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Last active March 19, 2021 08:39
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#!/usr/bin/env bb
(require '[ :refer [sh]]
'[clojure.string :as string])
(def default-file "")
;; (def test-text
;; "プリズム──本来の名称である「プラガ世界間通信機器」の頭字語をもじった呼び名──には、赤と青のLEDが一個ずつついている。
;; テッド チャン. 息吹 (Japanese Edition) (Kindle の位置No.4816-4818). Kindle 版. ")
(defn get-clipboard []
(-> (sh "pbpaste") :out))
(defn clipboard->org []
(let [highlight (string/split (get-clipboard) #"\n")
body (or (first highlight) "")
meta-info (or (last highlight) "")
book-info (re-find #"^.+(?=\(Kindle の位置)" meta-info)
[author title] (try
(string/split book-info #"\. ")
(catch Exception _ nil))
location (re-find #"(?<=Kindle の位置)No.[0-9-]+" meta-info)]
(if (and body author title location)
(let [header (str "* " (string/trim author)
"『" (string/trim title) "』"
" - " location)
body (str " " body "\n")]
(spit default-file (string/join "\n" [header body]) :append true)
(System/exit 0))
(println "Invalid Input")
(System/exit 1)))))
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