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Created December 7, 2019 12:15
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halcyon with kb
#pragma once
/* Halcyon ZERO (single-header video-only) -- Linux */
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <float.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <X11/Xlib.h>
#include <X11/Xutil.h>
#include <X11/extensions/XShm.h>
#include <X11/Xlibint.h>
#include <sys/ipc.h>
#include <sys/shm.h>
#include <sys/timerfd.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <poll.h>
#include <unistd.h>
/* user configuation */
#ifndef WIN_W
#define WIN_W 640
#ifndef WIN_H
#define WIN_H 360
typedef struct hc_v2 { int_fast16_t x, y; } hc_v2;
typedef struct hc_vx { int_fast16_t x, y; float tx, ty; } hc_vx;
typedef struct hc_tex { int_fast16_t w, h; void* data; } hc_tex;
void hc_init (const char* name);
void hc_point (hc_v2 a, uint32_t rgb);
void hc_line (hc_v2 a, hc_v2 b, uint32_t rgb);
void hc_tri (hc_v2 a, hc_v2 b, hc_v2 c, uint32_t fill, uint32_t border);
void hc_tri_tex (hc_vx verts[static 3], const hc_tex* tex);
int hc_scanout (int n);
void hc_scroll (hc_v2 p);
void hc_finish (uint8_t flags); // TODO: hc_v2* [2] param for redraw rect
void* hc_vram;
enum { HC_CLEAR=1, HC_NODRAW=2, HC_NOESC=4 };
char hc_keys[0xFFFFF];
// begin private-ish stuff
#define HC_VERSION "0.1 ZERO"
#define HC_FPS 60UL
static inline void asmemset(register void* _dest, uint32_t _num, size_t _count){
register void* dest asm("rdi") = _dest;
register uint32_t num asm("eax") = _num;
register size_t count asm("rcx") = _count;
asm("rep stosl" :: "r" (num), "r" (count), "r" (dest));
static struct {
int pres_op;
int shm_ev_base;
XShmSegmentInfo shm_info;
XImage* img;
Pixmap pix;
Window win;
XVisualInfo xvi;
Display* dpy;
void* imgmem;
Atom close_atom;
int scan_ctr;
hc_v2 scroll;
struct pollfd pollfds[2];
size_t npollfds;
int timer_started;
} _hc_priv;
void hc_init(const char* name){
hc_vram = calloc(WIN_W*WIN_H, sizeof(uint32_t));
int timer_fd = timerfd_create(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, TFD_NONBLOCK);
_hc_priv.pollfds[0] = (struct pollfd){
.fd = timer_fd,
.events = POLLIN,
int w = WIN_W << 1, h = WIN_H << 1;
_hc_priv.dpy = XOpenDisplay(NULL);
assert(XMatchVisualInfo(_hc_priv.dpy, DefaultScreen(_hc_priv.dpy), 24, TrueColor, &_hc_priv.xvi));
_hc_priv.img = XShmCreateImage(
w, h
_hc_priv.shm_info.shmid = shmget(
_hc_priv.img->bytes_per_line * _hc_priv.img->height,
IPC_CREAT | 0600
_hc_priv.imgmem = _hc_priv.shm_info.shmaddr = _hc_priv.img->data = shmat(_hc_priv.shm_info.shmid, 0, 0);
XShmAttach(_hc_priv.dpy, &_hc_priv.shm_info);
shmctl(_hc_priv.shm_info.shmid, IPC_RMID, NULL);
