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Last active August 15, 2023 18:40
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  • Save antpowell/b7e215c42117a8327c1b14718a837df5 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Powershell profile settings
# needed to autocomplete git commands
Import-Module posh-git
# Import-Modu`le oh-my-posh
# Set-PoshPrompt -Theme slim
#Install oh-my-posh before this line can run:
#winget install JanDeDobbeleer.OhM5yPosh
oh-my-posh --init --shell pwsh --config C:\Users\Powell\Documents\PowerShell\Modules\oh-my-posh\6.4.3\themes\night-owl.omp.json | Invoke-Expression
function touch {New-Item -ItemType File -Name ($args[0])}
function openHostFile {code C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts }
set-alias -name pn -value pnpm
set-alias -name omp -value oh-my-posh
# Import-Module posh-git
# Import-Module oh-my-posh
# Set-PoshPrompt powerlevel10k_rainbow
# # $msftDirectory = "C:\MSFT"
# $officeStartCoreDirectory = "C:\MSFT\office-start"
# $officeHomeClientCoreDirectory = "C:\MSFT\OfficeHome\services\OfficeHome\OfficeHome.ClientApp\"
# $dialogComponent = "\components\task-module-dialog-component\"
# $dialogControl = "\controls\task-module-dialog-control"
# $dialogType = "\models\task-module-dialog-types"
# $dialogService = "\services\dialog-service"
# $appHostComponent = "\components\app-host-component"
# $adaptiveCardControl = "\controls\adaptive-card-renderer"
# function linkTaskModuleDialog {
# $currentLocation = Get-Location
# Set-Location $officeStartCoreDirectory"\packages"$dialogComponent
# " ✨✨✨Building and linking "+$dialogComponent
# yarn build
# yarn link
# Set-Location $officeHomeClientCoreDirectory
# yarn link "@office-start/task-module-dialog-component"
# Set-Location $officeStartCoreDirectory"\packages"$dialogControl
# " ✨✨✨Building and linking "+$dialogControl
# yarn build
# yarn link
# Set-Location $officeHomeClientCoreDirectory
# yarn link "@office-start/task-module-dialog-control"
# Set-Location $officeStartCoreDirectory"\packages"$dialogType
# " ✨✨✨Building and linking "+$dialogType
# yarn build
# yarn link
# Set-Location $officeHomeClientCoreDirectory
# yarn link "@office-start/task-module-dialog-types"
# Set-Location $officeStartCoreDirectory"\packages"$dialogService
# " ✨✨✨Building and linking "+$dialogService
# yarn build
# yarn link
# Set-Location $officeHomeClientCoreDirectory
# yarn link "@office-start/task-module-dialog-service"
# Set-Location $officeStartCoreDirectory"\packages"$appHostComponent
# " ✨✨✨Building and linking "+$appHostComponent
# yarn build
# yarn link
# Set-Location $officeHomeClientCoreDirectory
# yarn link "@office-start/app-host-component"
# Set-Location $officeStartCoreDirectory"\packages"$adaptiveCardControl
# " ✨✨✨Building and linking "+$adaptiveCardControl
# yarn build
# yarn link
# Set-Location $officeHomeClientCoreDirectory
# # yarn add $officeStartCoreDirectory"\packages"$adaptiveCardControl
# yarn link "@office-start/adaptive-card-renderer"
# Set-Location $currentLocation
# }
# function unlinkTaskModuleDialog {
# $currentLocation = Get-Location
# Set-Location $officeStartCoreDirectory"\packages"$dialogComponent
# "Unlinking..."+$dialogComponent
# yarn unlink
# "✔`t`t"+$dialogComponent+"`tunlinked"
# Set-Location $officeStartCoreDirectory"\packages"$dialogControl
# "Unlinking..."+$dialogControl
# yarn unlink
# "✔`t`t"+$dialogControl+"`tunlinked"
# Set-Location $officeStartCoreDirectory"\packages"$dialogType
# "Unlinking..."+$dialogType
# yarn unlink
# "✔`t`t"+$dialogType+"`tunlinked"
# Set-Location $officeStartCoreDirectory"\packages"$dialogService
# "Unlinking..."+$dialogService
# yarn unlink
# "✔`t`t"+$dialogService+"`tunlinked"
# Set-Location $officeStartCoreDirectory"\packages"$appHostComponent
# "Unlinking..."+$appHostComponent
# yarn unlink
# "✔`t`t"+$appHostComponent+"`tunlinked"
# Set-Location $currentLocation
# }
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