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Created May 4, 2020 21:49
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The general pattern we follow across client SDK is:

  1. The client classes are in<service> package.
  2. The model classes are in<service>.models package.

There are cases wherein we want to hide specific methods in models from the user, for example,

  1. Hiding constructor and certain setters of the model.
  2. Entirely immutable models.
  3. Hiding a subset of getters.

It's easy to make a model pure immutable if the serializer is the only one instantiating that model. Since serializer uses reflection to create and populate model properties, we can make the Ctr private and have no setters in it.

There is another set of models that SDK client types want to instantiate directly (i.e., using the new operator and without reflection), but we don't want users to instantiate these models.

Or in general, we want to hide certain methods (the constructor is one of them) from the user. To simplify the discussion below we refer only the constructor method but the same is applicable for any methods.

Since the client types are in<service> package and model types are in<service>.models package, today the model constructors have public visibility so that client type can create them.

We want to explore the options available so that we can restrict users from instantiating these models.

There are two options we explored:


Move these models to the same package as client type i.e.,<service> package and have a package-private constructor. This approach has the following drawbacks:

  1. It will pollute the package, and SDK implementors/contributors will have a hard time navigating through the code.
  2. Customers will see that some model types coming from<service>.models while few from<service>.
  3. The Javadoc of model types is not centralized in one place.


Declare these models as a contract - either as an interface or abstract class and keep them in<service>.models package. We will have the implementation of such a contract.

interface is preferred over abstract class given it is clean and easy to mock by test frameworks.

The implementation of these models can reside:

  1. Either in<service>.implementation.models package, with the public constructor.
  2. Or in<service> with package-private constructor.


Contract type that user consumes:

public interface PageBlobItem {
  String getFirst();
  String getSecond();
Internal implementation of the contract:

final class PageBlobItemImpl implements PageBlobItem {
  private final String first;
  private final String second;
  PageBlobItemImpl(String first, String second) {
     this.first = first;
     this.second = second;
  public String getFirst() { return first; }
  public String getSecond() { return second; }
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