XSetWindowAttributes swa = {
.background_pixel = BlackPixel(_hc_priv.dpy, _hc_priv.xvi.screen),
.colormap = XCreateColormap(_hc_priv.dpy, RootWindow(_hc_priv.dpy, _hc_priv.xvi.screen), _hc_priv.xvi.visual, AllocNone),
.event_mask = StructureNotifyMask | KeyPressMask | KeyReleaseMask,
}; = XCreateWindow(
_hc_priv.dpy, RootWindow(_hc_priv.dpy, _hc_priv.xvi.screen),
0, 0, w, h,
0, _hc_priv.xvi.depth, InputOutput, _hc_priv.xvi.visual,
CWBackPixel | CWEventMask, &swa
XStoreName(_hc_priv.dpy,, name ? "" : "HALCYON ZERO");
XSizeHints* xsh = XAllocSizeHints();
xsh->flags = PMinSize | PMaxSize;
xsh->min_width = xsh->max_width = w;
xsh->min_height = xsh->max_height = h;
XSetWMNormalHints(_hc_priv.dpy,, xsh);
_hc_priv.close_atom = XInternAtom(_hc_priv.dpy, "WM_DELETE_WINDOW", 0);
XSetWMProtocols(_hc_priv.dpy,, &_hc_priv.close_atom, 1);
int ev, err;
XQueryExtension(_hc_priv.dpy, "Present", &_hc_priv.pres_op, &ev, &err);
_hc_priv.pres_op = XInitExtension(_hc_priv.dpy, "Present")->major_opcode;
_hc_priv.pix = XCreatePixmap(_hc_priv.dpy,, w, h, _hc_priv.xvi.depth);
_hc_priv.shm_ev_base = XShmGetEventBase(_hc_priv.dpy);
_hc_priv.pollfds[1] = (struct pollfd){
.fd = ConnectionNumber(_hc_priv.dpy),
.events = POLLIN,
static void _hc_video_x11_frame(void){
DefaultGC(_hc_priv.dpy, _hc_priv.xvi.screen),
0, 0, 0, 0,
static void _hc_video_x11_event(uint8_t flags){
if(!(_hc_priv.pollfds[1].revents & POLLIN))
struct pres_req {
uint8_t type, subtype;
uint16_t length;
uint32_t window, pixmap, crap[11];
uint64_t divisor, remainder;
for(int n = XEventsQueued(_hc_priv.dpy, QueuedAfterReading); n; --n){
XEvent ev;
XNextEvent(_hc_priv.dpy, &ev);
if(ev.type == ClientMessage &&[0] == (long int) _hc_priv.close_atom){
else if(ev.type == KeyPress && !(flags & HC_NOESC)){
KeySym sym = XLookupKeysym(&ev.xkey, 0);
if(sym == XK_Escape){
else if(ev.type == _hc_priv.shm_ev_base + ShmCompletion) {
struct pres_req* req = _XGetRequest(_hc_priv.dpy, _hc_priv.pres_op, sizeof(*req));
memset(req->crap, 0, sizeof(req->crap));
req->subtype = 1;
req->window =;
req->pixmap = _hc_priv.pix;
req->divisor = 1;
req->remainder = 0;
if(flags & HC_CLEAR){
memset(_hc_priv.imgmem, 0, _hc_priv.img->width * _hc_priv.img->height * 4);
if(ev.type == KeyPress){
KeySym sym = XLookupKeysym(&ev.xkey, 0);
//printf("+%ld\n", sym);
hc_keys[sym] = 1;
if(ev.type == KeyRelease){
KeySym sym = XLookupKeysym(&ev.xkey, 0);
//printf("-%ld\n", sym);
hc_keys[sym] = 0;
void hc_finish(uint8_t flags){
if(!(flags & HC_NODRAW)){
hc_scanout(WIN_H - _hc_priv.scan_ctr);
_hc_priv.scan_ctr = 0;
if(!(flags & HC_NODRAW))
_hc_priv.timer_started = 1;
static const struct itimerspec spec = {
.it_value = {
.tv_sec = 0,
