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Created December 30, 2013 10:52
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FuelCMS - Bootstrap Compatible Menu Class
<?php if ( ! defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');
* An open source Content Management System based on the
* Codeigniter framework (
* @package FUEL CMS
* @author David McReynolds @ Daylight Studio
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2013, Run for Daylight LLC.
* @license
* @link
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* A menu builder
* This class takes an array of elements that you can create a parent
* child relationship by creating an array like so:
* $nav['about/history'] = array('label' => 'About', 'parent_id' => 'about');
* OR
* $nav['about/history'] = array('location' => 'about_us/history', label' => 'About', 'parent_id' => 'about');
* The documentation gives more detail
* @package FUEL CMS
* @subpackage Libraries
* @category Libraries
* @author David McReynolds @ Daylight Studio
* @link
class Menu {
public $active_class = 'active'; // the active css class
public $active = ''; // the active menu item
public $styles = array(); // css class styles to apply to menu items... can be a nested array
public $first_class = 'first'; // the css class for the first menu item
public $last_class = 'last'; // the css class for the last menu item
public $depth = NULL; // the depth of the menu to render at
public $use_titles = FALSE; // use the title attribute in the links
public $root_value = NULL; // the root parent value... can be NULL or 0
public $container_tag = 'ul'; // the html tag for the container of a set of menu items
public $container_tag_attrs = ''; // html attributes for the container tag
public $container_tag_id = ''; // html container id
public $container_tag_class = ''; // html container class
public $cascade_selected = TRUE; // cascade the selected items
public $include_hidden = FALSE; // include menu items with the hidden attribute
public $item_tag = 'li'; // the html list item element
public $item_id_prefix = ''; // the prefix to the item id
public $item_id_key = 'id'; // either id or location
public $use_nav_key = 'AUTO'; // use the nav_key value to match active
public $render_type = 'basic'; // basic, breadcrumb, page_title, collapsible, delimited, array
public $pre_render_func = ''; // function to apply to menu labels before rendering
// for breadcrumb AND/OR page_title
public $delimiter = FALSE; // the html element between the links
public $display_current = TRUE; // display the current active breadcrumb item?
public $home_link = 'Home'; // the root home link
// for breadcrumb ONLY
public $arrow_class = 'arrow'; // the class for the arrows
// for page_title ONLY
public $order = 'asc'; // the order to display... for page_title ONLY
protected $_items = array(); // the items in the menu
protected $_active_items = array(); // the active menu items
protected $_reset_params = array(); // reset params
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
* Constructor
* Accepts an associative array as input, containing preferences (optional)
* @access public
* @param array config preferences
* @return void
public function __construct($params = array())
$CI =& get_instance();
$ignore = array('_reset_params');
$class_vars = get_class_vars(get_class($this));
foreach($class_vars as $key => $val)
if (!in_array($key, $ignore)) $this->_reset_params[$key] = $val;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
* Initialize preferences
* @access public
* @param array
* @return void
public function initialize($params = array())
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
* Set object parameters
* @access public
* @param array
* @return void
public function set_params($params)
if (is_array($params) AND count($params) > 0)
$valid_null = array('root_value', 'depth');
foreach ($params as $key => $val)
if (isset($this->$key) OR in_array($key, $valid_null))
$this->$key = $val;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
* Same as reset
* @access public
* @return void
public function clear()
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
* Clear class values
* @access public
* @return void
public function reset()
foreach ($this->_reset_params as $key => $val)
$this->$key = $val;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
* Normalizes the menu data
* @access protected
* @param array menu item data
* @param boolean wether or not to use the nav_key field instead of the array key for the unique ID
* @return array
public function normalize_items($items)
$return = array();
if (is_array($items))
$active = $this->active;
$selected = array();
$auto_nav_key = FALSE;
if (is_string($this->use_nav_key) AND strtoupper($this->use_nav_key) == 'AUTO')
$this->use_nav_key = TRUE;
$auto_nav_key = TRUE;
foreach($items as $key => $val)
$id = (is_array($val) AND !empty($val['id'])) ? $val['id'] : trim($key);
$defaults = array('id' => $id, 'label' => '', 'location' => $key, 'attributes' => array(), 'active' => NULL, 'parent_id' => $this->root_value, 'hidden' => FALSE);
if (!is_array($val))
$val = array('id' => $key, 'label' => $val);
$return[$id] = array_merge($defaults, $val);
// check to make sure parent_id does not equal id to prevent infinite loops
if ($return[$id]['id'] == $return[$id]['parent_id'])
if ($return[$id]['id'] === 0)
$return[$id]['parent_id'] = $this->root_value;
// Capture all that have selected states so we can loop through later
if (!empty($return[$id]['active']) OR !empty($return[$id]['selected']))
$selected[$id] = (isset($return[$id]['active'])) ? $return[$id]['active'] : $return[$id]['selected'];
if ($auto_nav_key AND !is_numeric($id))
$this->use_nav_key = FALSE;
if ($this->use_nav_key !== FALSE AND isset($return[$this->active]['nav_key']))
$active = $return[$this->active]['nav_key'];
// now loop through the selected states
foreach($selected as $s_id => $active_regex)
$location = $return[$s_id]['location'];
$match = str_replace(':children', $location.'$|'.$location.'/.+', $active_regex);
$match = str_replace(':any', '.+', str_replace(':num', '[0-9]+', $match));
if (empty($active))
$this->active = 'home';
// Does the RegEx match?
