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Last active January 19, 2016 17:16
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import edu.berkeley.cs.succinct._
// "Succinct"-ify the text
val text = sc.textFile("/tmp/tmp.txt").map(_.getBytes)
val succinctText = text.succinct
// Read and filter annotations for "sentence" type
val annot = sc.textFile("/tmp/tmp.annot")
val sentenceAnnot = annot.filter(a => a contains "sentence")
val sentenceRanges = => a split '^').map(e => (e(0), (e(3).toLong, e(4).toLong)))
// Perform regex searches, and union them
val res1 = succinctText.regexSearch("(remains|is|still) (unknown|unclear|uncertain)")
val res2 = succinctText.regexSearch("(further|more|additional) (research|study|investigation)")
val res = res1.union(res2).map(r => (r.begin(), r.end())).collect
// Define a function to check if a range is "within" another
def within(r1: (Long, Long), r2: (Long, Long)): Boolean = (r1._1 >= r2._1 && r1._2 <= r2._2)
// Define a function to check if any one range in a collection of ranges is within another
def withinAny(r: Array[(Long, Long)], r2: (Long, Long)): Boolean = {
var count = 0
r.foreach(r1 => if (within(r1, r2)) { count += 1 })
count > 0
// Find the sentence ranges which contain the ranges corresponding to regex matches
// Note: This can also be replaced by joins between two RDDs
// (corresponding to sentence rangges and regex matches) if
// the recall for both are large.
val openProbRanges = sentenceRanges.filter(sr => withinAny(res, sr._2))
// Do the same to filter out ranges corresponding to Breast Cancer
val bcEntries = succinctText.regexSearch("(breast cancer)|DCIS|(carcinoma of the breast)").map(e => (e.begin(), e.end()))
val bcRanges = openProbRanges.filter(opr => withinAny(bcEntries, opr))
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