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Created March 11, 2021 16:45
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Starter gulpfle with linting, sass, and minification
const gulp = require("gulp"), // Load Gulp!
// Now that we've installed the terser package we can require it:
terser = require("gulp-terser"), //to uglify the code
rename = require("gulp-rename"), // to rename
browserSync = require("browser-Sync").create(), //syncs the files to the browser
eslint = require("gulp-eslint"), // chescks for lynt warnings and errors
sass = require("gulp-sass"), // sass compiler
autoPrefixer = require("gulp-autoprefixer"), //older version support
cssnano = require("gulp-cssnano"), //minify the css
prettyError = require("gulp-prettyerror"), // looks for errors before compiling
imagemin = require("gulp-imagemin"); //compresses images
gulp.task("image", function() {
return gulp
interlaced: true,
progressive: true,
optimizationLevel: 5,
svgoPlugins: [
removeViewBox: true
gulp.task("sass", function() {
return gulp
.src("./sass/style.scss") // source path
.pipe(prettyError()) // ADD THIS LINE
.pipe(sass()) //runs compiler
.pipe(autoPrefixer({})) //support for older versions
.pipe(cssnano()) //minify the code
.pipe(rename("style.min.css")) //renames the file
.pipe(gulp.dest("./build/css")); //destination folder
gulp.task("scripts", function() {
return gulp
.src("./js/*.js") // What files do we want gulp to consume?
.pipe(terser()) // Call the terser function on these files
.pipe(rename({ extname: ".min.js" })) // Rename the uglified file
.pipe(gulp.dest("./build/js")); // Where do we put the result?
gulp.task("eslint", function() {
return (
// eslint() attaches the lint output to the 'eslint' property
// of the file object so it can be used by other modules.
// eslint.format() outputs the lint results to the console.
// Alternatively use eslint.formatEach() (see Docs).
// To have the process exit with an error code (1) on
// lint error, return the stream and pipe to failAfterError last.
gulp.task("watch", function() {"./js/*.js", gulp.series("scripts", "reload"));"./sass/*.scss", gulp.series("sass", "reload"));
//"./css/*.css", gulp.series("reload")); not needed with the scss"./*.html", gulp.series("reload"));"./assets/images/*", gulp.series("reload"));
}); //watches the files for changes
gulp.task("browser-sync", function() {
server: { baseDir: "./" }
}); //syncs with browser
gulp.task("reload", function(done) {
}); // reload function
gulp.parallel("sass", "image", "scripts", "watch", "browser-sync")
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