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Example of a custom trajectory model run for aerosol layers
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import numpy as np | |
import sys | |
import xarray as xr | |
from datetime import datetime, timedelta | |
from scipy.interpolate import RegularGridInterpolator | |
import os | |
import time | |
import joblib | |
import pandas as pd | |
import dask | |
import warnings | |
from pyproj import CRS, Transformer | |
# | |
# Example of a custom trajectory model run for aerosol layers | |
# Antti Lipponen, | |
# version 8 December 2022 | |
# | |
# The input file 'layers/CAL_layerINFO_20190526_20190608.txt' is a CSV file that contains aerosol | |
# layer information (start points of the trajectories) in the following columns: | |
# 'UTC (yyyy-mm-ddTHH:MM:SS)' (time in UTC) | |
# 'latitude' (latitude in degrees) | |
# 'longitude' (longitude in degrees) | |
# 'layer bottom (km)' (aerosol layer bottom in km) | |
# 'layer top (km)' (aerosol layer top in km) | |
df = pd.read_csv('layers/CAL_layerINFO_20190526_20190608.txt', parse_dates=['UTC (yyyy-mm-ddTHH:MM:SS)'], sep=', ', engine='python') | |
df = df.rename(columns={'UTC (yyyy-mm-ddTHH:MM:SS)': 'datetime'}) # rename 'UTC (yyyy-mm-ddTHH:MM:SS)' column to 'datetime' | |
# Parameters | |
deltat = 60 * 5 # s (60 * 5 = 5 minutes) | |
Ntimesteps = int(240 * 3600 / np.abs(deltat)) # simulation total 240 hours | |
EarthRadius = 6371000 # m | |
dask.config.set(**{'array.slicing.split_large_chunks': False}) | |
# Data directory contains the wind field information, | |
# in this case the directory contains the MERRA-2 3D instantaneous assimilated | |
# meteorological fields files for the time period of interest (e.g. MERRA2_400.inst3_3d_asm_Np.20190601.nc4, ...) | |
ds = xr.open_mfdataset('data/*.nc4', chunks={'time': 1}, parallel=True) | |
# Empty results lists | |
t0s = [] | |
lat0s = [] | |
lon0s = [] | |
h0s = [] | |
p0s = [] | |
this_id = 0 | |
ids = [] | |
ensemblemembers = [] | |
idsoffset = 0 # if offset needed for id numbering | |
# In the ensemble approach, add multiple trajectory starting points in a 20km x 20km grid around the starting point. | |
ensembleXoffset, ensembleYoffset = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(-10000, 10000, 5), np.linspace(-10000, 10000, 5)) | |
ensembleXoffset, ensembleYoffset = ensembleXoffset.ravel(), ensembleYoffset.ravel() | |
crsLatLon = CRS.from_proj4('+proj=latlon') | |
newdf = {'datetime': [], 'latitude': [], 'longitude': [], 'layer bottom (km)': [], 'layer top (km)': [], 'id': [], 'ensemblemembers': []} | |
for idx, r in df.iterrows(): | |
thiscrs = CRS.from_proj4("+proj=tmerc +lat_0={lat0:f} +lon_0={lon0:f} +units=m".format(lat0=r['latitude'], lon0=r['longitude'])) | |
transformerTHIStoLATLON = Transformer.from_crs(thiscrs, crsLatLon) | |
layer_bottom = r['layer bottom (km)'] * 1000 | |
layer_top = r['layer top (km)'] * 1000 | |
h0 = np.arange(np.ceil(layer_bottom / 100.) * 100, layer_top, 100) | |
for ii in range(len(ensembleXoffset)): | |
offsetX, offsetY = ensembleXoffset[ii], ensembleYoffset[ii] | |
thislon, thislat = transformerTHIStoLATLON.transform(offsetX, offsetY) | |
newdf['datetime'].append(r['datetime']) | |
newdf['latitude'].append(thislat) | |
