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Forked from jemgold/framer on
Created October 23, 2018 13:57
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Framer for PC & Linux users

One of the most common questions I see in the Framer Facebook group is people wondering whether you need to use a Mac to run Framer. That’s understandable — the website has a screenshot of a Mac app, a download button, and a caption saying ‘available for Mac’. Here’s the thing — you can use Framer and join this wonderful community & way of working on any platform. Let me explain…

The app you see in the screenshots on the Framer website is ‘Framer Studio’. It’s a paid app, for OSX only. The thing that powers it though—Framer.js—is open source, and available for free on GitHub.

To save you having to compile the source, Framer provide a simple .zip file to get you started - including all of the JavaScript you need, and an HTML file to open in your browser. It’s that simple to get started with Framer on Windows or Linux!

So what’s Framer Studio? Where’s that lovely UI?

Framer Studio is a collection of tools around Framer.js itself. Some of these are unique, some of them you can replicate yourself on any computer. It won’t be as smooth as using Framer Studio on a Mac, but certainly easier than making a trip to the Apple Store.

Some of the notable features:

  • CoffeeScript compilation
  • LiveReload

More on those in a second. Some features that you can get an approximation of in any editor (e.g. Sublime Text):

And then some more nifty things that are unique to the Mac app:

  • Templates
  • Sharing
  • Presentation view
  • Mirror
  • Zoom
  • Sketch/Photoshop importing

Framer Studio is definitely optional, but the features you get are really nice.

With that said: CoffeeScript!

Why does my code break when I try to run the examples from the website?

That link you just download is in JavaScript. Framer Studio, and all of the examples on the website, are in CoffeeScript.

CoffeeScript is a version of JavaScript with a bunch of nifty features, but most importantly for us, it gets rid of a bunch of brackets. JavaScript needs_ those brackets.

For example, the first page of Framer Basics shows you how to create a simple layer.

layerA = new Layer
	x: 0, y: 0, width: 100, height: 100

If you try to add that to the app.js file you downloaded, you’ll be confronted with some nasty errors. In JavaScript it should look more like this:

var layerA = new Layer({
	x: 0,
	y: 0,
	width: 100,
	height: 100

Not too different, but enough to make your web browser complain! Let’s look at a more complex example and then I’ll show you how to fix it :)

	curve: "ease-in-out"

layerA.on Events.AnimationEnd, ->
		curve: "ease-in-out"

In JavaScript that would be more like

	properties: {
		x: 200
	curve: "ease-in-out"

layerA.on(Events.AnimationEnd, function() {
		properties: {
			x: 100
		curve: "ease-in-out"

At this point, there’s a few things you could do.

  • You could translate every line of CoffeeScript you read on the Framer website & in other peoples’ code into JavaScript in your head.
  • You could use a website like JS2Coffee and get it to translate itself, then copy & paste that into your project.
  • Or, you can just set up CoffeeScript on your PC.

I really recommend the third option. If you’re a relative newcomer to JavaScript, you don’t need the added hassle of hoping your code matches up to the code you’re reading in a tutorial. It’s much nicer to use the same language as the rest of the community.

Luckily, it’s pretty easy to get it all wired up.

The easy way

Whilst there’s nothing like Framer Studio for Windows or Linux, there are some other nice apps that can help us out.

Prepros is available for Windows, Linux & Mac, and helps you compile CoffeeScript (as well as Sass, LESS, Jade & others — you can use this for lots of projects besides Framer). To get started, install & open the app, then add the Project folder from the .zip you downloaded earlier.

Next, rename app.js to, and replace its contents with some CoffeeScript. Here’s what it converts to:

iconLayer = new Layer width:256, height:256, image:"images/icon.png"

# Define a set of states with names (the original state is 'default')
	second: {y:100, scale:0.6, rotationZ:100}
	third:  {y:300, scale:1.3, blur:4}
	fourth: {y:200, scale:0.9, blur:2, rotationZ:200}

# Set the default animation options
iconLayer.states.animationOptions =
	curve: "spring(500,12,0)"

# On a click, go to the next state
iconLayer.on Events.Click, ->
  • Click on & press compile

  • then talk about livereload

  • show prepros livereload functionality

  • alternative options

    • other GUIs, same principle
    • DIY with Gulp.
    • how do you install node on Windows anyway?
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