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Last active January 10, 2018 18:35
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ES6 Transpilation and WebPack Setup

ES6 Transpilation and WebPack Setup

Instructions for setting up Babel to transpile ES6 to a supported format. Part of the activity in the final class of the Girl Develop It Intro to ES6 course.

Table of Contents


What You'll Need

  1. A text editor. We'll be using Sublime Text for this tutorial -- it may be slightly easier to follow along if you have Sublime, too!
  2. Node.js version 6 or above. Be sure Node.js version or higher is installed by opening your command line tool (for example, Terminal, X11, Git Bash, or cmd) and typing node -v. If version 6 or above appears, you're good to go!
  3. Google Chrome

Setting up Babel

  1. In your command line, create a folder called gdi-es6 by typing mkdir gdi-es6
  2. Change directories to this folder by typing cd gdi-es6
  3. Run npm init and press Enter until complete
  4. Open your text editor (we'll be using Sublime Text) and mount the gdi-es6 folder you just created, then create two folders within gdi-es6, src and build. All our ES6 will be written in the src folder, where it will then be transpiled to our build folder.
  1. Install the babel command line interface: npm install --save-dev babel-cli
  2. Install the babel ES6 transpiler: npm install --save-dev babel-preset-es2015
  3. To the gdi-es6 folder, add a .babelrc file containing the following:
	"presets": ["es2015", "stage-2"]
  1. We're now ready to transpile! Let's add some test files.
  2. Within src, create a file called test.js containing the following:
const test = msg => {

export default test;
  1. Within src, create a file called index.js containing the following:
import test from './test';

test('Babel works!');
  1. Try running node src/index.js. You should get an error because src/index.js isn't transpiled.

  2. Go back to your command line and type babel src/index.js --watch --out-file build/bundle.js. (Didn't work? Try the below steps or check the Troubleshooting section)

    • Windows: If babel src/index.js --watch --out-file build/bundle.js doesn't work, run .\node_modules\.bin\babel src/index.js --watch --out-file build/bundle.js
    • Mac: If babel src/index.js --watch --out-file build/bundle.js doesn't work, run ./node_modules/.bin/babel src/index.js --watch --out-file build/bundle.js instead
  3. Check your build folder to make sure everything is transpiling properly. When you make a change to any file in src, it should automatically transpile for you!

  4. In the command line, try running node build/bundle.js. Note how you won't get an error with the transpiled file!

  5. Now that we have a bundled file, we'd like to run that every time we type in npm start (the default command for almost every Node project). To do so, open your package.json file. Within the "scripts": {} object, add a property "start": "node build/bundle.js". When we type npm start in the command line, node will run our build file.

  6. Go to the command line and run npm start. It should output Babel works! (or whatever text you put in your src/index.js file).

Congrats! Now we can move on to setting up WebPack.

Setting Up WebPack

We've now got Babel up and running, but typically we'd like to use a build tool such as WebPack, Gulp, or Grunt, since we can use a build tool for a number of other things: transpilation, minification, optimization, processing CSS, running a server, etc. Let's use WebPack.

  1. In the command line, navigate to your gdi-es6 directory if you aren't there already (cd gdi-es6).
  2. Install WebPack by running npm install --save-dev webpack
  3. Let's make sure WebPack is working properly. In the command line, type webpack ./src/index.js ./build/bundle.js to transpile your src JS files to build/bundle.js`. (Didn't work? Try the below steps or check the Troubleshooting section)
  4. Instead of typing in our entry file (./src/index.js) and output file (./build/bundle.js) each time, let's have WebPack automate that. Create a file called webpack.config.js in your gdi-es6 directory and paste the following:
	module.exports = {

		entry: './src/index.js',
		output: {
			path: __dirname + '/build',
			filename: 'bundle.js'

  1. Now, make a minor change to the text in src/index.js, save, and run webpack () from the command line. It should build to your bundle.js file. But our result isn't transpiled properly; it's only being bundled into one file.
  2. Let's set up transpilation, by installing some WebPack Babel loaders and their dependencies. Run npm install --save-dev babel-core babel-loader in the command line.
  3. Create an index.html file within your gdi-es6 folder containing the following:
<!doctype html>
		<title>GDI ES6 Activity</title>
		<script type="text/javascript" src="build/bundle.js"></script>
  1. Open your index.html file in Google Chrome. Check the console to see if your message appears.
  2. In your command line, run webpack --watch. The --watch flag will automatically transpile your files. Try changing the message in src/index.js, saving, and then refreshing the open index.html page in your browser to see the change.
  3. One problem with webpack --watch is that you have to refresh to see changes. Let's have our changes automatically reload instead using WebPack dev server. Install it by running npm install --save-dev webpack-dev-server.
  4. Run it with webpack-dev-server. (Having trouble? Try .\node_modules\.bin\webpack-dev-server on Windows or ./node_modules/.bin/webpack-dev-server on a Mac)
  5. Go to the localhost URL it gives you and add a /webpack-dev-server at the end (e.g. http://localhost:8080/webpack-dev-server). Click on the index file, which is your index.html file.
    • Note: Adding /webpack-dev-server is important! If you go to the root localhost URL, that won't automatically refresh.
  6. Try making some changes to your src/index.js file's message. It should automatically update in the browser!

Setting up ESLint

ESLint helps you and your team abide by a common coding standard, from tabs vs. spaces to using semicolons. You can easily change the rules as your codebase evolves. Although it's installed as a command line tool, you can add it as a tooltip to most IDEs and text editors. Let's set it up!

  1. First we need to install ESLint globally (-g) on our machine. In your command line, run npm install -g eslint.
  2. From the command line, within your gdi-es6 folder, initiate ESLint with eslint --init. It will ask you a series of questions about your code style. Let's say yes to ECMAScript 6 features, ES6 modules, browser use, and CommonJS, and pick JSON as our preferred file type. The rest is up to you.
  3. A eslintrc.json file will be created. Open it to see the style rules.
  4. You can now run eslint * to see a list of suggestions for all of the code in your gdi-es6 project.

Helpful, right? But wouldn't it be better to see it in our text editor or IDE? Check out some installation instructions for common editors below.

ESLint Setup in Sublime Text

  1. Be sure Package Control is installed first, under Tools > Install Package Control.... (If you don't see that option, you're good to go to step 2.)
  2. Go to Tools > Command Palette and type install to select Package Control: Install Package from the dropdown
  3. Search for SublimeLinter and hit Enter to install
  4. Search for SubLinter-contrib-eslint and hit Enter to install
  5. Restart Sublime Text and open your src/index.js file. Delete one of the semicolons and save. You should now see a red error message around the missing semicolon!


  • If you get the You have mistakenly installed the babel package, which is a no-op in Babel 6 error message...
    • run npm uninstall -g babel and try to run the command again
  • If you get a moduleNameHere is not recognized as an internal or external command error, first make sure you ran the correct npm install command for that module (see instructions). If that doesn't work, you can point to the correct executable by...
    • Windows: Replace the command with .\node_modules\.bin\moduleNameHere. For example, if I wanted to run a babel command, I would type .\node_modules\.bin\babel
    • Mac: Replace the command with ./node_modules/.bin/moduleNameHere. For example, if I wanted to run a babel command, I would type ./node_modules/.bin/babel
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