newdf['longitude'].append(thislon) | |
newdf['layer bottom (km)'].append(r['layer bottom (km)']) | |
newdf['layer top (km)'].append(r['layer top (km)']) | |
newdf['id'].append(idx + idsoffset) | |
newdf['ensemblemembers'].append(ii + 1) | |
df = pd.DataFrame(newdf) | |
for idx, r in df.iterrows(): | |
t0 = r['datetime'] | |
lat, lon = r['latitude'], r['longitude'] | |
layer_bottom = r['layer bottom (km)'] * 1000 | |
layer_top = r['layer top (km)'] * 1000 | |
h0 = np.arange(np.ceil(layer_bottom / 100.) * 100, layer_top, 100) | |
h0s.append(h0) | |
init_PS = ds.PS.interp(lat=lat, lon=lon, time=t0).values | |
init_H = ds.H.interp(lat=lat, lon=lon, time=t0).values | |
init_H[np.isnan(init_H)] = np.nanmin(init_H) | |
init_PL = ds.lev.values | |
init_parcel_p = np.interp([h0], init_H, init_PL) | |
p0s.append(init_parcel_p.ravel()) | |
for ii in range(len(h0)): | |
ids.append(r['id']) | |
ensemblemembers.append(r['ensemblemembers']) | |
t0s.append(t0) | |
lat0s.append(lat) | |
lon0s.append(lon) | |
this_id += 1 | |
t0s = np.array(t0s) | |
lat0s = np.array(lat0s) | |
lon0s = np.array(lon0s) | |
h0s = np.concatenate(h0s) | |
p0s = np.concatenate(p0s) | |
Ntrajectories = len(t0s) | |
MAXt = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(np.ceil(np.max(t0s).timestamp() / 3600) * 3600) | |
MINt = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(np.ceil(np.min(t0s).timestamp() / 3600) * 3600) + timedelta(seconds=deltat * Ntimesteps) | |
Ntotaltimesteps = int((MAXt - MINt).total_seconds() / np.abs(deltat)) | |
this_t = MAXt | |
print('===========================') | |
print('Ntrajectories', Ntrajectories) | |
print('Ntotaltimesteps', Ntotaltimesteps) | |
print('===========================') | |
lat = np.nan * np.zeros((2 + Ntotaltimesteps, Ntrajectories)) | |
lon = np.nan * np.zeros((2 + Ntotaltimesteps, Ntrajectories)) | |
h = np.nan * np.zeros((2 + Ntotaltimesteps, Ntrajectories)) | |
p = np.nan * np.zeros((2 + Ntotaltimesteps, Ntrajectories)) | |
times = [] | |
ii = 1 | |
while this_t >= MINt: | |
# add new trajectories | |
MASK = np.logical_and.reduce((t0s > this_t, t0s <= this_t - timedelta(seconds=deltat))) | |
if MASK.sum() == 0: | |
this_t += timedelta(seconds=deltat) | |
ii += 1 | |
continue | |
lat[ii - 1, MASK] = lat0s[MASK] | |
lon[ii - 1, MASK] = lon0s[MASK] | |
p[ii - 1, MASK] = p0s[MASK] | |
h[ii - 1, MASK] = h0s[MASK] | |
this_t += timedelta(seconds=deltat) | |
ii += 1 | |
this_t = MAXt | |
ii = 1 | |
warnings.filterwarnings("error") | |
intermediateloaded = False | |
lev_values = None | |
lon_values = None | |
lat_values = None | |
loadedData = None | |
os.makedirs('intermediatedata', exist_ok=True) | |
while this_t >= MINt: | |
timing0 = time.time() | |
if (not intermediateloaded) and (os.path.isfile('intermediatedata/trajectoryintermediate.joblib')): | |
print('Loading intermediate data') | |
intermediatedata = joblib.load('intermediatedata/trajectoryintermediate.joblib') | |
times = intermediatedata['times'] | |
this_t = intermediatedata['this_t'] | |
p = intermediatedata['p'] | |
lat = intermediatedata['lat'] | |
lon = intermediatedata['lon'] | |
h = intermediatedata['h'] | |
ii = intermediatedata['ii'] | |
intermediateloaded = True | |
times.append(this_t) | |
print(' ', ii + 1, '/', 2 + Ntotaltimesteps, ' ', this_t, flush=True) | |