else if (preg_match('#^'.$match.'$#', $active))
$this->active = $s_id;
return $return;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
* Renders the menu output
* @access protected
* @param array menu item data
* @return string
protected function _render($root_items)
case 'collapsible':
$output = $this->_render_collabsible($root_items);
case 'breadcrumb':
$output = $this->_render_breadcrumb($root_items);
case 'page_title':
$output = $this->_render_page_title($root_items);
case 'delimited':
$output = $this->_render_delimited($root_items);
case 'array': case 'data':
$output = $this->_render_array($root_items);
$output = $this->_render_basic($root_items);
return $output;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
* Renders the menu output
* @access public
* @param array menu item data
* @param string the active menu item
* @param mixed int or string of the parent id to begin rendering the menu items
* @param string basic, breadcrumb, page_title, collapsible
* @return string
public function render($items, $active = NULL, $parent_id = NULL, $render_type = NULL)
if (empty($render_type))
$render_type = $this->render_type;
$this->render_type = $render_type;
if (!empty($active)) $this->active = $active;
if (!isset($parent_id)) $parent_id = $this->root_value;
$this->_items = $this->normalize_items($items);
$root_items = $this->_get_menu_items($parent_id);
$this->_active_items = $this->get_items_in_path($this->active);
return $this->_render($root_items);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
* Renders collapsible menu menu output
* @access public
* @param array menu item data
* @param string the active menu item
* @param mixed int or string of the parent id to begin rendering the menu items
* @return string
public function render_collapsible($items, $active = NULL, $parent_id = NULL)
return $this->render($items, $active, $parent_id, 'collapsible');
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
* Renders breadcrumb menu output
* @access public
* @param array menu item data
* @param string the active menu item
* @param mixed int or string of the parent id to begin rendering the menu items
* @return string
public function render_breadcrumb($items, $active = NULL, $parent_id = NULL)
return $this->render($items, $active, $parent_id, 'breadcrumb');
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
* Renders page_title menu output
* @access public
* @param array menu item data
* @param string the active menu item
* @param mixed int or string of the parent id to begin rendering the menu items
* @return string
public function render_page_title($items, $active = NULL, $parent_id = NULL)
return $this->render($items, $active, $parent_id, 'page_title');
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
* Renders page_title menu output
* @access public
* @param array menu item data
* @param string the active menu item
* @param mixed int or string of the parent id to begin rendering the menu items
* @return string
public function render_delimited($items, $active = NULL, $parent_id = NULL)
return $this->render($items, $active, $parent_id, 'delimited');
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
* Renders page_title menu output
* @access public
* @param array menu item data
* @param string the active menu item
* @param mixed int or string of the parent id to begin rendering the menu items
* @return string
public function render_array($items, $active = NULL, $parent_id = NULL)
return $this->render($items, $active, $parent_id, 'array');
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
* Returns the active items in the navigation. A render must be performed first
* @access public
* @return array
public function active_items()
return $this->_active_items;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
* Renders a basic menu
* @access protected
* @param array nested array of menu elements
* @param int depth of menu to render
* @return string
protected function _render_basic($menu, $level = -1)
$str = '';
if (!empty($menu) AND (isset($this->depth) AND $level < $this->depth) OR !isset($this->depth))
