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Created May 8, 2011 11:50
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Save anwajler/961321 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop. handling
require 'net/http'
require 'net/https'
# OK
"1001" => "kod zostal znaleziony i jest aktywny",
"2001" => "szukany kod nie zostal znaleziony",
"2002" => "kod zostal znaleziony, ale nie jest juz aktywny",
"3001" => "brakuje ktoregos z parametrow (password, service lub code)",
"3004" => "podany identyfikator (parametr 'service') jest nieprawidlowy",
"3005" => "ktorys z parametrow ma nieprawidlowy format",
"3006" => "bledna kombinacja hasla uzytkownika i identyfikatora (subprefixu)",
"5001" => "blad wewnetrzny po stronie serwera Smartpay"
host = ''
code = ''
service = ''
password = ''
rate = ''
just_check = 'true'
http =, 443)
http.use_ssl = true
path = "/check/?service=#{service}&password=#{password}&code=#{code}&just_check=#{just_check}&rate=#{rate}"
# GET request -> so the host can set his cookies
resp, data = http.get(path, nil)
status, message = data.split("\n")
msg_id = message.split(":")[0]
case status
when "OK"
puts MESSAGES[msg_id]
puts MESSAGES[msg_id]
when "ERROR"
puts MESSAGES[msg_id]
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