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Created February 4, 2012 11:02
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Alg for selection sort :)
//change this array and play with selection sort :)
a = [2,34,4,123,45,56,3,56,67,87,21,45,56,67,22,4234,4234,2342,1,34,546,67,677,343,4,41,32,456,1341,13,454,234,453,565,5,524,234,234,5456,567,673,245,567,78,78,324,56576,782,435,676,873,2,345,6767,7,3463,3,6767673,34534,2,345,656,3,5652,1,34345,3453545,35345356,66,7883345,676787,8988]
b = a
long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
(0..(a.size()-2)).each {
minimumValue = it
(it+1).upto(a.size()-1){ insideElement ->
if(a[insideElement] < a[minimumValue])
minimumValue = insideElement
long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
def swap(def one,def two)
def temp = a[one]
a[one] = a[two]
a[two] = temp
println "The selection sort have taken ${endTime-startTime} seconds to finish sorting for ${a.size()} elements \n \n"
println a
//test cases... these are passing!! Yipeee :D
assert b.sort() == a
assert b.size() == a.size()
a = [2,34,4,123,45,56,3,56,67,87,21,45,56,67,22,4234,4234,2342,1,34,546,67,677,343,4,41,32,456,1341,13,454,234,453,565,5,524,234,234,5456,567,673,245,567,78,78,324,56576,782,435,676,873,2,345,6767,7,3463,3,6767673,34534,2,345,656,3,5652,1,34345,3453545,35345356,66,7883345,676787,8988]
b = a
long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
(0..(a.size()-2)).each {
def temp = it
minimumValue = it
(it+1).upto(a.size()-1){ insideElement ->
if(a[insideElement] < a[minimumValue])
minimumValue = insideElement
use(Collections) {
long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
println "The selection sort have taken ${endTime-startTime} seconds to finish sorting for ${a.size()} elements \n \n"
println a
//test cases... these are passing!! Yipeee :D
assert b.sort() == a
assert b.size() == a.size()
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