.tv_nsec = 1UL * 1000UL * 1000UL,
.it_interval = {
.tv_sec = 0,
.tv_nsec = (1000000000UL / HC_FPS),
timerfd_settime(_hc_priv.pollfds[0].fd, 0, &spec, NULL);
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 0xFFFFF; ++i) {
if (i != XK_Shift_L) {
hc_keys[i] = 0;
//memset(hc_keys, 0, 0xFFFFF);
if(poll(_hc_priv.pollfds, 2, -1) == -1)
if(_hc_priv.pollfds[0].revents & POLLIN){
uint64_t tmp;
ssize_t ret;
do {
ret = read(_hc_priv.pollfds[0].fd, &tmp, sizeof(tmp));
} while(ret == -1 && errno != EAGAIN);
static void _hc_backend_scanline(unsigned scan_ctr, uint32_t* linebuf, int off){
scan_ctr <<= 1;
uint32_t (*wr)[_hc_priv.img->width] = _hc_priv.imgmem;
for(size_t x = 0; x < (size_t) _hc_priv.img->width - off; x+=2){
wr[scan_ctr][x+off] = wr[scan_ctr][x+off+1] = linebuf[x>>1];
memcpy(wr[scan_ctr+1], wr[scan_ctr], _hc_priv.img->width*4);
int hc_scanout(int n){
uint32_t (*p)[WIN_W] = hc_vram;
for(int i = 0; i < n; ++i){
if(_hc_priv.scan_ctr+i >= WIN_H)
_hc_backend_scanline(_hc_priv.scan_ctr+i, p[_hc_priv.scan_ctr+i], _hc_priv.scroll.x);
_hc_priv.scan_ctr += n;
return WIN_H - _hc_priv.scan_ctr;
void hc_scroll(hc_v2 p){
_hc_priv.scroll = p;
static void _hc_plot(int x, int y, uint32_t c){
uint32_t (*p)[WIN_W] = hc_vram;
if(x >= 0 && y >= 0 && y < WIN_H && x < WIN_W){
p[y][x] = c;
static inline void _hc_swaphc_v2(hc_v2* restrict a, hc_v2* restrict b){
hc_v2 tmp = *a; *a = *b; *b = tmp;
static inline void _hc_swaphc_vx(hc_vx* restrict a, hc_vx* restrict b){
hc_vx tmp = *a; *a = *b; *b = tmp;
static inline void _hc_swaphc_vx2(hc_v2* restrict a, hc_v2* restrict b){
_hc_swaphc_vx((hc_vx*)a, (hc_vx*)b);
void hc_point(hc_v2 xy, uint32_t rgb){
_hc_plot(xy.x, xy.y, rgb | 0xff000000);
typedef struct {
uint_fast16_t ax2, ay2;
int_fast16_t err, inc;
} _hc_ln_state;
typedef void (*_hc_plot_fn)(int, int, uint32_t);
typedef void (*_hc_swap_fn)(hc_v2* restrict a, hc_v2* restrict b);
typedef void (*_hc_line_fn)(hc_v2* restrict v[static restrict 4], intptr_t fill);
__attribute__((always_inline, flatten))
static inline void _hc_line_setup(hc_v2* restrict a, hc_v2* restrict b, _hc_ln_state* restrict s, _hc_swap_fn swap){
int dx = b->x - a->x, dy = b->y - a->y;
uint_fast16_t ax = __builtin_abs(dx) << 1, ay = __builtin_abs(dy) << 1;
*s = (_hc_ln_state){
.ax2 = ax, .ay2 = ay,
.inc = (((dx >= 0) ^ (dy < 0)) << 1) - 1,
if(dy < 0){
swap(a, b);
__attribute__((always_inline, flatten))
static inline _Bool _hc_line_step_x(hc_v2* restrict a, hc_v2* restrict b, _hc_ln_state* restrict s, _hc_plot_fn plot, uint32_t color){
while(a->x != b->x){
plot(a->x, a->y, color);
a->x += s->inc;
if(s->err > 0){
s->err -= s->ax2;
s->err += s->ay2;
return 1;
s->err += s->ay2;
