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Last active October 17, 2024 13:07
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/* Simple PHP WHOIS (PHP >= 4.0) */
/* */
/* --------------------- CONFIGURATION --------------------- */
// Clean up comments ('#', '%') and empty lines from the response
$NO_COMMENTS = false;
// Use IANA lookup for TLDs which are not on the list below at the cost of an additional query
// Allow querying UTF-8 internationalized domain names, disable to validate domains as US-ASCII
// This feature requires either enabling the 'php-intl' module or adding 'idna.class.php'
// polyfill to the script directory (idna.class.php:
// Every WHOIS server which does not follow "whois.nic.tld" paradigm should be added here
// For the full list of TLDs see:
// WHOIS servers can be queried from IANA WHOIS:
"aero" => array("", true),
"al" => array("", true), // Albania
"am" => array("", true), // Armenia
"arpa" => array("", true),
"au" => array("", true), // Australia
"ax" => array("", true), // Aland Islands
"az" => array("", true), // Azerbaijan
"be" => array("", true), // Belgium
"bg" => array("", true), // Bulgaria
"biz" => array("", true),
"bn" => array("", true), // Brunei Darussalam
"br" => array("", false), // Brazil
"bt" => array("", true), // Bhutan
"by" => array("", true), // Belarus
"bz" => array("", true), // Belize
"ca" => array("", true), // Canada
"cat" => array("", true), // Spain (Catalonia)
"cn" => array("", true), // China
"cy" => array("", true), // Cyprus
"com" => array("", true),
"de" => array("", true), // Germany
"dk" => array("", true), // Denmark
"dz" => array("", true), // Algeria
"edu" => array("", true),
"ee" => array("", true), // Estonia
"eg" => array("", true), // Egypt
"eu" => array("", true), // European Union
"fi" => array("", false), // Finland
"gg" => array("", true), // Guernsey
"gi" => array("", true), // Gibraltar
"gm" => array("", true), // Gambia
"gy" => array("", true), // Guyana
"hk" => array("", true), // Hong Kong
"hm" => array("", true), // Heard and MacDonald Islands, Australia
"hn" => array("", true), // Honduras
"hr" => array("", true), // Croatia
"hu" => array("", true), // Hungary
"ie" => array("", true), // Ireland
"il" => array("", true), // Israel
"in" => array("", true), // India
"info" => array("", true),
"int" => array("", true),
"iq" => array("", true), // Iraq
"is" => array("", false), // Iceland
"je" => array("", true), // Jersey
"jobs" => array("", true),
"jp" => array("", true), // Japan
"ke" => array("", true), // Kenya
"kg" => array("", true), // Kyrgyzstan
"kr" => array("", true), // Korea, Republic Of
"lt" => array("", true), // Lithuania
"lu" => array("", false), // Luxembourg
"ma" => array("", true), // Morocco
"mc" => array("", true), // Monaco
"mo" => array("", true), // Macao
"mobi" => array("", true),
"museum" => array("", true),
"mx" => array("", true), // Mexico
"my" => array("", true), // Malaysia
"na" => array("", true), // Namibia
"nc" => array("", true), // New Caledonia
"net" => array("", true),
"ng" => array("", true), // Nigeria
"nl" => array("", true), // Netherlands
"no" => array("", false), // Norway
"nz" => array("", true), // New Zealand
"om" => array("", true), // Oman
"org" => array("", true),
"pe" => array("", true), // Peru
"pf" => array("", true), // French Polynesia
"pl" => array("", true), // Poland
"post" => array("", true),
"pro" => array("", true),
"pt" => array("", true), // Portugal
"qa" => array("", true), // Qatar
"ro" => array("", true), // Romania
"rs" => array("", true), // Serbia
"ru" => array("", true), // Russian Federation
"sa" => array("", true), // Saudi Arabia
"sb" => array("", true), // Solomon Islands
"sc" => array("", true), // Seychelles
"se" => array("", true), // Sweden
"sg" => array("", true), // Singapore
"si" => array("", true), // Slovenia
"sk" => array("", true), // Slovakia
"su" => array("", true), // Russian Federation
"sx" => array("", true), // Sint Maarten (Dutch)
"sy" => array("", true), // Syrian Arab Republic
"tc" => array("", true), // Turks And Caicos Islands
"th" => array("", true), // Thailand
"tk" => array("", true), // Tokelau
"tn" => array("", true), // Tunisia
"to" => array("", true), // Tonga
"tp" => array("", true), // Timor-leste
"tv" => array("", true), // Tuvalu
"tw" => array("", true), // Taiwan
"tz" => array("", true), // Tanzania, United Republic Of
"ua" => array("", true), // Ukraine
"ug" => array("", true), // Uganda
"uy" => array("", true), // Uruguay
"uz" => array("", true), // Uzbekistan
"va" => array("", true), // Vatican (Holy See)
"vc" => array("", true), // Saint Vincent And The Grenadines
"vg" => array("", true), // Virgin Islands, British
"vu" => array("", true), // Vanuatu
"ws" => array("", true), // Samoa
"yu" => array("", true) // Yugoslavia, Former
/* --------------------------------------------------------- */
@ini_set("default_charset", "utf-8");
$query = (isset($_GET['q']) ? $_GET['q'] : null);
$txt = (isset($_GET['txt']) ? $_GET['txt'] : false);
$errors = array();
if (!function_exists("idn_to_ascii")) {
if ((@include("idna.class.php")) == false || !function_exists("idn_to_ascii")) {
die("ERROR: idn_to_ascii() function missing!\n");
function GetIDN($domain) { return idn_to_ascii($domain); }
function ValidateDomain($domain) {
if ($idn = GetIDN($domain)) {
$len = strlen($idn);
return (($len > 2 && $len < 64) ? $domain : false);
return false;
else {
function GetIDN($domain) { return $domain; }
