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Last active February 22, 2019 14:28
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instructions by aiena for compiling scribus on windows

Adding a plugin to the the Visual Studio project

  • In Visual Studio create a GUID of type registry with Tools > Create GUID

  • in win32/msvc2015/Scribus.sln add after the last plugin (Project):

Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "pluginname", "pluginname\pluginname.vcxproj", "{GUID-GENERATED-BY-VISUAL-STUDIO}"
    ProjectSection(ProjectDependencies) = postProject
        {B17FCD80-7978-4544-93C4-2FE1AC6FE9F3} = {B17FCD80-7978-4544-93C4-2FE1AC6FE9F3}
  • where B17FCD80-7978-4544-93C4-2FE1AC6FE9F3 is the id of the scribus-main project.

Towards the end of the file add

{GUID-GENERATED-BY-VISUAL-STUDIO}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
{GUID-GENERATED-BY-VISUAL-STUDIO}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
{GUID-GENERATED-BY-VISUAL-STUDIO}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|x64
{GUID-GENERATED-BY-VISUAL-STUDIO}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|x64
{GUID-GENERATED-BY-VISUAL-STUDIO}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
{GUID-GENERATED-BY-VISUAL-STUDIO}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32
{GUID-GENERATED-BY-VISUAL-STUDIO}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64
{GUID-GENERATED-BY-VISUAL-STUDIO}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64
  • Create a new directory in win32/msvc2015
    • duplicate one of the "simple" plugins and rename the copy to "pluginame".
    • rename the three files inside to match the plugin name.
    • edit pluginname/pluginame.vcxproj:
      • set the ProjectGuid
      • set the RootNameSpace (lowercase)
      • set the TargetName (lowercase)
      • towards the end of the file, add the paths to the source filess:
        • add all the .cpp files as ClCompile fields
        • add all the .h files that are not QOBJECTs plus plugins_pch.h as ClCompile fields
        • add all the .h files that are QOBJECTs as moc fields

How to compile scribus 1.5.x on Windows (using MSVC 2017)

General info before following this guide.

  • These instructions are for 1.5.5svn or newer.
  • They may be adapted for building 1.4.x but they have not been tested (you will then need Qt 4).
  • You will need msvc2015/2017 to compile Scribus (msvc2013 has not been tested).

At the end we will be giving some hints for alternative setups, but this tutorial assume that:

  • You're using Windows 10 in english.
  • Install Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 Community Edition with the VC++ 2015 tools
  • Qt 5.9.7 for MSVC 2015 64 bit
  • Compile Scribus in Release (and eventually Debug) mode for Windows 10 64 bit.

1. Prerequisites

  1. You will need a recent version of Microsoft Windows (Vista, 7 or newer).
  2. Obtain and install Microsoft visual studio 2017 community edition (for free).
    • Among the options you'll need at least the "Desktop development C++" with the "VC++ 2015 tools" and the "Windows 10 SDK".
  3. Obtain and install the most recent Qt 5.9.x and make sure to install the msvc2015 component component for you PC architecture (32/64 bit).
    • You can skip the creation of a Qt Account
    • Qt is typically installed in C:\Qt\Qt5.9.7 (in the rest of the document this will be referred to as "qt-install-dir")
    • You will probably not want to "associate common file types with Qt Creator"
    • From the "Qt" (not "Preview") components, pick the latest Qt of the 5.9 serie with (at least) the modules:
      • MSVC 2015 64-bit
      • Qt WebEngine (maybe, for the help...)
  4. A Git client (GitAhead, Github client, ...)
  5. The 7-Zip open source archive utility for Windows available at

2. Get the Scribus sources

  1. Create a directory in which you will be building Scribus: C:\Documents\Development\Scribus-1.5
    In the rest of the document this will be referred to as the "scribus-root-path".
  2. Obtain the source code of Scribus:
    • From the official Scribus official SVN repository:
      svn checkout svn:// scribus
    • Or from the community managed Github repository:
      git clone
  3. You should now have a Documents\Development\Scribus-1.5\scribus folder containing the Scribus sources.

3. Get the third party dependency package

The scribus development team provides packages with all the third party dependencies needed to build scribus. For compiling 1.5.x,you need:

4. Extracting the third party dependencies

Next extract the two archives. It is important that they both are in the same folder.

  • Create the sub folder "Scribus Libs" in the "scribus-root-path" ("scribus-root-path\Scribus Libs").

  • Extract the "scribus-common-libs" folder from the scribus-commmon-libs-YYYYMMDD.7z into this directory.

