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Created September 16, 2014 10:16
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NICE DCV Installation on RHEL 7 Enterprise AWS HVM GPU instance.
# Installing NVIDIA Official Driver
yum groupinstall "Development Tools"
yum install kernel-devel kernel-headers dkms
yum install pciutils
lspci -nn | grep VGA # to check your NVIDIA product version
yum update # For kernel source etc
sudo sh --kernel-source-path /usr/src/kernels/3.10.0-123.6.3.el7.x86_64
# NVIDIA Driver got installed successfully!
# Installing NICE DCV
Step no: 1 of 5 | Welcome
Welcome to the NICE Desktop Cloud Visualization installer.
During the installation you will complete the following steps:
Step 1: Welcome
Step 2: System Check
Step 3: License
Step 4: Install
Step 5: Complete
Press "Enter" to continue or press "q" to quit:
Step no: 2 of 5 | System Check
Checking Operating System... Ok
Checking Xorg server........ Ok
Checking NVIDIA card........ Ok
Checking NVIDIA driver...... Ok
Press "Enter" to continue
Step no: 2 of 5 | System Check
Checking minimal desktop.
NICE DCV requires a minimal Desktop Environment to correctly work.
Please install your favorite one and re-run the installer.
Press "Enter" to continue or press "q" to quit:
I am not sure here. I did run
sudo yum groupinstall "X Window System" Desktop # For installing Gnome
Version 2.0
NICE srl, an Italian company having its principal place of business at 9, via Milliavacca, 14100 Asti (AT), hereby grants the license set out belo
w to the first end user of the product (Licensee"), to use the software products ("Software") accompanying this Licensee agreement, on the follow
ing terms and conditions.
to this Agreement but subject to its obligations of confidentiality set out herein.
Title to the Software, including the Documentation, and all the copies thereof, including all intellectual property rights including copyright, tr
ade secrets and patent rights, remains with NICE and/or its licensors. Licensee will not remove the copyright notice or any other proprietary righ
ts notice from the Software. Licensee agrees to prevent any unauthorized copying of the Software.
Type "accept" to continue or "decline" to quit: accept
Step no: 3 of 5 | License
NICE DCV License.
DCV was using the following license configuration:
Do you want to keep using it? [y|n]
Using license: /opt/nice/dcv/license/license.lic
Press "Enter" to continue
Step no: 4 of 5 | Install
Configuring NICE DCV and running some checks.
This may take a while. Please wait...
Running post-installation tests: .............. DONE
ERROR (1/2)
Error executing nvidia-smi. There could be a problem in the NVIDIA card or the NVIDIA driver.
Please, check the NVIDIA card and driver installation.
ERROR (2/2)
Cannot start a temporary 3D X Server on display :0
Please, check the X logs for display 0.
There are 2 errors.
A detailed report about the tests is available in the installation log.
Press "Enter" to continue
Step no: 5 of 5 | Complete
Installation completed but post-installation checks reported blocking errors.
DCV will not work until the errors have been fixed.
Please check the installation log and follow the suggestions.
You can run again the post installation checks with the following command:
Before using NICE DCV make sure the 3D accelerated X server is running on
your system and that the VNC and DCV network ports are open in the firewall
Press "Enter" to quit
The installation log is available in: /var/log/dcv-install-2013.0-9935.log
Signal caught, cleaning up
dcvdiag logs are here ..
[ec2-user@ip-172-31-33-21 ~]$ sudo cat dcvdiag-blqR2R
NICE DCV 2013.0 (r9935) - Diagnostic Script
Date: Tue, 16 Sep 2014 06:12:06 -0400
Host: ip-172-31-33-21.ec2.internal
Architecture: x86_64
Operating System: Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 7.0 (Maipo)
Kernel Version: 3.10.0-123.6.3.el7.x86_64
Runlevel: 3
X configuration file: /etc/X11/xorg.conf
VNC configuration file: /etc/vnc/config
The following RealVNC VE packages are installed:
The following DCV packages are installed:
The 'dcv' command is located at: /bin/dcv
The 'dcvadmin' command is located at: /sbin/dcvadmin
The DCV configuration file is readable.
DCV is enabled for 32 bit applications.
DCV is enabled for 64 bit applications.
The RVN_LOCAL_DISPLAY environment variable is not set, reading the 'dcv.conf' file
TEST: Check if the Operating System is supported (E)
DCV supports only the following operating systems:
- RedHat Enterpise Linux 4, 5 and 6
- CentOS 4, 5 and 6
- SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11
-Oracle 5, and 6
Test Output (exit code: 0):
[root@ip-172-31-33-21.ec2.internal ec2-user]# check_system
Detected RHEL, CentOS or Oracle version 5 or above system
Test Result: SUCCESS
TEST: Basic network configuration (E)
Check if the host name is correctly resolved and the associated IP can be reached.
