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Last active September 7, 2024 21:59
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<# :
@setlocal disabledelayedexpansion enableextensions
@echo off
powershell -nol -noni -nop -ex bypass -c "&{[ScriptBlock]::Create((cat '%~f0') -join [Char[]]10).Invoke(@(&{$args}%*))}"
exit /b
function filesize($length) {
if($length -gt 1073741824) {
"{0:n1} GB" -f ($length / 1073741824)
} elseif($length -gt 1048576) {
"{0:n1} MB" -f ($length / 1048576)
} elseif($length -gt 1024) {
"{0:n1} KB" -f ($length / 1024)
} else {
"$($length) B"
function ftp_file_size($url) {
$request = [net.ftpwebrequest]::create($url)
$request.method = [net.webrequestmethods+ftp]::getfilesize
function url_remote_filename($url) {
$uri = (new-object URI $url)
$basename = split-path $uri.PathAndQuery -leaf
if($basename -match ".*[?=]+([\w._-]+)") {
$basename = $matches[1]
if(($basename -notlike "*.*") -or ($basename -match "^[v.\d]+$")) {
$basename = split-path $uri.AbsolutePath -leaf
if(($basename -notlike "*.*") -and ($uri.Fragment -ne "")) {
$basename = $uri.Fragment.Trim('/', '#')
return $basename
function dl($url, $to, $progress) {
[System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = 4032
$reqUrl = ($url -split "#")[0]
$wreq = [net.webrequest]::create($reqUrl)
try {
$wres = $wreq.GetResponse()
} catch [System.Net.WebException] {
$exc = $_.Exception
$handledCodes = @(
[System.Net.HttpStatusCode]::MovedPermanently, # HTTP 301
[System.Net.HttpStatusCode]::Found, # HTTP 302
[System.Net.HttpStatusCode]::SeeOther, # HTTP 303
[System.Net.HttpStatusCode]::TemporaryRedirect # HTTP 307
$redirectRes = $exc.Response
if ($handledCodes -notcontains $redirectRes.StatusCode) {
throw $exc
if ((-not $redirectRes.Headers) -or ($redirectRes.Headers -notcontains 'Location')) {
throw $exc
$newUrl = $redirectRes.Headers['Location']
if ($url -like '*#/*') {
$null, $postfix = $url -split '#/'
$newUrl = "$newUrl#/$postfix"
dl $newUrl $to $progress
if(-not $to) {
$to = url_remote_filename $url
$total = $wres.ContentLength
if($total -eq -1 -and $wreq -is [net.ftpwebrequest]) {
$total = ftp_file_size($url)
if ($progress -and ($total -gt 0)) {
[console]::CursorVisible = $false
function dl_onProgress($read) {
dl_progress $read $total $(split-path $to -leaf)
} else {
if($total -gt 0) {
write-host "Downloading $url ($(filesize $total))..."
} else {
write-host "Downloading $url ..."
function dl_onProgress {
#no op
try {
$s = $wres.getresponsestream()
$fs = [io.file]::openwrite($to)
$buffer = new-object byte[] 2048
$totalRead = 0
$sw = [diagnostics.stopwatch]::StartNew()
dl_onProgress $totalRead
while(($read = $$buffer, 0, $buffer.length)) -gt 0) {
$fs.write($buffer, 0, $read)
$totalRead += $read
if ($sw.elapsedmilliseconds -gt 100) {
dl_onProgress $totalRead
dl_onProgress $totalRead
} finally {
if ($progress) {
[console]::CursorVisible = $true
if ($fs) {
if ($s) {
function dl_progress_output($filename, $read, $total, $console) {
$p = [math]::Round($read / $total * 100, 0)
$left = "$filename ($(filesize $total))"
$right = [string]::Format("{0,3}%", $p)
$midwidth = $console.BufferSize.Width - ($left.Length + $right.Length + 8)
$completed = [math]::Abs([math]::Round(($p / 100) * $midwidth, 0) - 1)
if ($completed -gt 1) {
$dashes = [string]::Join("", ((1..$completed) | ForEach-Object {"="}))
$dashes += switch($p) {
100 {"="}
default {">"}
$spaces = switch($dashes.Length) {
$midwidth {[string]::Empty}
default {
[string]::Join("", ((1..($midwidth - $dashes.Length)) | ForEach-Object {" "}))
"$left [$dashes$spaces] $right"
function dl_progress($read, $total, $filename) {
$console = $host.UI.RawUI;
$left = $console.CursorPosition.X;
$top = $console.CursorPosition.Y;
$width = $console.BufferSize.Width;
if($read -eq 0) {
$maxOutputLength = $(dl_progress_output $filename 100 $total $console).length
if (($left + $maxOutputLength) -gt $width) {
$left = 0
$top = $top + 1
if($top -gt $console.CursorPosition.Y) { $top = $console.CursorPosition.Y }
write-host $(dl_progress_output $filename $read $total $console) -nonewline
[console]::SetCursorPosition($left, $top)
if ($args.count -gt 0) {
dl $args[0] $args[1] $(!([console]::isoutputredirected))
} else {
write-host "Usage: download <url> [outfile]"
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