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Last active May 6, 2020 17:58
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"Experiments": [
["", "AnuReact (minimal react clone)"],
["", "CSS-in-GraphQL"],
["", "React Folder Tree Component"],
["", "React Custom Canvas Renderer"],
["", "Minimal react fade component"],
["", "Verly.js React Integration"],
["", "React PubSub"],
["", "React toast component experiment"],
["", "React state management experiment"],
["", "whyaskbuddiesucks"],
["", "hbd-askbuddie"],
["", "anuraghazra-dev-build"],
["", "NewtonsInterpolation"],
["", "YoutubeDownloader"],
["", "Loader.js"],
["", "NinjaDash (game i made while i was learning js, not really playable)"]
"GitHub": [
["", "My 1st GitHub PullRequest"],
["", "gatsby-remark-embedder"],
["", "gatsby-plugin-social-banners"],
["", "gatsby-github-issues-blog"],
["", "GithubActionsPlayground"],
["", "verlet_tests"],
["", "verlet.js"],
["", "weird-hello-worlds"],
["", "circleci-test"],
["", "WebGL.js"],
["", "Candy.js"],
["", "Atomic.js"],
["", "Nothing"],
["", "YTBackup"],
["", "mini-react-starter"],
["", ""],
["", " (this one is very old)"],
["", "Nodejs Directory Based REST APIs Endpoints"]
"Demos": [
["", "Verly.js"],
["", "VerlyRangeSlider"],
["", "EvolutionAquerium"],
["", "ParticleBrush"],
["", "Slime"],
["", "FlockingBlackHole"],
["", "parasites"],
["", "gyrododge"],
["", "LSystemCreator"],
["", "ShaderExpo"],
["", "VerletDrawing"],
["", "CanvasFun"],
["", "facebook-reaction-animation"],
["", "react-stripe-dropdown"],
["", "SimpleRockets - multipler game"],
["", "CreativeChat - drawing chat app"],
["", "QuickerPoll - realtime polling site"],
["", "NikeHyperAce"],
["", "Harley Davidson"],
["", "classicLogo"]
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