  • Extract the "scribus-1.5.x-libs-msvc2015" folder from scribus-15x-libs-msvcXXXX-YYYYMMDD.7z into the same directory

  • The directory structure should look like:

         Scribus Libs 

5. Compile the Scribus library dependencies

After having extracted the 3rd party dependencies:

  • Open with Visua Studio the Visual Studio Solution file (*.sln) located in the scribus-1.5.x-libs-* directory
    • If you get the question to upgrade the SDK version and the Platform Toolset, pick "No upgrade for both".
  • In the toolbar pick the debug or release configurations for the x64 platform, then run Build > Build Solution

6. Compile Scribus

  • Close "Visual Studio" (not strictly needed, but you never know...)
  • Open the "scribus" source code folder you have cloned / checked out.
  • Open with a text editor the Scribus-build-props.props file from the Win32\msvc2015 folder.
  • Set its value to the path to scribus-1.5.x-libs-msvc2015
  • Locate the <QT5_DIR></QT5_DIR> tag.
  • Set the value for the x64 platform to the path where Qt is installed (C:\Qt\Qt5.9.7\msvc2015_64).
  • Open "Scribus.sln" with Visual Studio. Choose "no upgrade" for the "Windows SDK" and for "Platform Toolset options"
  • In the toolbar pick the debug or release configurations (you should pick the same as for the libraries) for the x64 platform, then run Build > Build Solution
  • The binaries should be located in <scribus-build-root>\Scribus-builds\Scribus-Debug-x64-v140

7. Running Scribus

The next step is to install Scribus and get it to run.

Four things are needed:

  • The Scribus compiled runtime.
  • The Scribus common 3rd party libs.
  • The Scribus 1.5.x specific 3rd party libs built in step 5.
  • Specific Qt DLLS and Qt Plugins.

Let us now go through each step in detail:

a. Install Scribus:

First install Scribus. Create a file named install-scribus.bat script in the "scribus-root-path" with the following content:

set SCRIBUS_SRC_PATH=.\scribus
set SCRIBUS_BUILD_PATH=.\Scribus-builds
set SCRIBUS_INSTALL_PATH=.\Scribus-builds\Scribus-Release-x64-v140

if not exist %SCRIBUS_INSTALL_PATH%\libs                mkdir %SCRIBUS_INSTALL_PATH%\libs
if not exist %SCRIBUS_INSTALL_PATH%\share               mkdir %SCRIBUS_INSTALL_PATH%\share
if not exist %SCRIBUS_INSTALL_PATH%\share\doc           mkdir %SCRIBUS_INSTALL_PATH%\share\doc
if not exist %SCRIBUS_INSTALL_PATH%\share\plugins       mkdir %SCRIBUS_INSTALL_PATH%\share\plugins
if not exist %SCRIBUS_INSTALL_PATH%\share\qml           mkdir %SCRIBUS_INSTALL_PATH%\share\qml

 copy %SCRIBUS_SRC_PATH%\AUTHORS                        %SCRIBUS_INSTALL_PATH%\share\doc
 copy %SCRIBUS_SRC_PATH%\COPYING                        %SCRIBUS_INSTALL_PATH%\share\doc
 copy %SCRIBUS_SRC_PATH%\LINKS                          %SCRIBUS_INSTALL_PATH%\share\doc
 copy %SCRIBUS_SRC_PATH%\TRANSLATION                    %SCRIBUS_INSTALL_PATH%\share\doc
xcopy %SCRIBUS_SRC_PATH%\doc                            %SCRIBUS_INSTALL_PATH%\share\doc /s /y /i /D
xcopy %SCRIBUS_SRC_PATH%\resources\dicts                %SCRIBUS_INSTALL_PATH%\share\dicts /s /y /i /D
xcopy %SCRIBUS_SRC_PATH%\resources\editorconfig         %SCRIBUS_INSTALL_PATH%\share\editorconfig /s /y /i /D
xcopy %SCRIBUS_SRC_PATH%\resources\iconsets             %SCRIBUS_INSTALL_PATH%\share\icons /s /y /i /D
 copy %SCRIBUS_SRC_PATH%\resources\iconsets\1_5_0\*.xml %SCRIBUS_INSTALL_PATH%\share\icons /y
 copy %SCRIBUS_SRC_PATH%\resources\iconsets\1_5_1\*.xml %SCRIBUS_INSTALL_PATH%\share\icons /y
xcopy %SCRIBUS_SRC_PATH%\resources\keysets              %SCRIBUS_INSTALL_PATH%\share\keysets /s /y /i /D
xcopy %SCRIBUS_SRC_PATH%\resources\loremipsum           %SCRIBUS_INSTALL_PATH%\share\loremipsum /s /y /i /D
xcopy %SCRIBUS_SRC_PATH%\resources\profiles             %SCRIBUS_INSTALL_PATH%\share\profiles /s /y /i /D
xcopy %SCRIBUS_SRC_PATH%\resources\swatches             %SCRIBUS_INSTALL_PATH%\share\swatches /s /y /i /D
xcopy %SCRIBUS_SRC_PATH%\resources\templates            %SCRIBUS_INSTALL_PATH%\share\templates /s /y /i /D
 copy %SCRIBUS_SRC_PATH%\scribus\scribus.css            %SCRIBUS_INSTALL_PATH%\libs\scribus.css /y
 copy %SCRIBUS_SRC_PATH%\scribus\plugins\tools\pathcut\*.png      %SCRIBUS_INSTALL_PATH%\share\icons\1_5_1 /y
 copy %SCRIBUS_SRC_PATH%\scribus\plugins\tools\pathfinder\*.png   %SCRIBUS_INSTALL_PATH%\share\icons\1_5_1 /y
xcopy %SCRIBUS_SRC_PATH%\scribus\plugins\scriptplugin\scripts     %SCRIBUS_INSTALL_PATH%\share\scripts /s /y /i /D
xcopy %SCRIBUS_SRC_PATH%\scribus\plugins\scriptplugin\samples     %SCRIBUS_INSTALL_PATH%\share\samples /s /y /i /D
copy  %SCRIBUS_SRC_PATH%\scribus\plugins\import\ps\import.prolog  %SCRIBUS_INSTALL_PATH%\libs\import.prolog
copy  %SCRIBUS_SRC_PATH%\scribus\plugins\barcodegenerator\ %SCRIBUS_INSTALL_PATH%\share\plugins\
xcopy %SCRIBUS_SRC_PATH%\scribus\ui\qml                           %SCRIBUS_INSTALL_PATH%\share\qml /s /y
copy  %SCRIBUS_SRC_PATH%\scribus\unicodemap\unicodenameslist.txt  %SCRIBUS_INSTALL_PATH%\share\unicodenameslist.txt