function ValidateDomain($domain) {
return (preg_match("/^([-a-z0-9]{2,100})\.([a-z\.]{2,20})$/i", $domain) ? $domain : false);
function LookupWhois($domain) {
$result = QueryWhoisServer("", $domain, true);
if ($result && (preg_match("/.*refer:\h*([^\s\/]+)/i", $result, $matches) !== false)) return $matches[1];
return null;
function LookupDomain($domain) {
$domain_parts = explode(".", $domain);
$tld = strtolower(array_pop($domain_parts));
$whoisserver = $GLOBALS["WHOIS_SERVERS"][$tld];
if ($whoisserver) {
$server = $whoisserver[0];
$is_utf8 = $whoisserver[1];
else {
$is_utf8 = true;
if ($GLOBALS["USE_IANA_LOOKUP"]) $server = LookupWhois($domain); // lookup from IANA
if (!$server) $server = "whois.nic.$tld";
$results = array();
while ($results[$server] = QueryWhoisServer($server, $domain, $is_utf8)) {
if (preg_match("/.*whois server:\h*([^\s\/]+)/i", $results[$server], $matches) === false) break;
$server = $matches[1];
if (!$server || isset($results[$server])) break;
return array_filter($results);
function LookupIP($ip) {
$whoisservers = array(
array("", "n ", "ReferralServer:"), // North America only
array("", "", "NON-RIPE-NCC-MANAGED-ADDRESS-BLOCK"), // Europe, Middle East and Central Asia only
array("", "", "ALLOCATED PORTABLE"), // Asia-Pacific only
array("", "", "Unallocated and unassigned in LACNIC block"), // Latin America and Caribbean - returns data for ALL locations worldwide :-)
array("", "", "The WHOIS is temporary unable to query") // Africa
foreach ($whoisservers as $whoisserver) {
$result = QueryWhoisServer($whoisserver[0], $whoisserver[1].$ip, false);
if (!empty($result) && (strpos($result, $whoisserver[2]) === false)) return array($whoisserver[0] => $result);
return array();
function QueryWhoisServer($whoisserver, $query, $is_utf8) {
$port = 43;
$timeout = 10;
$data = null;
$errstr = "";
$fp = @fsockopen($whoisserver, $port, $errno, $errstr, $timeout);
if ($fp === false) $GLOBALS["errors"][] = "$whoisserver connection error: $errstr";
else {
@socket_set_timeout($fp, $timeout);
if (@fputs($fp, "$query\r\n") === false) $GLOBALS["errors"][] = "$whoisserver connection error: $errstr";
else {
$data = "";
$r = array($fp);
$w = null;
while (is_resource($fp) && !feof($fp)) {
if (function_exists("stream_select")) {
if (!@stream_select($r, $w, $w, $timeout)) {
$GLOBALS["errors"][] = "$whoisserver connection error: Connection timed out";
return null;
$data .= fgets($fp);
if (function_exists("stream_get_meta_data")) {
$info = @stream_get_meta_data($fp);
if (is_array($info) && $info["timed_out"]) {
$GLOBALS["errors"][] = "$whoisserver connection error: Connection timed out";
return null;
$rows = explode("\n", ($is_utf8 ? $data : utf8_encode($data)));
$data = "";
foreach ($rows as $row) {
$row = trim($row);
if (strncmp($row, "Timeout", 7) === 0) {
$GLOBALS["errors"][] = "$whoisserver query error: Request timed out";
return null;
if (!$clean || (!empty($row) && ($row[0] != '#') && ($row[0] != '%'))) $data .= "$row\n";
return $data;
function ValidateIP($ip) {
$ipnums = explode(".", $ip);
if (count($ipnums) != 4) return false;
foreach ($ipnums as $ipnum) {
if (!is_numeric($ipnum) || ($ipnum > 255) || ($ipnum < 0)) return false;
return $ip;
function TrimDomain($domain) {
$domain = trim($domain);
$start = strpos(strtolower($domain), "://");
if ($start !== false) $start += 3;
$end = strpos(strtolower($domain), "/", $start);
if ($end !== false) $domain = substr($domain, $start, $end-$start);
elseif ($start !== false) $domain = substr($domain, $start);
if (strncmp(strtolower($domain), "www.", 4) === 0) $domain = substr($domain, 4);
return $domain;
function PrintResults($what, $query, $results) {
if ($results) {
$res = "";
foreach ($results as $whoisserver => $result) {
$res .= "\n\n-------------\n$what results for $query from $whoisserver [".@gethostbyname(GetIDN($whoisserver))."]:\n\n$result";
return $res;
return "\n\n-------------\nNo results for $query";
function PrintErrors($errors) {
if ($errors) {
$res = "\n\n-------------";
foreach ($errors as $err) {
$res .= "\n$err";
return $res;
return "";
if ($query) $query = TrimDomain($query);
if ($txt) header("Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8");
else {
header("Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8");
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title><?=($query ? "WHOIS Lookup for $query" : "WHOIS Lookup");?></title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
* {
color: #e8e6e3;
color-scheme: dark;
background-color: #181a1b;
border-color: #736b5e;
scrollbar-color: #454a4d #202324;
#q:focus {
outline: none !important;
<form action="<?=$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];?>">
<p><b><label for="q">Domain/IP Address:</label></b> <input type="text" name="q" id="q" placeholder="" value="<?=$query;?>"> <input type="submit" value="Lookup"></p>
if ($query) {
if (ValidateIP($query)) {
echo "IP: $query";
echo "\nRDNS: ".@gethostbyaddr($query);
$res = PrintResults("IP-Lookup", $query, LookupIP($query));
echo PrintErrors($errors);
echo $res;
elseif (ValidateDomain($query)) {
echo "DOMAIN: $query";
$idn = GetIDN($query);
if ($idn !== $query) echo "\nIDN: $idn";
$ip = ValidateIP(@gethostbyname($idn));
echo "\nIP: $ip";
echo "\nRDNS: ".($ip ? @gethostbyaddr($ip) : "");
$res = PrintResults("WHOIS", $query, LookupDomain($query));
if ($ip) $res .= PrintResults("IP-Lookup", $ip, LookupIP($ip));
echo PrintErrors($errors);
echo $res;
else echo "Invalid Input!";
if (!$txt) {
<?php } ?>
Copy link

