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Created March 1, 2017 03:07
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Calculate Number of day created by Auttawut Wiriyakreng -
import math
import time
import datetime
def tm(yy,mm,dd):
s = str(dd) + "/" + str(mm) + "/" + str(yy)
return time.mktime(datetime.datetime.strptime(s, "%d/%m/%Y").timetuple())
y = 2017
m = 2
d = 2
ynow = 2017
mnow = 3
dnow = 1
t0 = y*12 + m - 1 # total months for birthdate.
t = ynow*12 + mnow - 1 # total months for Now.
dm = t - t0 # delta months.
if dnow >= d:
print('Year : ' + str(math.floor(dm/12)) + ' Months : ' + str(dm%12) + ' Day : ' + str(dnow-d))
dm = dm - 1
t = t - 1
print(str(tm(ynow,mnow,dnow)) + ' ' + str(tm(math.floor(t/12), (t%12)+1, d)) + ' ' + str(d))
print(str(math.floor(t/12)) + str(t%12+1) + str(d))
if ((math.floor(t/12)%4 == 0 and math.floor(t/12)%100 != 0) or math.floor(t/12) % 400 == 0):
d = d
print('Year : ' + str(math.floor(dm/12)) + ' Months : ' + str(dm%12) + ' Days : ' + str((tm(ynow,mnow,dnow) - tm(math.floor(t/12), (t%12)+1, d))/60/60/24))
#allDay = (tm(ynow,mnow,dnow) - tm(math.floor(t/12), (t%12), d))/60/60/24
allDay = (tm(ynow,mnow,dnow) - tm(y, m, d))/60/60/24
if(m+1 > 12):
m = 0
y = y + 1
#print(str(tm(ynow,mnow,dnow)) + " " + str(tm(y, m, d)))
betDay = ( (tm(ynow,mnow,1) - 86400) - (tm(y, m+1, 1)) ) /60/60/24
print('Year : ' + str(math.floor(dm/12)) + ' Months : ' + str(dm%12) + ' Days : ' + str(allDay-betDay-1))
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