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Created July 17, 2020 19:00
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import SwiftUI
struct ContentView: View {
var myData = Array(1...10).map{"\($0)"}
var column = Array(repeating: GridItem(.flexible(), spacing: 10), count: 3)
var body: some View {
ScrollView {
LazyVGrid(columns: column, spacing: 10){
Section(header: Text("Header Without Pin").background(Color.yellow)){
ForEach(self.myData, id: \.self){ data in
.frame(minWidth: 0, maxWidth: .infinity, minHeight: 50)
ScrollView {
LazyVGrid(columns: column, spacing: 10, pinnedViews: [.sectionHeaders]){
Section(header: Text("Header With Pin").background(Color.yellow)
.frame(minWidth:0, maxWidth: .infinity)){
ForEach(self.myData, id: \.self){ data in
.frame(minWidth: 0, maxWidth: .infinity, minHeight: 50)
struct ContentView_Previews: PreviewProvider {
static var previews: some View {
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