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Created June 30, 2012 09:16
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Gather all dependencies jar and generate start script for running, all placed in `target/` dir
lazy val copyDependencies = TaskKey[Unit]("gather-lib")
def gatherDeps = copyDependencies <<= (update, crossTarget, scalaVersion, internalDependencyClasspath in Compile, mainClass in Runtime) map {
(updateReport, out, scalaVer, deps, main_class) =>
var projDeps = Array[String]()
deps.foreach {
depsDir =>
val x ="/")
if (x.length > 3){
val projName = x(x.length - 3)
println("Copying `" + out / "lib" / projName + "`...")
IO.copyDirectory(, out / "lib" / projName)
projDeps :+= "lib/" + projName
updateReport.allFiles foreach {
srcPath =>
val destPath = out / "lib" / srcPath.getName
println("Copying `" + destPath + "`...")
IO.copyFile(srcPath, destPath, preserveLastModified = true)
// generate executable script
val shScript =
"""#!/usr/bin/env sh
|java "$@" -cp "classes:lib/*:%s" %s
""".stripMargin.format(projDeps.reduce(_ + ":" + _), main_class.getOrElse("xxx")).trim + "\n"
IO.write(out / "", shScript.getBytes)
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anvie commented Jun 30, 2012

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