// filter out hidden ones first. Need to do in seperate loop in case there is a hidden one at the end
$menu = $this->_filter_hidden($menu);
if (!empty($menu))
$hasChildren = FALSE;
if (!empty($this->container_tag)) $str .= "\n".str_repeat("\t", ($level + 1))."<".$this->container_tag.$this->_get_attrs($this->container_tag_attrs);
if (!empty($this->container_tag_id) AND $level == -1) $str .= " id=\"".$this->container_tag_id."\"";
if (!empty($this->container_tag_class) AND $level == -1) $str .= " class=\"".$this->container_tag_class."\"";
if (!empty($this->container_tag_class) AND $level > -1) {$str .= " class=\"dropdown-menu\"";}
if (!empty($this->container_tag)) $str .= ">\n";
$active_index = (count($this->_active_items) -1) - $level;
$level = $level + 1;
$i = 0;
foreach($menu as $key => $val)
$subitems = $this->_get_menu_items($val['id']);
// to check if has children items (anunay)
$hasChildren = TRUE;
$str .= $this->_create_open_li($val, $level, $i, ($i == (count($menu) -1)), $hasChildren);
$str .= $this->_create_open_li($val, $level, $i, ($i == (count($menu) -1)));
if (!empty($subitems))
$str .= $this->_render_basic($subitems, $level);
if (!empty($this->item_tag))
$str .= "</".$this->item_tag.">\n";
if (!empty($this->container_tag)) $str .= str_repeat("\t", $level)."</".$this->container_tag.">\n".str_repeat("\t", $level);
return $str;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
* Renders the menu output in a collapsible format
* @access protected
* @param array menu item data
* @param int level to render menu data at
* @return string
protected function _render_collabsible($menu, $level = 0)
// filter out hidden ones first. Need to do in seperate loop in case there is a hidden one at the end
$menu = $this->_filter_hidden($menu);
$str = '';
if (!empty($menu))
if (!empty($this->container_tag)) $str .= "\n".str_repeat("\t", $level)."<".$this->container_tag.$this->_get_attrs($this->container_tag_attrs);
if (!empty($this->container_tag_id) AND $level == 0) $str .= " id=\"".$this->container_tag_id."\"";
if (!empty($this->container_tag_class) AND $level == 0) $str .= " class=\"".$this->container_tag_class."\"";
if (!empty($this->container_tag)) $str .= ">\n";
$i = 0;
// find start index
$active_index = 0;
if (!empty($this->_active_items))
foreach($this->_active_items as $index => $item)
if (!empty($menu[$item]))
$active_index = $index;
// loop through base menu items and start drill down
foreach($menu as $key => $val)
$label = $this->_get_label($val);
if ($active_index > -1 AND $key == $this->_active_items[$active_index])
$level = $level + 1;
$subitems = $this->_get_menu_items($key);
$str .= str_repeat("\t", $level);
if (!empty($this->item_tag))
$str .= "<".$this->item_tag;
$str .= $this->_get_li_classes($key, $val['id'], $level, ($i == (count($menu) -1)));
// set id
if (!empty($this->item_id_prefix))
$str .= ' id="'.$this->_get_id($val).'"';
$str .= '>';
$str .= anchor($val['location'], $label, $val['attributes']);
if (!empty($subitems))
$str .= $this->_render_collabsible($subitems, $level);
if (!empty($this->item_tag))
$str .= "</".$this->item_tag.">\n";
$str .= $this->_create_open_li($val, ($level -1), $i, ($i == (count($menu) -1)));
if (!empty($this->item_tag))
$str .= "</".$this->item_tag.">\n";
if (!empty($this->container_tag))
if ($level > 1) $str .= str_repeat("\t", ($level -1));
$str .= "</".$this->container_tag.">\n";
if ($level > 1) $str .= str_repeat("\t", ($level -1));
return $str;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
* Renders the menu output in a breadcrumb format
* @access protected
* @param array menu item data
* @return string
protected function _render_breadcrumb($menu)
if (empty($this->delimiter))
$this->delimiter = ' &gt; ';
$str = '';
$num = count($this->_active_items) -1;
if (!empty($this->home_link))
if (is_array($this->home_link))
$home_link = each($this->home_link);
$home_anchor = anchor($home_link['key'], $home_link['value']);
$home_anchor = anchor('', $this->home_link);
if (!empty($this->item_tag))
$str .= "\t<".$this->item_tag.">";
$str .= $home_anchor;