plot(a->x, a->y, color);
return 0;
__attribute__((always_inline, flatten))
static inline _Bool _hc_line_step_y(hc_v2* restrict a, hc_v2* restrict b, _hc_ln_state* restrict s, _hc_plot_fn plot, uint32_t color){
if(a->y != b->y){
plot(a->x, a->y, color);
if(s->err > 0){
a->x += s->inc;
s->err -= s->ay2;
s->err += s->ax2;
return 1;
plot(a->x, a->y, color);
return 0;
void hc_line(hc_v2 a, hc_v2 b, uint32_t rgb){
_hc_ln_state s;
_hc_line_setup(&a, &b, &s, &_hc_swaphc_v2);
if(s.ax2 > s.ay2){
s.err = s.ay2 - (s.ax2 >> 1);
while(_hc_line_step_x(&a, &b, &s, &_hc_plot, rgb));
} else {
s.err = s.ax2 - (s.ay2 >> 1);
while(_hc_line_step_y(&a, &b, &s, &_hc_plot, rgb));
__attribute__((always_inline, flatten))
static inline void _hc_half_tri(hc_v2* restrict p[static restrict 4], intptr_t fill, uint32_t border, _hc_plot_fn plot, _hc_line_fn line, _hc_swap_fn swap){
_hc_ln_state s0, s1;
_hc_line_setup(p[0], p[1], &s0, swap);
_hc_line_setup(p[3], p[2], &s1, swap);
if(s0.ax2 > s0.ay2){
s0.err = s0.ay2 - (s0.ax2 >> 1);
if(s1.ax2 > s1.ay2){
s1.err = s1.ay2 - (s1.ax2 >> 1);
if(!_hc_line_step_x(p[0], p[1], &s0, plot, border) || !_hc_line_step_x(p[3], p[2], &s1, plot, border))
line(p, fill);
} else {
s1.err = s1.ax2 - (s1.ay2 >> 1);
if(!_hc_line_step_x(p[0], p[1], &s0, plot, border) || !_hc_line_step_y(p[3], p[2], &s1, plot, border))
line(p, fill);
} else {
s0.err = s0.ax2 - (s0.ay2 >> 1);
if(s1.ax2 > s1.ay2){
s1.err = s1.ay2 - (s1.ax2 >> 1);
if(!_hc_line_step_y(p[0], p[1], &s0, plot, border) || !_hc_line_step_x(p[3], p[2], &s1, plot, border))
line(p, fill);
} else {
s1.err = s1.ax2 - (s1.ay2 >> 1);
if(!_hc_line_step_y(p[0], p[1], &s0, plot, border) || !_hc_line_step_y(p[3], p[2], &s1, plot, border))
line(p, fill);
static inline void _hc_fastline(hc_v2* restrict v[static restrict 4], intptr_t fill){
int_fast16_t x0 = v[0]->x, x1 = v[3]->x, y = v[0]->y;
if(x0 == x1){
_hc_plot(x0, y, fill);
if(x0 > x1){
int tmp = x0;
x0 = x1;
x1 = tmp;
if(y > 0 && y < WIN_H && x0 > 0 && x1 > 0 && x0 < WIN_W && x1 < WIN_W){
uint32_t (*p)[WIN_W] = hc_vram;
int max = WIN_W - x0;
int diff = x1 - x0;
if(diff > max)
diff = max;
asmemset(&p[y][x0], fill, diff);
static void _hc_fill_half_tri(hc_v2 p0, hc_v2 p1, hc_v2 p2, uint32_t fill, uint32_t border){
hc_v2 p3 = p0;
hc_v2* restrict arr[] = { &p0, &p1, &p2, &p3 };
_hc_half_tri(arr, fill, border, &_hc_plot, &_hc_fastline, &_hc_swaphc_v2);
void hc_tri(hc_v2 a, hc_v2 b, hc_v2 c, uint32_t fill, uint32_t border){
hc_v2 p[3] = { a, b, c };
if(p[0].y > p[1].y) _hc_swaphc_v2(p+0, p+1);
if(p[1].y > p[2].y) _hc_swaphc_v2(p+1, p+2);
if(p[0].y > p[1].y) _hc_swaphc_v2(p+0, p+1);
int nx = p[0].x + (p[1].y - p[0].y) / (float)(p[2].y - p[0].y) * (p[2].x - p[0].x);