del   %SCRIBUS_BUILD_PATH%\*CMake* /s
del   %SCRIBUS_BUILD_PATH%\*MakeFile* /s

At the beginning of the script, you'll need to set the correct value for:

  • SCRIBUS_SRC_PATH: to "scribus-root-path"\scribus (the path where you cloend the git/svn repo).
  • SCRIBUS_BUILD_PATH: "scribus-root-path\Scribus-builds"
  • SCRIBUS_INSTALL_PATH: the path where we built Scribus in step 6.

Run the install-scribus.bat file. It is important that you do this before the next step.

b. Install the Scribus common 3rd party libs:

  • Open the folder scribus-root-path\Scribus Libs\scribus-commmon-libs created in step 3.
  • Open the copy-dlls-to-15x-build-dir.bat file in a text editor.
  • Change the value of SCRIBUS_BUILDS_DIR to "scribus-root-path\Scribus-builds.
  • Change the value of SCRIBUS_LIB_TOOLSET to V140
  • Verify that all other details are correct.
  • Run "copy-dlls-to-15x-build-dir.bat".

c. Installing the Scribus 1.5.x specific 3rd party libs:

  • Open the folder "scribus-root-path\Scribus Libs\scribus-1.5.x-libs-msvc2015\copy-platform-dlls-to-build-dir.bat" created in step 3.
  • Open the "copy-platform-dlls-to-build-dir.bat" in a text editor.
  • Change the value of "SCRIBUS_BUILDS_DIR" to "scribus-root-path\Scribus-builds".
  • Change the value of SCRIBUS_LIB_PLATFORM from "Unknown" to "x64" for 64 bit or "Win32" for 32 bit.
  • Verify that all the details are correct.
  • Run "copy-platform-dlls-to-build-dir.bat"

d. Install the QT plugins and QT DLLs used by Scribus.

In the "scribus-root-path", create the script install-qt-stuff.bat script with the content:

@echo off

set SCRIBUS_BUILDS_DIR=.\Scribus-builds
set QT_DIR=C:\Qt\5.9.7\msvc2015_64

rem /.../Scribus-Release-x64-v140

if not exist %SCRIBUS_BUILD_PATH% (
    echo Incorrect Scribus build directory:
    exit /b 1

if not exist %QT_DIR% (
    echo Incorrect Qt directory:
    echo %QT_DIR%
    exit /b 1

if "%SCRIBUS_BUILD_MODE%"=="Debug" (
    set EXT_DEBUG=d

if not exist %SCRIBUS_BUILD_PATH%\qtplugins       mkdir %SCRIBUS_BUILD_PATH%\qtplugins