if ($num >= 0) $str .= ' <span class="'.$this->arrow_class.'">'.$this->delimiter.'</span> ';
if (!empty($this->item_tag))
$str .= "</".$this->item_tag.">\n";
for ($i = $num; $i >= 0; $i--)
$val = $this->_active_items[$i];
$label = $this->_get_label($this->_items[$val]);
if (!empty($this->item_tag))
$str .= "\t<".$this->item_tag.">";
if ($i != 0)
$str .= anchor($this->_items[$val]['location'], $label);
$str .= ' <span class="'.$this->arrow_class.'">'.$this->delimiter.'</span> ';
else if ($this->display_current)
$str .= $label;
if (!empty($this->item_tag))
$str .= "</".$this->item_tag.">\n";
$return = '';
if (!empty($str))
if (!empty($this->container_tag)) $return .= "\n<".$this->container_tag.$this->_get_attrs($this->container_tag_attrs);
if (!empty($this->container_tag_id)) $return .= " id=\"".$this->container_tag_id."\"";
if (!empty($this->container_tag_class)) $return .= " class=\"".$this->container_tag_class."\"";
if (!empty($this->container_tag)) $return .= ">\n";
$return .= $str;
if (!empty($this->container_tag)) $return .= "</".$this->container_tag.">\n";
return $return;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
* Renders the menu output in a page title format
* @access protected
* @param array menu item data
* @return string
protected function _render_page_title($menu)
if (empty($this->delimiter))
$this->delimiter = ' &gt; ';
$str = '';
$num = count($this->_active_items) -1;
$home_link = '';
if (!empty($this->home_link)){
if (is_array($this->home_link))
$home_link = reset($this->home_link);
$home_link = $this->home_link;
if ($this->order == 'desc')
for ($i = 0; $i <= $num; $i++)
$val = $this->_active_items[$i];
$label = strip_tags($this->_get_label($this->_items[$val]));
if ($i != 0)
$str .= $this->delimiter;
$str .= $label;
if (($num >= 0 AND !empty($home_link)) OR (empty($home_link) AND $num > 0)) $str .= $this->delimiter;
$str .= strip_tags($home_link);
$str .= $home_link;
if (($num >= 0 AND !empty($home_link)) OR (empty($home_link) AND $num > 0)) $str .= $this->delimiter;
for ($i = $num; $i >= 0; $i--)
$val = $this->_active_items[$i];
$label = strip_tags($this->_get_label($this->_items[$val]));
$str .= $label;
if ($i != 0)
$str .= $this->delimiter;
return $str;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
* Renders the menu output in a delimited format
* @access protected
* @param array menu item data
* @return string
protected function _render_delimited($menu)
// filter out hidden ones first. Need to do in seperate loop in case there is a hidden one at the end
$menu = $this->_filter_hidden($menu);
if ($this->container_tag !== FALSE)
$this->container_tag = 'div';
if (empty($this->delimiter))
$this->delimiter = ' &nbsp;|&nbsp; ';
$links = array();
foreach($menu as $val)
if (!empty($this->item_id_prefix))
if (is_array($val['attributes']))
if (!in_array('id', $val['attributes']))
$val['attributes']['id'] = $this->_get_id($val);
else if (strpos($val['id'], 'id=') === FALSE)
$val['attributes'] .= ' id="'.$this->_get_id($val).'"';
$links[] = $this->_create_link($val, $val['id']);
$str = implode($this->delimiter, $links);
$return = '';
if (!empty($str))
if (!empty($this->container_tag)) $return .= "\n<".$this->container_tag.$this->_get_attrs($this->container_tag_attrs);
if (!empty($this->container_tag_id)) $return .= " id=\"".$this->container_tag_id."\"";
if (!empty($this->container_tag_class)) $return .= " class=\"".$this->container_tag_class."\"";
if (!empty($this->container_tag)) $return .= ">\n";
$return .= $str;
if (!empty($this->container_tag)) $return .= "</".$this->container_tag.">\n";
return $return;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
* Outputs a nested array
* @access protected
* @param array menu item data
* @return string
protected function _render_array($menu, $level = 0)
$return = array();
if (!empty($menu) AND (isset($this->depth) AND $level < $this->depth) OR !isset($this->depth))
foreach($menu as $key => $val)
$subitems = $this->_get_menu_items($val['id']);
$new_key = (isset($val['nav_key'])) ? $val['nav_key'] : $val['location'];
$return[$new_key] = $val;
if (!empty($subitems))