hc_v2 p4 = { nx, p[1].y };
_hc_fill_half_tri(p[0], p[1], p4, fill, border);
_hc_fill_half_tri(p[2], p[1], p4, fill, border);
typedef struct {
const hc_tex* tex;
float height;
} _hc_tex_info;
static inline void _hc_texline(hc_v2* restrict _v[static restrict 4], intptr_t arg){
typedef float v2f __attribute__((vector_size(8)));
const hc_vx** v = (const hc_vx**)_v;
const _hc_tex_info* info = (_hc_tex_info*)arg;
const hc_tex* tex = info->tex;
const uint32_t (*txp)[tex->w] = tex->data;
const float t = 1.0f - ((v[1]->y - v[0]->y) / info->height);
v2f tex0 = (v2f){ v[0]->tx, v[0]->ty } + t * ((v2f){ v[1]->tx, v[1]->ty } - (v2f){ v[0]->tx, v[0]->ty });
v2f tex1 = (v2f){ v[3]->tx, v[3]->ty } + t * ((v2f){ v[2]->tx, v[2]->ty } - (v2f){ v[3]->tx, v[3]->ty });
int_fast16_t x0 = v[0]->x, x1 = v[3]->x;
if(x0 > x1){
int_fast16_t tmp = x0;
x0 = x1;
x1 = tmp;
v2f vtmp;
memcpy(&vtmp, &tex0, sizeof(tex0));
memcpy(&tex0, &tex1, sizeof(tex0));
memcpy(&tex1, &vtmp, sizeof(tex0));
int w = x1 - x0;
float w1 = 1.0f / (float)w;
const v2f sz = { tex->w, tex->h };
for(int i = 0; i < w; ++i){
v2f p = (tex0 + (i * w1) * (tex1 - tex0)) * sz;
uint32_t c = txp[(int)p[1] % tex->h][(int)p[0] % tex->w];
if(!(c >> 24))
uint8_t r = (c >> 0 ) & 0xff;
uint8_t g = (c >> 8 ) & 0xff;
uint8_t b = (c >> 16) & 0xff;
c = 0xff000000 | (r << 16) | (g << 8) | b;
_hc_plot(x0 + i, v[0]->y, c);
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-parameter"
static void _hc_plot_nop(int x, int y, uint32_t c){}
#pragma GCC diagnostic pop
static void _hc_fill_half_tri_tex(hc_vx v[static 3], const hc_tex* restrict tex){
hc_vx p3 = v[0];
hc_v2* arr[] = { (hc_v2*)(v+0), (hc_v2*)(v+1), (hc_v2*)(v+2), (hc_v2*)&p3 };
_hc_tex_info info = {
.tex = tex,
.height = fabsf((float)v[1].y - (float)v[0].y),
_hc_half_tri(arr, (intptr_t)&info, 0, &_hc_plot_nop, &_hc_texline, &_hc_swaphc_vx2);
void hc_tri_tex(hc_vx verts[static 3], const hc_tex* tex){
if(verts[0].y > verts[1].y) _hc_swaphc_vx(verts+0, verts+1);
if(verts[1].y > verts[2].y) _hc_swaphc_vx(verts+1, verts+2);
if(verts[0].y > verts[1].y) _hc_swaphc_vx(verts+0, verts+1);
float ty = (verts[1].y - verts[0].y) / (float)(verts[2].y - verts[0].y);
int nx = verts[0].x + ty * (verts[2].x - verts[0].x);
float d = (float)(verts[2].x - verts[0].x);
float tx = fabsf(d) < FLT_EPSILON ? 0.0f : (nx - verts[0].x) / d;
hc_vx v4 = {
.x = nx,
.y = verts[1].y,
.tx = verts[0].tx + tx * (verts[2].tx - verts[0].tx),
.ty = verts[0].ty + ty * (verts[2].ty - verts[0].ty),
_hc_fill_half_tri_tex((hc_vx[]){ verts[0], verts[1], v4 }, tex);
_hc_fill_half_tri_tex((hc_vx[]){ verts[2], verts[1], v4 }, tex);
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