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Created September 1, 2019 09:12
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const forecast = require('./utils/forecast')
const geocode = require('./utils/geocode')
const address = process.argv[2]
if (!address){
console.log("Please provide a valid address")
} else{
console.log(geocode(address,(error,{Latitude,Longitude,Location}) => {
if ( error ) {
} else{
console.log("Location : " + Location)
forecast(Latitude,Longitude,(error,forecastData) => {
if (error){
const request = require('request');
const forecast = (Latitude,Longitude,callback) => {
const url=""+encodeURIComponent(Latitude)+","+encodeURIComponent(Longitude)+"?units=si"
request({url,json : true},(error,{body}) => {
if (error){
callback('Unable to reach weather service!', undefined)
}else if (body.code ===400){
callback("Unable to find location.Please try again",undefined)
} else{
callback(undefined,"Summary for today : " + body.currently.summary + ". The current temperature is " + body.currently.temperature
module.exports = forecast
const request = require('request');
const geocode = (address,callback) => {
const url=""+encodeURIComponent(address)+".json?access_token=pk.eyJ1IjoiYW51YmhhdmdpcmRoYXIiLCJhIjoiY2p6eWllZzdpMTE3NTNkcGtiN294ZnVtaSJ9.lTeS2jOgAql7IRUeb3X_oA"
request({url,json : true},(error,{body}) => {
if (error) {
callback ('Unable to reach weather service!', undefined)
}else if (body.features.length ===0){
callback("Unable to find location.Please try again",undefined)
} else{
Latitude : body.features[0].center[1],
Longitude : body.features[0].center[0],
Location : body.features[0].place_name
// Needs a return statement here, otherwise prints "undefined"
module.exports = geocode
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