$level = $level + 1;
$return[$new_key]['children'] = $this->_render_array($subitems, $level);
return $return;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
* Get attributes of of the container tag elment
* @access protected
* @param mixed takes a string or an array
* @return string
protected function _get_attrs($attrs)
$str = '';
if (is_array($attrs))
foreach($this->container_tag_attrs as $key => $val)
$str .= ' '.$key.'="'.$val.'"';
if (!empty($attrs)) $str .= " ".$attrs;
return $str;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
* Create the ID for a item element
* @access protected
* @param mixed takes a string or an array
* @return string
protected function _get_id($val)
if (empty($this->item_id_prefix)) return;
$id = strtolower(str_replace('/', '_', $val[$this->item_id_key]));
if (empty($id))
$id = 'home';
return $this->item_id_prefix.$id;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
* Creates an open list item element
* @access protected
* @param array menu item data
* @param int current level
* @param int current item index
* @param boolean whether the item is the last in the list
* @return string
//protected function _create_open_li($val, $level, $i, $is_last = FALSE)
protected function _create_open_li($val, $level, $i, $is_last = FALSE, $hasChildren = FALSE) // added by anunay
$str = '';
$str .= str_repeat("\t", ($level + 1));
if (!empty($this->item_tag))
$str .= "<".$this->item_tag;
// set id
if (!empty($this->item_id_prefix))
$str .= ' id="'.$this->_get_id($val).'"';
// set styles
$str .= $this->_get_li_classes($val, $level, $i, $is_last, $hasChildren);
$str .= '>';
//echo $this->_create_linkv2($val,$hasChildren);
$str .= $this->_create_linkv2($val,NULL,$hasChildren);
return $str;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
* Creates a link element
* @access protected
* @param array menu item data
* @param string the active path if you want the active class rendered on the anchor (optional)
* @return string
protected function _create_linkv2($val, $active = NULL, $hasChildren = FALSE)
$str = '';
$label = $this->_get_label($val);
$attrs = '';
if (!empty($val['location']))
if (!empty($val['attributes']))
if (is_array($val['attributes']))
foreach($val['attributes'] as $key2 => $val2)
$attrs .= ' '.$key2.'="'.$val2.'"';
} else {
$attrs .= ' '.$val['attributes'];
if ($this->use_titles AND (empty($attrs) OR strpos($attrs, 'title=') === FALSE))
$attrs .= ' title="'.strip_tags($val['label']).'"';
$caret = "";
if (!empty($active) AND $this->active == $active)
$attrs .= ' class="'.$this->active_class.' dropdown-toggle"';
$caret = '<b class="caret"></b>';
$attrs .= ' class="'.$this->active_class.'"';
$attrs .= ' class="dropdown-toggle"';
$attrs .= ' data-toggle="dropdown"';
$caret = '<b class="caret"></b>';
$location = (preg_match('/^#/', $val['location'])) ? $val['location'] : site_url($val['location']);
$str .= '<a href="'.$location.'"'.$attrs.'>'.$label.$caret.'</a>';
if (!empty($active) AND $this->active == $active)
$str .= '<span class="'.$this->active_class.'">';
$has_active = TRUE;
$str .= $label;
if (!empty($has_active))
$str .= '</span>';
return $str;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
* Creates a link element
* @access protected
* @param array menu item data
* @param string the active path if you want the active class rendered on the anchor (optional)
* @return string
protected function _create_link($val, $active = NULL)
$str = '';
$label = $this->_get_label($val);
$attrs = '';
if (!empty($val['location']))
if (!empty($val['attributes']))
if (is_array($val['attributes']))
foreach($val['attributes'] as $key2 => $val2)
$attrs .= ' '.$key2.'="'.$val2.'"';
} else {
$attrs .= ' '.$val['attributes'];
if ($this->use_titles AND (empty($attrs) OR strpos($attrs, 'title=') === FALSE))
$attrs .= ' title="'.strip_tags($val['label']).'"';
if (!empty($active) AND $this->active == $active)
$attrs .= ' class="'.$this->active_class.'"';
$location = (preg_match('/^#/', $val['location'])) ? $val['location'] : site_url($val['location']);
$str .= '<a href="'.$location.'"'.$attrs.'>'.$label.'</a>';