Some new top level domains:

	"aw" =>"",
	"az" =>"",
	"bar" =>"",
	"be" =>"",
	"berlin" =>"",
  	"best" =>"",
	"bzh" =>"",
	"ceo" =>"",
	"cloud" =>"",
	"club" =>"",
	"cy" =>"",
        "dev" =>"",
    	"de" =>"",
        "dev" =>"",
	"dk" =>"",
	"dm" =>"",												  
	"dz" =>"",
	"gb" =>"",
	"ge" =>"",							
	"gm" =>"",
	"gw" =>"",
	"hamburg" =>"",
	"hiphop" =>"",
	"hm" =>"",
	"hn" =>"",
	"ing" =>"",
	"mc" =>"",
	"ong" =>"",
	"ooo" =>"",
	"org" =>"",
	"ovh" =>"",
	"pe" =>"",
       "site" =>"",
	"shop" =>"",
	"top" =>"",
	"" =>"",
	"" =>"",
	"" =>"",
	"" =>"",
	"va" =>"",
	"vu" =>"",
	"wang" =>"",
	"za" =>"");

Copy link

anzz1 commented Oct 17, 2024

Thanks @ehnwebmaster , added the missing ones.
Some of them were redundant, note that the script automatically defaults to whois.nic.TLD for domains not on the list so those do not need to be added.

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