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Created October 25, 2018 06:03
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A Javascript module with similar behavior to a TimeSpan from C#
* Represents a time interval (i.e. the difference between two times or an amount of time)
export default class TimeSpan {
* Creates a new TimeSpan with the given values for each portion
* @param {Date|TimeSpan|number} [t=0] Date, TimeSpan, or number of milliseconds
* @param {number} [s=0] Seconds
* @param {number} [m=0] Minutes
* @param {number} [h=0] Hours
* @param {number} [d=0] Days
constructor(t = 0, s = 0, m = 0, h = 0, d = 0) {
this.totalMilliseconds = (
t +
s * 1000 +
m * 1000 * 60 +
h * 1000 * 60 * 60 +
d * 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24
* TimeSpan representing no time
* @type {TimeSpan}
static get zero() {
return new TimeSpan();
* Creates a TimeSpan representing the given number of milliseconds
* @param {number} t A number of milliseconds
* @returns {TimeSpan}
static fromMilliseconds(t) {
return new TimeSpan(t);
* Creates a TimeSpan representing the given number of seconds
* @param {number} t A number of seconds
* @returns {TimeSpan}
static fromSeconds(s) {
return new TimeSpan(s * 1000);
* Creates a TimeSpan representing the given number of minutes
* @param {number} t A number of minutes
* @returns {TimeSpan}
static fromMinutes(m) {
return new TimeSpan(m * 1000 * 60);
* Creates a TimeSpan representing the given number of hours
* @param {number} t A number of hours
* @returns {TimeSpan}
static fromHours(h) {
return new TimeSpan(h * 1000 * 60 * 60);
* Creates a TimeSpan representing the given number of days
* @param {number} t A number of days
* @returns {TimeSpan}
static fromDays(d) {
return new TimeSpan(d * 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24);
* The total number of full and partial seconds in the TimeSpan
* @returns {number}
get totalSeconds() {
return this.totalMilliseconds / 1000;
* The total number of full and partial minutes in the TimeSpan
* @returns {number}
get totalMinutes() {
return this.totalSeconds / 60;
* The total number of full and partial hours in the TimeSpan
* @returns {number}
get totalHours() {
return this.totalMinutes / 60;
* The total number of full and partial days in the TimeSpan
* @returns {number}
get totalDays() {
return this.totalHours / 24;
* The milliseconds component of the TimeSpan
* @returns {number} An integer number of milliseconds from 0 to 999
get milliseconds() {
return Math.floor(this.totalMilliseconds % 1000);
* The seconds component of the TimeSpan
* @returns {number} An integer number of seconds from 0 to 59
get seconds() {
return Math.floor(this.totalSeconds % 60);
* The minutes component of the TimeSpan
* @returns {number} An integer number of minutes from 0 to 59
get minutes() {
return Math.floor(this.totalMinutes % 60);
* The hours component of the TimeSpan
* @returns {number} An integer number of hours from 0 to 24
get hours() {
return Math.floor(this.totalHours % 24);
* The days component of the TimeSpan
* @returns {number} An integer number of days greater than or equal to 0
get days() {
return Math.floor(this.totalDays);
* Returns a short string representation of the TimeSpan
* @example
* let t = new TimeSpan(100)
* console.log(t.toShortString()) // "100 milliseconds"
* t = t.add(900)
* console.log(t.toShortString()) // "1 second"
* t = TimeSpan.fromHours(3.4)
* console.log(t.toShortString()) // "3 hours"
* @returns {string}
toShortString() {
let unit =
Math.abs(this.totalDays) >= 1
? `day${Math.floor(Math.abs(this.totalDays)) == 1 ? '' : 's'}`
: Math.abs(this.totalHours) >= 1
? `hour${Math.floor(Math.abs(this.totalHours)) == 1 ? '' : 's'}`
: Math.abs(this.totalMinutes) >= 1
? `minute${Math.floor(Math.abs(this.totalMinutes)) == 1 ? '' : 's'}`
: Math.abs(this.totalSeconds) >= 1
? `second${Math.floor(Math.abs(this.totalSeconds)) == 1 ? '' : 's'}`
: `millisecond${Math.floor(Math.abs(this.totalMilliseconds)) == 1 ? '' : 's'}`
return Math.floor({
day: this.totalDays,
