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Last active June 18, 2020 18:01
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  • Save anujbiyani/169d3bb95baa0e424e031a16f6b09987 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save anujbiyani/169d3bb95baa0e424e031a16f6b09987 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A pre-commit hook to run Rubocop. Adapted from another gist (see comment on line 3), but updated to run autocorrect for you and commit the changes.
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# adapted from
RED = "\033[0;31m"
GREEN = "\033[0;32m"
NO_COLOR = "\033[0m"
if `command -v bundle exec rubocop` == ""
puts "💀#{RED} Install Rubocop and be sure it is available on your PATH#{NO_COLOR}"
puts "ℹ️ Try 'gem install rubocop'"
exit 1
suspects = `git diff --staged --name-only --diff-filter=AMC *.rb`.split("\n").map(&:strip).join(" ")
exit 0 if suspects.empty?
changes_to_stash = !`git diff --name-only`.empty?
if changes_to_stash
changed_files = `git diff --staged --name-only`.split("\n").map(&:strip).join(" ")
`git commit --no-verify --message='temporary commit to create a clean stash'`
`git stash push --quiet`
`git reset HEAD^`
`git add #{changed_files}`
puts "🚔 Linting files: #{suspects}"
if system("bundle exec rubocop --auto-correct #{suspects}")
`git add #{suspects}`
exit_status = 0
puts "🎉#{GREEN} Rubocop is appeased.#{NO_COLOR}"
puts "#{RED}💀 Rubocop found some issues it wasn't able to auto-correct. Fix, stage, and commit again#{NO_COLOR}\n"
exit_status = 1
`git stash apply --quiet && git stash drop --quiet` if changes_to_stash
exit exit_status
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It will stash changes that are not staged before running and unstash them after running. But because autocorrect must run on whole files, it will correct and commit all violations in a staged file instead of just staged violations.

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