MASK = t0s > this_t | |
if MASK.sum() == 0: | |
this_t += timedelta(seconds=deltat) | |
ii += 1 | |
continue | |
if lev_values is None: | |
lev_values = ds.lev.values | |
lon_values = ds.lon.values | |
lat_values = | |
this_lat = lat[ii - 1, MASK] | |
this_lon = lon[ii - 1, MASK] | |
this_p = np.clip(p[ii - 1, MASK], a_min=lev_values.min(), a_max=lev_values.max()) | |
this_h = h[ii - 1, MASK] | |
if (loadedData is None) or (loadedData.time[0].values > np.datetime64(this_t) + np.timedelta64(deltat, 's')): | |
loadedData = ds.sel(time=slice(this_t - timedelta(seconds=48 * 3600), this_t + timedelta(seconds=3 * 3600))) | |
loadedU = loadedData.U.load() | |
loadedV = loadedData.V.load() | |
loadedOMEGA = loadedData.OMEGA.load() | |
t0 = time.time() | |
loadedH = loadedData.H.load() | |
this_U_t, this_U_t_plus1 = loadedU.interp(time=[this_t, this_t + timedelta(seconds=deltat)]).values | |
this_V_t, this_V_t_plus1 = loadedV.interp(time=[this_t, this_t + timedelta(seconds=deltat)]).values | |
this_OMEGA_t, this_OMEGA_t_plus1 = loadedOMEGA.interp(time=[this_t, this_t + timedelta(seconds=deltat)]).values / 100.0 | |
interpolator_t = RegularGridInterpolator((lev_values[::-1], lat_values, lon_values), np.stack((this_U_t[::-1, :, :], this_V_t[::-1, :, :], this_OMEGA_t[::-1, :, :]), axis=3)) | |
UVOMEGA_t = interpolator_t((this_p, this_lat, this_lon)) | |
U_t = UVOMEGA_t[:, 0] | |
V_t = UVOMEGA_t[:, 1] | |
OMEGA_t = UVOMEGA_t[:, 2] | |
nanidx = np.where(np.isnan(UVOMEGA_t).sum(axis=1) > 0)[0] | |
pressureleveladjustment = 0.995 | |
itercounter = 1 | |
if len(nanidx) > 0: | |
print(' Adjusting pressure t...', end='', flush=True) | |
while len(nanidx) > 0: | |
UVOMEGA_t[nanidx, :] = interpolator_t((this_p[nanidx] * pressureleveladjustment**itercounter, this_lat[nanidx], this_lon[nanidx])) | |
itercounter += 1 | |
nanidx = np.where(np.isnan(UVOMEGA_t).sum(axis=1) > 0)[0] | |
print('Done!') | |
deltaU_t = deltat * U_t | |
deltaV_t = deltat * V_t | |
deltaOMEGA_t = deltat * OMEGA_t | |
piRh = np.pi * (EarthRadius + this_h) | |
delta_lat_t = deltaV_t * 180 / piRh | |
delta_lon_t = deltaU_t * 180 / (piRh * np.sin(np.pi / 2 - np.deg2rad(this_lat))) | |
this_lat_tplus1 = this_lat + delta_lat_t | |
this_lon_tplus1 = this_lon + delta_lon_t | |
this_lon_tplus1[this_lon_tplus1 < -180] = this_lon_tplus1[this_lon_tplus1 < -180] + 360 | |
this_lon_tplus1[this_lon_tplus1 > 180] = this_lon_tplus1[this_lon_tplus1 > 180] - 360 | |
this_lon_tplus1 = np.clip(this_lon_tplus1, a_min=lon_values.min(), a_max=lon_values.max()) | |
this_lat_tplus1[this_lat_tplus1 < -90] = -180 - this_lat_tplus1[this_lat_tplus1 < -90] | |
this_lat_tplus1[this_lat_tplus1 > 90] = 180 - this_lat_tplus1[this_lat_tplus1 > 90] | |
# now compute delta_lat_tplus1, delta_lon_tplus1, deltaOMEGA_tplus1 | |
interpolator_tplus1 = RegularGridInterpolator((lev_values[::-1], lat_values, lon_values), np.stack((this_U_t_plus1[::-1, :, :], this_V_t_plus1[::-1, :, :], this_OMEGA_t_plus1[::-1, :, :]), axis=3)) | |
try: | |
UVOMEGA_tplus1 = interpolator_tplus1((np.clip(this_p + deltaOMEGA_t, a_min=lev_values.min(), a_max=lev_values.max()), this_lat_tplus1, this_lon_tplus1)) | |
except Exception: | |
sys.exit(1) | |
U_tplus1 = UVOMEGA_tplus1[:, 0] | |
