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Created January 16, 2015 18:32
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Spider to crawl WhoScored web pages.
import re
from scrapy.contrib.spiders import CrawlSpider, Rule
from scrapy.utils.project import get_project_settings
from soccerstats.spiders.whoscored_linkextractor import WhoScoredLinkExtractor
from soccerstats.items import WhoScoredRatingsItem
import json
class WhoScoredSpider(CrawlSpider):
Define the crawler to crawwl WhoScored web pages and extract player ratings
name = 'WhoScored'
allowed_domains = ['']
rules = (
Rule(WhoScoredLinkExtractor(), callback='parse_item'),
def __init__(self, tournament=None, year=None, month=None, *args, **kwargs):
super(WhoScoredSpider, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.start_urls = self.__prepare_seed_list(tournament, year, month)
def parse_item(self, response):
Given the match feed page, extract ratings for both the teams
:param response: The contents of the match page
:return: The rating items for both the teams.
match_data_element = response.xpath('//script[contains(., "matchCentreData")]/text()').extract()
if len(match_data_element) == 0:
match_data = match_data_element[0]
match_center_data = json.loads("matchCentreData = (.+?);", match_data).group(1))
item = WhoScoredRatingsItem()
item['match_id'] ="matchId = (.+?);", match_data).group(1)
item['venue_name'] = match_center_data['venueName'] if 'venueName' in match_center_data else ''
item['referee_name'] = match_center_data['refereeName'] if 'refereeName' in match_center_data else ''
item['start_time'] = match_center_data['startTime']
item['competition'] = response.xpath('//div[@id="breadcrumb-nav"]/a/text()').extract()
for pos in ['home', 'away']:
team_data = match_center_data[pos]
item[pos + '_team_id'] = team_data['teamId']
item[pos + '_team_name'] = team_data['name']
item[pos + '_team_average_age'] = team_data['averageAge']
item[pos + '_team_manager'] = team_data['managerName']
item[pos + '_team_formation'] = team_data['formations'][0]['formationName']
item[pos + '_team_score_halftime'] = team_data['scores']['halftime']
item[pos + '_team_score_fulltime'] = team_data['scores']['fulltime']
players = {}
team_rating = 0.0
players_involved = 0
for player in team_data['players']:
player_id = player['playerId']
ratings_array = player['stats']['ratings'] if 'ratings' in player['stats'] else None
if ratings_array:
rating = ratings_array[max(ratings_array, key = int)]
team_rating += rating
players_involved += 1
rating = -1
players[player_id] = {'age': player['age'],
'height': player['height'],
'shirt': player['shirtNo'] if 'shirtNo' in player else -1,
'position': player['position'],
'name': player['name'],
'started': 'isFirstEleven' in player and player['isFirstEleven'],
'rating': rating
if player['isManOfTheMatch']:
item['man_of_the_match'] = {'id': player_id, 'name': player['name']}
item[pos + '_team_players'] = players
item[pos + '_team_rating'] = team_rating / players_involved
return item
def __prepare_seed_list(self, tournament, year, month):
whoscored_feed_url = get_project_settings().get('WHOSCORED_FEED_URL')
if tournament and year and month:
return [whoscored_feed_url % (tournament, year, month.zfill(2))]
tournaments = get_project_settings().get('TOURNAMENTS')
years = get_project_settings().get('TOURNAMENT_YEARS')
dates = [(years[0], month) for month in xrange(06, 12)]
#dates.extend([(years[1], month) for month in xrange(01, 06)])
return [whoscored_feed_url % (tournament, year, str(month).zfill(2)) for tournament in tournaments for (year, month) in dates]
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