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Last active March 31, 2016 08:18
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Bookshelf pagination plugin demo
import Promise from 'bluebird';
* The default pagination options, these can be overridden
* by the user by passing an options object as the first argument
* to the Model#pagination call. The 'sort' column here can
* refer to any column in the Model's table or another table using
* the standard 'table.column' notation.
const defaultOptions = {
page: 1,
limit: 10,
sort: 'id',
order: 'ASC',
* Applies the query object or function passed through by the user
* This is basically copied from:
function fullQuery (qb, method) {
if (typeof method === 'function') {
// `method` is a query builder callback. Call it on the query builder
// object.
Reflect.apply(method, qb, [qb]);
} else if (typeof method === 'object') {
// `method` is an object. Use keys as methods and values as arguments to
// the query builder.
for (const key in method) {
if (method.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
const target = Array.isArray(method[key]) ? method[key] : [method[key]];
Reflect.apply(qb[key], qb, target);
return null;
* Applies the pagination limit, offset, and ordering of results
function paginationQuery ({qb, method, limit, offset, orderBy}) {
fullQuery(qb, method);
return null;
* Exports a plugin to pass into the bookshelf instance, i.e.:
* import config from './knexfile';
* import knex from 'knex';
* import bookshelf from 'bookshelf';
* import pagination from 'bookshelf-pagination-plugin';
* const ORM = bookshelf(knex(config));
* ORM.plugin(pagination);
* export default ORM;
* The plugin attaches one static and one instance method to the bookshelf
* Model object, both called 'paginate'.
* Model#paginate takes three parameters:
* - an options object as described above
* - a query builder object or function, the same as what would be passed
* to Model##query
* - the fetch options object, same as what gets passed to Model#fetchAll
* The method returns a promise that resolves with an object containing the
* found rows and pagination metadata:
* {
* total: (integer),
* page: (integer),
* offset: (integer),
* rows: (Array[Model])
* }
* This allows for simple creation of paginated complex queries.
* See the cars-api-example.js gist for an example.
export default function paginate (bookshelf) {
bookshelf.Model = bookshelf.Model.extend({
paginate (pagingOptions = defaultOptions, queryOptions, fetchOptions) {
const options = Object.assign({}, defaultOptions, pagingOptions);
const {limit, page, sort, order} = options;
const offset = limit * (page - 1);
const tableName = this.constructor.prototype.tableName;
const idAttribute = this.constructor.prototype.idAttribute ?
this.constructor.prototype.idAttribute : 'id';
var orderBy;
if (sort.indexOf('.') > -1) {
orderBy = [tableName + sort, order];
} else {
orderBy = [sort, order];
const fetchPage = () => {
return this.constructor.forge()
.query(qb => paginationQuery({
qb, limit, offset, orderBy,
method: queryOptions,
const count = () => {
return this.constructor.forge()
.query(qb => fullQuery(qb, queryOptions))
.then(total => {
return {total, page, limit, offset};
return Promise.join(fetchPage(), count())
.then(([rows, meta]) => {
return Object.assign({rows}, meta, {rowCount: rows.length});
}, {
paginate (options, queryOptions, fetchOptions) {
return this.forge().paginate(options, queryOptions, fetchOptions);
import { Cars } from '../models';
import app from '../app';
app.use('/api/cars', (req, res) => {
const {page, limit, sort, order} = req.query;
return Cars.paginate({
page, // 1
limit, // 20
sort, // ''
order // 'ASC'
}, qb => {
qb.innerJoin('manufacturers', '', 'cars.manufacturer_id');
qb.where('cars.production_year', '>', '2000')
}, {
withRelated: ['manufacturer']
.then(result => {
res.header('X-Total-Pages', Math.ceil( / result.limit));
if (result && result.rowCount > 0) {
return res.json(result.rows);
return res.sendStatus(404);
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