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Created June 24, 2022 06:18
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The Goal:

Build a select component which follows the aria best practices. Select component should be composable, flexible, accessible & renderless.

The single select will follow WAI-ARIA specs for the list box pattern. These are the key resources we need to create this Select.

Key Features:

Typehead support:

When the dropdown is open and focus is on the select list box

  • Typing the first letter of an option sends focus to that option.
  • Type multiple characters in rapid succession: focus moves to the next item with a name that starts with the string of characters typed.

When the dropdown is not open and focus is on the select trigger

  • Typing the first letter of an option directly selects the option without opening the dropdown.
  • Type multiple characters in rapid succession: selects the next item with a name that starts with the string of characters typed, without opening the dropdown.

Keyboard navigation:

Select Trigger
Keyboard Behaviour
Enter / Space Opens the select dropdown.
Escape Closes the select dropdown.
Down Arrow Opens the dropdown & move focus to next item
Up Arrow Open the dropdown move focus to previous item
  • After closing the dropdown the focus should go back to the select trigger in order to retain user's context, but not if user closes the dropdown by clicking outside.
  • Using the up and down arrow should navigate the options. Any option that's disabled should be skipped in the navigation, we can use reakit's composite component to easily achive this behaviour.

  • The Home and End key should select the first and last option respectively.

  • Scrolling into view: In the event, the options are quite many and we navigate via keyboard or typeahead, any option is focused that isn't (fully) visible should be scrolled into view. Perhaps scroll-into-view-if-needed might help.

NOTE: I've seen that all of the above mentioned keyboard behaviours are also implemented in Reakit's Menu component.

  • Auto select:

    • If autoSelect is true, highlighting an option must also select that option
    • If autoSelect is false, a highlighted option must be manually selected using the SPACEBAR or ENTER key.
  • Virtualize Menu: If there are large number of options, we can improve rendering performance by using react-virtualized

Component Parts:

  • useSelectState: hook that holds all the a11y and behaviour logic.
  • Select: The wrapper that provides the context and functionalities
  • SelectTrigger: (compose usePopover) The element that triggers the list box.
  • SelectPopover: The wrapper for the popover. It composes the Popper component.
  • SelectOption: Each option in the select.
  • SelectOptionGroup: A wrapper for a set of options that can be labeled. Similar to the <optgroup> in the native browser select.

Initial API

const state = useSelectState({ defaultSelected: "mango" });

<Select {...state}>
  <SelectTrigger {...state}>
    {state.placeholderVisible ? "Select one.." : state.value}

  <SelectPopover {...state}>
    <SelectOption {...state} value="apples">
    <SelectOption {...state} value="oranges">
    <SelectOption {...state} value="bananna">
    <SelectOption {...state} value="mango">

API-2 (similar to reakit's combobox)

const state = useSelectState({
  values: fruits,
  defaultSelected: "mango",

return (
    <Select {...state} />
    <SelectPopover {...state}>
      { => {
        return (
          <SelectOption {...state} disabled={item.disabled} value={item.value}>


Use Select State Props

  • defaultIsOpen: If true, the select should be open initially.
  • isOpen: If true, the select should be open in controlled mode.
  • defaultHighlighted: value of the select option item which would be highlighted initially.
  • autoSelect: If true, the option will be selected as you navigate through them.
  • closeOnSelect: If true, the select menu will close when you select an option.
  • defaultValue: The initial selected value
  • onChange: Callback fired when an option is selected
  • isDisabled: If true the select control will be disabled
  • isReadOnly: If true, the select will be in read-only mode
const state = useSelectState({
  defaultOpen: "some value",
  defaultValue: "some value",
  defaultHighlighted: "some value",
  isOpen: true,
  onChange: (value: string) => {},
  closeOnSelect: true,
  autoSelect: false,
  isDisabled: false,
  isReadOnly: false,
  • Returns :-
    • value: The selected value.
    • placeholderVisible: Helper flag to indicate if no items are selected.

SelectOptionGroup Props

  • isDisabled: If true, all the SelectOption that it wraps will be disabled
  • label: The label for the option group

SelectOption Props

  • isSelected if true sets this element as default selected
  • disabled if true sets this option as default disabled
  • value Sets this options value

Related issues


Other libs & implementations for inspiration:

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