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Created March 22, 2018 11:09
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class Pos private(val prog: String, val offs: Int, val line: Int, val col: Int) {
def this(prog: String) = this(prog, 0, 1, 1)
def ch = if (offs == prog.length) -1 else prog(offs)
def inc = ch match {
case '\n' => new Pos(prog, offs + 1, line + 1, 1)
case -1 => this
case _ => new Pos(prog, offs + 1, line, col + 1)
override def toString = "(" + line + " , " + col + ")"
object DomainTags extends Enumeration {
type Tag = Value
import DomainTags._
class Scanner {
def scan(start: Pos): (Tag, Pos) =
sys.error(" syntax error at " + start)
class Token(val start: Pos, scanner: Scanner) {
val (tag, follow) = match {
case -1 => (END_OF_PROGRAM, start)
case _ => scanner.scan(start)
def image = start.prog.substring(start.offs, follow.offs)
def next = new Token(follow, scanner)
trait Whitespaces extends Scanner {
private def missWhitespace(pos: Pos): Pos = match {
case ' ' => missWhitespace(
case '\t' => missWhitespace(
case '\n' => missWhitespace(
case _ => pos
override def scan(start: Pos) = {
val follow = missWhitespace(start)
if (start != follow) (WHITESPACE, follow)
else super.scan(start)
trait Comments extends Scanner {
private def skipComment(pos: Pos): Pos = match {
case '\n' => pos
case _ => skipComment(
override def scan(start: Pos) = {
val follow = if (start.col == 1 && == '*') skipComment(start) else start
if (start != follow) (COMMENT, follow)
else super.scan(start)
trait KeyWords extends Scanner {
private def scanKeyWord(pos: Pos, keyword: String, ch: Int): (Pos, Int) = {
if (ch == keyword.length() - 1) (pos, ch)
else if (keyword(ch) == scanKeyWord(, keyword, ch + 1)
else (pos, ch)
private def getKeyWord(pos: Pos): Pos = match {
case '*' =>
val (follow, len) = scanKeyWord(pos, "**", 0)
if (len + 1 == 2) follow
else pos
case 'w' =>
val (follow, len) = scanKeyWord(pos, "with", 0)
if (len + 1 == 4) follow
else pos
case 'e' =>
val (follow, len) = scanKeyWord(pos, "end", 0)
if (len + 1 == 3) follow
else pos
override def scan(start: Pos) = {
val follow = getKeyWord(start)
if (start != follow) (KEYWORD, follow)
else super.scan(start)
trait Idents extends Scanner {
private def skipAstIdent(pos: Pos): Pos = match {
case '*' => skipAstIdent(
case _ => pos
private def skipIdent(pos: Pos): Pos = match {
case x if 'a' until 'z' contains x => skipIdent(
case _ => pos
private def getIdent(pos: Pos): Pos = match {
case '*' => skipAstIdent(pos)
case x if 'a' until 'z' contains x => skipIdent(pos)
override def scan(start: Pos) = {
val follow = getIdent(start)
if (start != follow) (IDENT, follow)
else super.scan(start)
object Lab3 extends App {
var t = new Token(
new Pos("program source goes here!"),
new Scanner
with KeyWords
with Idents
with Comments
with Whitespaces
while (t.tag != END_OF_PROGRAM) {
println(t.tag.toString + " " + t.start + "-" + t.follow + ": " + t.image)
t =
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