Test Output (exit code: 0):
[root@ip-172-31-33-21.ec2.internal ec2-user]# ping -c 1 ip-172-31-33-21.ec2.internal 2>/dev/null | grep '1 received'
1 packets transmitted, 1 received, 0% packet loss, time 0ms
Test Result: SUCCESS
TEST: NVIDIA card is installed (E)
Check if a NVIDIA card is installed by trying to execute the 'lspci' command and parsing the output.
Test Output (exit code: 0):
[root@ip-172-31-33-21.ec2.internal ec2-user]# lspci | grep -i nvidia >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
Test Result: SUCCESS
TEST: Nouveau kernel module is not loaded (E)
Check if in the nouveau kernel module is loaded.
Test Output (exit code: 0):
[root@ip-172-31-33-21.ec2.internal ec2-user]# check_nouveau
Test Result: SUCCESS
TEST: NVIDIA driver is installed (E)
Check if the NVIDIA driver is installed by trying to execute the 'nvidia-smi' command and parsing the output.
Test Output (exit code: 1):
[root@ip-172-31-33-21.ec2.internal ec2-user]# nvidia-smi -a 2>&1 | grep 'Driver Version'
Test Result: ERROR
Error executing nvidia-smi. There could be a problem in the NVIDIA card or the NVIDIA driver.
Please, check the NVIDIA card and driver installation.
Checking X Required packages...
X Required packages are installed.
TEST: X Window System required packages are installed (E)
Check if the required packages for the X Windows system are installed
Test Output (exit code: 0):
[root@ip-172-31-33-21.ec2.internal ec2-user]# check_x_required_packages
Test Result: SUCCESS
TEST: The 3D X Server has a configuration file. (E)
Check if the '/etc/X11/xorg.conf' file is available.
Test Output (exit code: 0):
[root@ip-172-31-33-21.ec2.internal ec2-user]# [ -r "/etc/X11/xorg.conf" ]
Test Result: SUCCESS
TEST: The 3D X Server is configured to use the NVIDIA driver (E)
Check if in the '/etc/X11/xorg.conf' file there is at least one device using the NVIDIA driver.
Test Output (exit code: 0):
[root@ip-172-31-33-21.ec2.internal ec2-user]# check_x_nvidia_device
Driver "nvidia"
Test Result: SUCCESS
TEST: X server configuration when no monitor is connected (W)
Check if the X server is appropriately configured in case there is no monitor connected to the video card adapter.
Test Output (exit code: 0):
[root@ip-172-31-33-21.ec2.internal ec2-user]# cat "$X_CONF" | egrep -i '^[^#]*Option[[:space:]]+"{0,1}UseDisplayDevice"{0,1}"[[:space:]]+"{0,1}none"{0,1}'
Option "UseDisplayDevice" "none"
Test Result: SUCCESS
Starting a temporary X for display :0
>>> Failed to start temporary X server <<<
TEST: 3D X Server [:0] is able to start (E)
Check if the 3D X Server [:0] is able to start
Test Output (exit code: 1):
[root@ip-172-31-33-21.ec2.internal ec2-user]# [ "1" == "0" ]
Test Result: ERROR
Cannot start a temporary 3D X Server on display :0
Please, check the X logs for display 0.
TEST: RealVNC VE server licenses available (E)
Check if there are available RealVNC VE server licenses.
Test Output (exit code: 0):
[root@ip-172-31-33-21.ec2.internal ec2-user]# vnclicense -check 2>&1
0/unlimited desktops.
Test Result: SUCCESS
TEST: RealVNC VE runs with 24-bit color depth (E)
Check if RealVNC is configured to run with 24-bit color depth by parsing the '/etc/vnc/config' configuration file.
Test Output (exit code: 0):
[root@ip-172-31-33-21.ec2.internal ec2-user]# cat "/etc/vnc/config" | grep "\-depth 24"
-depth 24
Test Result: SUCCESS
TEST: Directory /tmp/.X11-unix available and with right permissions. (E)
Check if temporary X11 directory /tmp/.X11-unix is available and has '1777' permissions.
Test Output (exit code: 0):
[root@ip-172-31-33-21.ec2.internal ec2-user]# check_tmp_x11_unix_permissions
Directory: /tmp/.X11-unix - Permissions: 1777
Test Result: SUCCESS
TEST: RealVNC VE self-test (E)
Check if the RealVNC VE self-test reports some errors.
Test Output (exit code: 0):
[root@ip-172-31-33-21.ec2.internal ec2-user]# vncserver -test 2>&1
VNC(R) Server Visualization Edition VE4.6.3 (r99394)
Built on Nov 8 2012 16:40:29
Copyright (C) 2002-2012 RealVNC Ltd.
VNC is a registered trademark of RealVNC Ltd. in the U.S. and in other
See for information on VNC.
For third party acknowledgements see:
Xvnc :1 PasswordFile=/root/.vnc/passwd -auth /root/.Xauthority -pn -depth 24
Test Result: SUCCESS
[ec2-user@ip-172-31-33-21 ~]$
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