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Created November 26, 2015 12:21
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import sys
import json
from datetime import datetime
from dateutil.parser import parse
import paho.mqtt.client as mqtt
from pyspark import SparkContext
from pyspark.streaming import StreamingContext
from pyspark.streaming.mqtt import MQTTUtils
# Some useful stuff
brokerHost = ""
brokerPort = 1883
brokerUrl = "tcp://"+brokerHost+":"+str(brokerPort)
listenTopic = "/tfl/"
cpDir = "/home/oxclo/cp"
def update(ds,state):
# The ds is a dstream of new data (from MQTT)
# Each entry is a dictionary with keys: trainNumber, stationId, expArrival (plus others)
# The state is the previously calculated state
# In this case a dictionary of train -> (station, expected time, delayed)
# If the station has changed we set delayed false and update expected time
# if the station is the same, we check the current expected time against the previous
# and mark delayed if it has extended
if state==None:
state = dict()
for current in ds:
trainNumber = current['trainNumber']
stationId = current['stationId']
exp = parse(current['expArrival'])
if trainNumber in state.keys():
old = state[trainNumber]
print old
if old['stationId'] != stationId:
state[trainNumber] = dict(stationId = stationId, expArrival = exp, delayed = False, delay = 0)
delay = exp-old['expArrival']
delay = delay.seconds
if (delay > 60): #anything less that a minute is not "delayed"
state[trainNumber] = dict(stationId = stationId, expArrival = exp, delayed = True, delay = delay)
state[trainNumber] = dict(stationId = stationId, expArrival = exp, delayed = False, delay = 0)
return state
sc = SparkContext(appName="TFLStreaming")
ssc = StreamingContext(sc, 5) # batch interval 5 sec
lines = MQTTUtils.createStream(ssc, brokerUrl, listenTopic)
windowed = lines.window(600,5) # look at the last 10 minutes worth with a sliding window of 5 seconds
dicts = js: json.loads(js)) # convert from json into a Python dict
mapped = d: (d['trainNumber'],d)) # make the train number the key
ds = mapped.updateStateByKey(update) # compare against previous data
info = ds.filter(lambda (r, d): bool(d)) # ignore if there is no previous data
# the state from the update is a dict (train -> info)
# this is then mapped with a key so we have (train, (train->info))
# so let's get rid of the redundancy
unpack = (r, d): (r, d[r]))
mapOnTime = (r,d): (d['stationId'], 1) if d['delayed'] else (d['stationId'], 0))
counts = mapOnTime.reduceByKey(lambda a,b: a+b)
# and print the result to the console
#start the processing
# keep running forever (until Ctrl-C)
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