xcopy %QT_DIR%\plugins\bearer       %SCRIBUS_BUILD_PATH%\qtplugins /s /y /i /D
xcopy %QT_DIR%\plugins\iconengines  %SCRIBUS_BUILD_PATH%\qtplugins /s /y /i /D
xcopy %QT_DIR%\plugins\imageformats %SCRIBUS_BUILD_PATH%\qtplugins /s /y /i /D
xcopy %QT_DIR%\plugins\platforms    %SCRIBUS_BUILD_PATH%\qtplugins /s /y /i /D
xcopy %QT_DIR%\plugins\printsupport %SCRIBUS_BUILD_PATH%\qtplugins /s /y /i /D

copy %QT_DIR%\bin\Qt5Core%EXT_DEBUG%.dll         %SCRIBUS_BUILD_PATH%\ /y
copy %QT_DIR%\bin\Qt5Gui%EXT_DEBUG%.dll          %SCRIBUS_BUILD_PATH%\ /y
copy %QT_DIR%\bin\Qt5Network%EXT_DEBUG%.dll      %SCRIBUS_BUILD_PATH%\ /y
copy %QT_DIR%\bin\Qt5PrintSupport%EXT_DEBUG%.dll %SCRIBUS_BUILD_PATH%\ /y
copy %QT_DIR%\bin\Qt5Widgets%EXT_DEBUG%.dll      %SCRIBUS_BUILD_PATH%\ /y
copy %QT_DIR%\bin\Qt5Xml%EXT_DEBUG%.dll          %SCRIBUS_BUILD_PATH%\ /y
copy %QT_DIR%\bin\Qt5Svg%EXT_DEBUG%.dll          %SCRIBUS_BUILD_PATH%\ /y

At the beginning of the script, you'll need to set the correct value for:

  • SCRIBUS_BUILDS_DIR: Relative path to the Scribus build dir (step 6).
  • SCRIBUS_BUILDS_MODE: "Release" or "Debug".
  • SCRIBUS_BUILD_PLATFORM: "x64" or "win32".
  • SCRIBUS_LIB_TOOLSET: currently, only "v140" is supported.
  • QT_DIR: the full path for the Qt files matching the current platform (if you have both "x86" and "win32", it must match SCRIBUS_LIB_PLATFORM!).

Run the install-scribus.bat file. It is important that you do this before the next step.

AUTHOR NOTE: This last step is not omptimized, yet. It copies some extra qt libs and plugins which are never used by Scribus. We should also differentiate between release and debug builds. (I still can't make out if Scribus.exe links against the debug DLLs if you build it for debug vs release. Qt debug DLLs have a small "d" at the end. E.g. "Qt5Cored.dll" vs "Qt5Core.dll").

Congratulations your done. You can finally run Scribus.exe.

Further informations

Getting MSVC

You will need to create a free Microsoft account to download as well as keep the software active.

You can choose to install only the c++ components if you wish and make the install lighter. On Visual studio 2017 in the installer under the "Workloads" tab if you choose "Desktop development with C++" it should be more than enough as it installs the 2017 and 2015 msvc toolchain.

Getting Qt

  • You can use bot the offline or online installer.
  • You can install both 32 and 64 bits components if you intend to build both.

Getting the dependency packages

The scribus development team provides two package with all the 3rd party dependencies needed to build scribus.

  • scribus-commmon-libs-YYYYMMDD.7z: common libraries for 14x and trunk, no compilation is required here
  • scribus-15x-libs-msvcXXXX-YYYYMMDD.7z: Scribus 15x specific libraries used for current Scribus 1.5.x releases

For building 15x dependencies, archives for Visual Studio 2013 and Visual Studio 2015 are provided. These archives allows to build libraries for 32bit and 64bit platforms using the different available toolsets, including the Windows XP compatible ones. The default configuration allows to build binaries compatible with Windows Vista and up. Windows XP is end of life therefore we will mostly only need the scribus-15x-libs-msvc2015-YYYYMMDD.7z file.

These archives can be obtained from the below URL:

Compiling for different toolset

If you want to build using a different toolset, you can use msbuild through the command line. To do so you can use the provided build-all-platform-libs.bat script. For example :

  • to build with Visual Studio 2015 default toolset for x64 platform: build-all-platform-libs.bat x64 v140
  • to build with Visual Studio 2015 Windows XP toolset for Win32 platform: build-all-platform-libs.bat Win32 v140_xp

Compiling Scribus

  • If you're using the msvc2013 toolset you will to edit the Win32\msvc2013\Scribus-build-props.props file, instead of the one in the msvc2015 directory.

Installing Scribus

c. Installing the Scribus 1.5.x specific 3rd party libs:

  • If you're building for Windows XP, set the value of "SCRIBUS_LIB_TOOLSET" as v140_xp.
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