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Last active February 24, 2021 00:19
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/- -/
import data.real.basic
import init.classical
import algebra.invertible
import algebra.euclidean_domain
import tactic.ring_exp
/- Problem: Find all functions satisfying `prop` -/
def prop (f : ℝ → ℝ) : Prop :=
∀ x y : ℝ, f (x * f (y) + f (x)) + f (y * y) = f (x) + y * f (x + y)
/- Verifying some trivial solutions -/
def idf : ℝ → ℝ := λ x, x
example : prop idf :=
unfold prop idf,
intros x y,
def zerof : ℝ -> ℝ := λ x, 0
example : prop zerof :=
unfold prop zerof,
intros x y,
/- Some simple conclusions/results -/
lemma f_0_0__eq__0 : ∀ f, prop f →
f (f (0)) = 0
:= begin
unfold prop,
intros f H,
specialize H 0 0,
simp at H,
exact H,
lemma f_0__eq__0 : ∀ f, prop f →
f (0) = 0
:= begin
unfold prop,
intros f H,
let H01 := H 0 1,
simp at H01,
rewrite ← H01,
apply f_0_0__eq__0,
exact H,
lemma f_x_sq__eq__x_f_x : ∀ f, prop f →
∀ x, f (x * x) = x * f (x)
:= begin
unfold prop,
intros f H x,
have f0 := f_0__eq__0 f H,
specialize H 0 x,
repeat {
rewrite f0 at H,
simp at H,
exact H
lemma f_neg_x__eq__neg_f_x : ∀ f, prop f →
∀ x, f (- x) = - f (x)
:= begin
unfold prop,
intros f H x,
have fxx1 := f_x_sq__eq__x_f_x f H x,
have fxx2 := f_x_sq__eq__x_f_x f H (-x),
simp at *,
rewrite fxx1 at fxx2,
cases classical.em (x = 0), {
rewrite h,
rewrite f_0__eq__0 f H,
}, {
ring at fxx2,
have H3 : f (x) * x = -f (-x) * x, { rewrite fxx2, ring },
have H4 := euclidean_domain.eq_div_of_mul_eq_left h H3,
rewrite euclidean_domain.mul_div_cancel (-f (-x)) h at H4,
rewrite H4,
lemma f_x__eq_f_f_x : ∀ f, prop f →
∀ x, f (f (x)) = f (x)
:= begin
unfold prop,
intros f H x,
have H0 := f_0__eq__0 f H,
specialize H x 0,
repeat { simp at H, rewrite H0 at H, simp at H },
lemma twice_fy__eq__f_y_minus_x_plus_f_y_plus_x : ∀ f, prop f →
∀ x y, 2 * f(y) = f(y - x) + f(y + x)
:= begin
intros f H x y,
have Hneg := f_neg_x__eq__neg_f_x f H,
have Hsq := f_x_sq__eq__x_f_x f H,
have H0 := f_0__eq__0 f H,
have H1 := H x y,
have H2 := H (-x) y,
have Hadd_eq : (∀ a b c d : ℝ, a = b → c = d → a + c = b + d), {
intros a b c d Hab Hcd,
rewrite Hab,
rewrite Hcd,
ring at H2,
rewrite Hneg at H2,
have E : -(x * f y) + -f x = -(x * f y + f x), {ring},
rewrite E at H2, clear E,
rewrite Hneg at H2,
have H3 := Hadd_eq _ _ _ _ H1 H2, clear H1 H2 Hadd_eq,
ring at H3,
rewrite Hsq at H3,
ring at H3,
cases classical.em (y = 0), {
-- y = 0
subst h,
rewrite H0,
rewrite Hneg,
}, {
-- y ≠ 0
have Hcancel := euclidean_domain.eq_div_of_mul_eq_left h H3,
field_simp at Hcancel,
rewrite Hcancel,
lemma f_2x__eq__2_fx : ∀ f, prop f →
∀ x, f (2 * x) = 2 * f(x)
:= begin
intros f H x,
have h1 := twice_fy__eq__f_y_minus_x_plus_f_y_plus_x f H x x,
ring at h1,
rewrite f_0__eq__0 f H at h1,
ring at h1,
lemma f_x_plus_y__eq_fx_plus_fy : ∀ f, prop f →
∀ x y, f (x + y) = f (x) + f (y)
:= begin
intros f H x y,
have hf0 := f_0__eq__0 f H,
have h1 := twice_fy__eq__f_y_minus_x_plus_f_y_plus_x f H ((y - x)/2) ((y + x)/2),
field_simp at h1,
ring at h1,
rewrite ← f_2x__eq__2_fx f H _ at h1,
ring at h1,
rewrite add_comm x y,
exact h1,
lemma f_xfy__eq__y_fx : ∀ f, prop f →
∀ x y, f (x * f (y)) = y * f (x)
:= begin
intros f H x y,
have Hadd := f_x_plus_y__eq_fx_plus_fy f H,
have Hidemp := f_x__eq_f_f_x f H,
have Hsq := f_x_sq__eq__x_f_x f H,
specialize H x y,
rewrite Hadd x y at H,
rewrite Hadd (x * f y) (f x) at H,
rewrite Hidemp x at H,
rewrite Hsq y at H,
have Hcancel : ∀ a b c : ℝ, a + c = b + c → a = b, {
intros a b c h,
rewrite eq_add_neg_of_add_eq h,
apply Hcancel (f (x * f(y))) (y * f(x)) (f(x) + y*f(y)),
ring at *,
exact H,
lemma fx__eq__x_f1 : ∀ f, prop f →
∀ x, f(x) = x * f(1)
:= begin
intros f H x,
have H' := f_xfy__eq__y_fx f H 1 x,
have Hidemp := f_x__eq_f_f_x f H x,
ring at H',
rewrite Hidemp at H',
exact H',
lemma f1__eq__0_or_1 : ∀ f, prop f →
(f(1) = 0) ∨ (f(1) = 1)
:= begin
intros f H,
have Hlinear := fx__eq__x_f1 f H (f(1)),
have Hidemp := f_x__eq_f_f_x f H 1,
rewrite Hlinear at Hidemp,
cases classical.em (f(1) = 0), {
}, {
have H' := @euclidean_domain.eq_div_of_mul_eq_left _ _ (f(1)) (f(1)) (f(1)) h Hidemp,
field_simp at H',
exact H',
/- Final Solution (Exhaustive) -/
theorem all_solutions : ∀ f, prop f →
(∀ x, f(x) = 0) ∨ (∀ x, f(x) = x)
:= begin
intros f H,
have Hlinear := fx__eq__x_f1 f H,
cases f1__eq__0_or_1 f H with Hf1_0 Hf1_1, {
intro x,
rewrite Hlinear,
rewrite Hf1_0,
}, {
intro x,
rewrite Hlinear,
rewrite Hf1_1,
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