
Velocity.x = WALL_JUMP_FORCE * JumpDirection;
Velocity.y = -WALL_JUMP_HEIGHT;
/// <summary>
/// Boost the player in a specified direction.
/// TODO: Improve and define forces better.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pDirection"></param>
public void JumpPad(Vector2 pDirection)
if (pDirection.x != 0)
Velocity.x = Mathf.Sign(pDirection.x) * JUMP_PAD_FORCE * 5;
Velocity.y = -JUMP_PAD_FORCE / 1.5f;
IsWallJumping = true;
CurrentMaxSpeed = MAX_AIR_SPEED;
CanControl = false;
(GetNode("Timers/DisableInput") as Timer).Start();
else if (pDirection.y != 0)
Velocity.y = Mathf.Sign(pDirection.y) * JUMP_PAD_FORCE;
WasOnGround = false;
public void Spawn(bool WithAnimation)
(GetParent() as GameController).Spawn(WithAnimation);
Velocity = new Vector2();
Camera.Shake(3f, 0.05f);
/// <summary>
/// Check every frame if there is an arrow and get it as a reference.
/// </summary>
public void GetArrow()
if (HasNode("arrow"))
ArrowExist = true;
Arrow = GetNode("../arrow") as Arrow;
ArrowExist = false;
Arrow = null;
private void _on_DisableInput_timeout()
CanControl = true;
IsWallJumping = false;
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