V_tplus1 = UVOMEGA_tplus1[:, 1] | |
OMEGA_tplus1 = UVOMEGA_tplus1[:, 2] | |
nanidx = np.where(np.isnan(UVOMEGA_tplus1).sum(axis=1) > 0)[0] | |
pressureleveladjustment = 0.995 | |
itercounter = 1 | |
if len(nanidx) > 0: | |
print(' Adjusting pressure t+1...', end='', flush=True) | |
while len(nanidx) > 0: | |
try: | |
UVOMEGA_tplus1[nanidx, :] = interpolator_tplus1((np.clip(this_p + deltaOMEGA_t, a_min=lev_values.min(), a_max=lev_values.max())[nanidx] * pressureleveladjustment**itercounter, (this_lat_tplus1)[nanidx], (this_lon_tplus1)[nanidx])) | |
except Exception: | |
sys.exit(2) | |
itercounter += 1 | |
nanidx = np.where(np.isnan(UVOMEGA_tplus1).sum(axis=1) > 0)[0] | |
print('Done!') | |
deltaU_tplus1 = deltat * U_tplus1 | |
deltaV_tplus1 = deltat * V_tplus1 | |
deltaOMEGA_tplus1 = deltat * OMEGA_tplus1 | |
loadedH_tplus = loadedH.interp(time=this_t + timedelta(seconds=deltat)) | |
H = loadedH_tplus.interp(lat=('dimX', this_lat_tplus1), lon=('dimX', this_lon_tplus1)).values | |
jjs = np.where(MASK)[0] | |
this_h_tplus1 = [] | |
for kk in range(H.shape[1]): | |
this_H = H[:, kk] | |
try: | |
this_H[np.isnan(this_H)] = np.nanmin(this_H) | |
except Exception: | |
sys.exit(3) | |
this_h_tplus1.append(np.interp([this_p[kk] + deltaOMEGA_t[kk]][0], init_PL[::-1], this_H[::-1])) | |
piRh = np.pi * (EarthRadius + np.array(this_h_tplus1)) | |
delta_lat_tplus1 = deltaV_tplus1 * 180 / piRh | |
delta_lon_tplus1 = deltaU_tplus1 * 180 / (piRh * np.sin(np.pi / 2 - np.deg2rad(this_lat_tplus1))) | |
delta_lat = 0.5 * (delta_lat_t + delta_lat_tplus1) | |
delta_lon = 0.5 * (delta_lon_t + delta_lon_tplus1) | |
deltaOMEGA = 0.5 * (deltaOMEGA_t + deltaOMEGA_tplus1) | |
lat[ii, MASK] = this_lat + delta_lat | |
lon[ii, MASK] = this_lon + delta_lon | |
lon[ii, lon[ii, :] < -180] = lon[ii, lon[ii, :] < -180] + 360 | |
lon[ii, lon[ii, :] > 180] = lon[ii, lon[ii, :] > 180] - 360 | |
lon[ii, :] = np.clip(lon[ii, :], a_min=lon_values.min(), a_max=lon_values.max()) | |
lat[ii, lat[ii, :] < -90] = -180 - lat[ii, lat[ii, :] < -90] | |
lat[ii, lat[ii, :] > 90] = 180 - lat[ii, lat[ii, :] > 90] | |
p[ii, MASK] = p[ii - 1, MASK] + deltaOMEGA | |
H = loadedH_tplus.interp(lat=('dimX', lat[ii, MASK]), lon=('dimX', lon[ii, MASK])).values | |
jjs = np.where(MASK)[0] | |
for kk in range(H.shape[1]): | |
this_H = H[:, kk] | |
try: | |
this_H[np.isnan(this_H)] = np.nanmin(this_H) | |
except Exception: | |
sys.exit(4) | |
h[ii, jjs[kk]] = np.interp([p[ii, jjs[kk]]][0], init_PL[::-1], this_H[::-1]) | |
if np.isnan(h[ii, MASK]).sum() > 0: | |
sys.exit(5) | |
this_t += timedelta(seconds=deltat) | |
ii += 1 | |
if (ii % 2000) == 0: | |
# Save intermediate data every 2000th time step | |
print('Saving intermediate data') | |
intermediatedata = {'lat': lat, 'lon': lon, 'p': p, 'h': h, 'times': times, 'this_t': this_t, 'ii': ii} | |
joblib.dump(intermediatedata, 'intermediatedata/trajectoryintermediate.joblib') | |
intermediatedata = None | |
timing1 = time.time() | |
print(' Time elapsed: {:.1f}s'.format(timing1 - timing0)) | |
# Save output data to a Joblib dump file | |
data = {'lat': lat, 'lon': lon, 'p': p, 'h': h, 'times': times, 'ids': ids, 'ensemblemembers': ensemblemembers} | |
joblib.dump(data, 'trajectorydata.joblib') |
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