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Last active January 17, 2018 17:18
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import boto3
import time
from datetime import timedelta
import sys
import json
import os
#We need to get our API credentials in the code for authentication that we have stored as Environment Variables locally.
AWS_REGION = os.environ.get("AWS_REGION")
#Following line is used to save all the console outputs in a text file.
sys.stdout = open('rekognition_output.txt','w')
start_time = time.monotonic()
BUCKET = "kontiki-amazon-rekognition"
KEY = "tom.jpg"
#Detect Labels
def detect_labels(bucket, key, max_labels = 10, min_confidence = 90, region = AWS_REGION):
rekognition = boto3.client("rekognition", region) #Initialize amazon_rekognition client function
response = rekognition.detect_labels(
Image = {
"S3Object": {
"Bucket": bucket,
"Name": key,
MaxLabels = max_labels,
MinConfidence = min_confidence,
return response['Labels']
print('Detected Labels for:' + KEY)
for label in detect_labels(BUCKET, KEY):
print("{Name} - {Confidence}%".format(**label))
#Detect Faces
def detect_faces(bucket, key, attributes = ['ALL'], region = AWS_REGION):
rekognition = boto3.client("rekognition", region) #Initialize amazon_rekognition client function
response = rekognition.detect_faces(
Image = {
"S3Object": {
"Bucket": bucket,
"Name": key,
Attributes = attributes,
return response['FaceDetails']
c = detect_faces(BUCKET, KEY)
print('Detected Faces for:' + KEY)
for face in detect_faces(BUCKET, KEY):
print("Face ({Confidence}%)".format(**face))
for emotion in face['Emotions']:
print("{Type} : {Confidence}%".format(**emotion))
for quality, value in face['Quality'].items():
print("{quality} : {value}".format(quality = quality, value = value))
#Facial Features
for faceDetail in c:
print('Here are the other attributes:')
print(json.dumps(faceDetail, indent = 4, sort_keys = True))
#Compare Faces
KEY_SOURCE = "tom.jpg"
KEY_TARGET = "tom_cruise.jpg"
def compare_faces(bucket, key, bucket_target, key_target, threshold = 80, region = AWS_REGION):
rekognition = boto3.client("rekognition", region) #Initialize amazon_rekognition client function
response = rekognition.compare_faces(
SourceImage = {
"S3Object": {
"Bucket": bucket,
"Name": key,
TargetImage = {
"S3Object": {
"Bucket": bucket_target,
"Name": key_target,
SimilarityThreshold = threshold,
return response['SourceImageFace'], response['FaceMatches']
source_face, matches = compare_faces(BUCKET, KEY_SOURCE, BUCKET, KEY_TARGET)
print("Detected Similarity between", KEY_SOURCE + " and " + KEY_TARGET)
#Main Source Face
print("Source Face ({Confidence}%)".format(**source_face))
#One match for each Target Face
for match in matches:
print("Target Face ({Confidence}%)".format(**match['Face']))
print("Similarity : {}%".format(match['Similarity']))
#Index Faces
KEY = "tom.jpg"
IMAGE_ID = KEY # S3 key as ImageId
COLLECTION = "mygallery"
# Note: you have to create the collection first!
def index_faces(bucket, key, collection_id, image_id = None, attributes = (), region = AWS_REGION):
rekognition = boto3.client("rekognition", region) #Initialize amazon_rekognition client function
#rekognition.create_collection(CollectionId=COLLECTION) #If you're executing this code snippet to index faces in an image for the 'first time', just uncomment this line to create the collection first!
response = rekognition.index_faces(
Image = {
"S3Object": {
"Bucket": bucket,
"Name": key,
CollectionId = collection_id,
ExternalImageId = image_id,
DetectionAttributes = attributes,
return response['FaceRecords']
print("Detected Faces in:", KEY)
count = 0
for record in index_faces(BUCKET, KEY, COLLECTION, IMAGE_ID):
count += 1
face = record['Face']
print("Face ({}%)".format(face['Confidence']))
print("FaceId: {}".format(face['FaceId']))
print("ImageId: {}".format(face['ImageId']))
print("Total no. of Faces Detected in ", KEY , ":", count)
#Search Faces
KEY = "tom_cruise.jpg"
COLLECTION = "mygallery"
def search_faces_by_image(bucket, key, collection_id, threshold = 80, region = AWS_REGION):
rekognition = boto3.client("rekognition", region)
response = rekognition.search_faces_by_image(
Image = {
"S3Object": {
"Bucket": bucket,
"Name": key,
CollectionId = collection_id,
FaceMatchThreshold = threshold,
return response['FaceMatches']
print("Searched for:", KEY, "in", COLLECTION)
for record in search_faces_by_image(BUCKET, KEY, COLLECTION):
face = record['Face']
print("Matched Face ({}%)".format(record['Similarity']))
print("FaceId : {}".format(face['FaceId']))
print("ImageId : {}".format(face['ExternalImageId']))
end_time = time.monotonic()
print("Execution_Time:", timedelta(seconds = end_time - start_time))
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