if (!empty($active) AND $this->active == $active)
$str .= '<span class="'.$this->active_class.'">';
$has_active = TRUE;
$str .= $label;
if (!empty($has_active))
$str .= '</span>';
return $str;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
* Gets the css classes for the list item styling
* @access protected
* @param array menu item data
* @param int current level
* @param int current item index
* @param boolean whether the item is the last in the list
* @return string
//protected function _get_li_classes($val, $level, $i, $is_last = FALSE)
protected function _get_li_classes($val, $level, $i, $is_last = FALSE, $hasChildren = FALSE) // added by anunay
$str = '';
$css_classes = array();
$active = (is_array($val)) ? $val['id'] : $val;
if (!empty($this->first_class) AND $i == 0) $css_classes[] = $this->first_class;
if (!empty($this->last_class) AND $is_last) $css_classes[] = $this->last_class;
if ($this->active == $active OR ($this->cascade_selected AND
is_array($this->_active_items) AND
in_array($active, $this->_active_items)))
$css_classes[] = $this->active_class;
if (!empty($this->styles[$level]))
if (is_array($this->styles[$level]) AND !empty($this->styles[$level][$i]))
$css_classes[] = $this->styles[$level][$i];
else if (is_string($this->styles[$level]))
$css_classes[] = $this->styles[$level];
$css_classes[] = "dropdown";
if (!empty($css_classes))
$str .= ' class="';
$str .= implode(' ', $css_classes);
$str .= '"';
return $str;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
* Generates the label of the menu item and will call any pre_render_func before returning value
* @access protected
* @param array menu item values
* @return string
protected function _get_label($label)
if (!empty($this->pre_render_func))
$label = call_user_func($this->pre_render_func, $label);
// if it is an array, we will assume they want the 'label' key
if (is_array($label))
$label = $label['label'];
return $label;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
* Gets the items in the active menu path
* @access public
* @param string active element
* @param boolean first time iterating through?
* @return string
public function get_items_in_path($active, $first_time = TRUE){
static $active_items = array();
// reset it if is called more then once
if ($first_time)
$active_items = array();
if (isset($this->_items[$active]))
$active_parent = $this->_items[$active]['parent_id'];
// to normalize so we can do a strict comparison
if (ctype_digit($active_parent))
$active_parent = (int) $active_parent;
if (!in_array($active, $active_items)) $active_items[] = $active;
foreach($this->_items as $key => $val)
// to normalize so we can do a strict comparison
if (ctype_digit($key))
$key = (int) $key;
if ($key === $active_parent AND !empty($key))
//echo $key .' - '.$active_parent.'<br>';
if (isset($this->_items[$key]))
$active_items[] = $key;
$this->get_items_in_path($key, FALSE);
return $active_items;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
* Gets the menu items based on the parent
* @access protected
* @param mixed parent id
* @param array menu items
* @return array
protected function _get_menu_items($parent, $items = NULL)
if (empty($items)) $items = $this->_items;
$str = '';
$subitems = array();
foreach($items as $key => $val)
// force numbers to be integers if numeric so we can do a strict comparison
if (is_numeric($val['parent_id'])) $val['parent_id'] = (int) $val['parent_id'];
if (is_numeric($parent)) $parent = (int) $parent;
if ($parent === $val['parent_id'])
$subitems[$key] = $val;
return $subitems;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
* Filter out hidden menu items
* @access protected
* @param array menu items
* @return array
protected function _filter_hidden($menu)
$filtered_menu = array();
if (!$this->include_hidden)
foreach($menu as $key => $val)
if (!$val['hidden'] OR strtolower($val['hidden']) == 'no')
$filtered_menu[$key] = $val;
$filtered_menu = $menu;
return $filtered_menu;
/* End of file Menu.php */
/* Location: ./modules/fuel/libraries/Menu.php */
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