hour: this.totalHours,
minute: this.totalMinutes,
second: this.totalSeconds,
millisecond: this.totalMilliseconds,
}[unit.endsWith('s') ? unit.slice(0, -1) : unit]) + ' ' + unit;
* Returns a long string representation of the TimeSpan
* @example
* let t = TimeSpan.fromHours(3.4)
* console.log(t.toLongString()) // "3 hours 24 minutes"
* console.log(t.toLongString(true)) // "0 days 3 hours 24 minutes 0 seconds"
* t = t.add(3500)
* console.log(t.toLongString()) // "3 hours 24 minutes 3 seconds"
* console.log(t.toLongString(true)) // "0 days 3 hours 24 minutes 3 seconds"
* console.log(t.toLongString(false, true)) // "3 hours 24 minutes 3 seconds 500 milliseconds"
* @param {boolean} [includeZeroValues = false] Whether or not to include zero values in the string
* @param {boolean} [includeMilliseconds = false] Whether or not to include milliseconds in the string
* @returns {string}
toLongString(includeZeroValues = false, includeMilliseconds = false) {
if (this.totalMilliseconds == 0) {
return includeMilliseconds ? "0 milliseconds" : "0 seconds";
let string = "";
if (includeZeroValues || this.days) string += `${this.days} day${this.days === 1 ? '' : 's'} `;
if (includeZeroValues || this.hours) string += `${this.hours} hour${this.hours === 1 ? '' : 's'} `;
if (includeZeroValues || this.minutes) string += `${this.minutes} minute${this.minutes === 1 ? '' : 's'} `;
if (includeZeroValues || this.seconds) string += `${this.seconds} second${this.seconds === 1 ? '' : 's'} `;
if (includeMilliseconds && (includeZeroValues || this.milliseconds)) string += `${this.milliseconds} millisecond${this.milliseconds === 1 ? '' : 's'}`;
return string.trim();
* Returns a string representation of the TimeSpan
* @example
* let t = new TimeSpan(TimeSpan.fromHours(3) + TimeSpan.fromMinutes(24) + TimeSpan.fromSeconds(32))
* console.log(t.toString()) // "03:24:32"
* t = t.add(500)
* console.log(t.toString()) // "03:24:32.500"
* t = t.add(TimeSpan.fromDays(1))
* console.log(t.toString()) // "1.03:24:32.500"
toString() {
let pad = (n, w = 2, z = '0') => n.toString().padStart(w, z);
return `${this.totalMilliseconds < 0 ? '-' : ''}${Math.abs(this.days) > 0 ? `${Math.abs(this.days)}.` : ""}${pad(Math.abs(this.hours))}:${pad(Math.abs(this.minutes))}:${pad(Math.abs(this.seconds))}${Math.abs(this.milliseconds) > 0 ? `.${Math.abs(this.milliseconds).toString().padEnd(3, '0')}` : ""}`;
* Returns the number of milliseconds in the TimeSpan
* @returns {number}
valueOf() {
return this.totalMilliseconds;
* Returns a new TimeSpan representing the value of
* the current TimeSpan plus the value of another TimeSpan
* or individual values for each interval
* @param {TimeSpan|number} t TimeSpan or milliseconds
* @param {number} [s=0] Seconds
* @param {number} [m=0] Minutes
* @param {number} [h=0] Hours
* @param {number} [d=0] Days
add(t, s = 0, m = 0, h = 0, d = 0) {
let ms = t;
if (s) ms += s * 1000;
if (m) ms += m * 60 * 1000;
if (h) ms += h * 60 * 60 * 1000;
if (d) ms += d * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000;
return new TimeSpan(this.totalMilliseconds + ms);
* Returns a new TimeSpan representing the value of
* the current TimeSpan minus the value of another TimeSpan
* or individual values for each interval
* @param {TimeSpan|number} t TimeSpan or milliseconds
* @param {number} [s=0] Seconds
* @param {number} [m=0] Minutes
* @param {number} [h=0] Hours
* @param {number} [d=0] Days
subtract(t, s = 0, m = 0, h = 0, d = 0) {
return this.add.apply(this, Array.from(arguments).map(x => -x));
* Returns a value indicating whether this instance is equal to a specified TimeSpan object
* @param {TimeSpan} t Another TimeSpan object
equals(t) {
return this.totalMilliseconds === t.totalMilliseconds;
* Compares this TimeSpan to another TimeSpan, returning an integer that indicates
* whether this instance is less than, equal to, or greater than the specified TimeSpan
* @param {TimeSpan} t Another TimeSpan object
* @returns {Number} A positive number if `this > t`, 0 if `this == t`, a negative number if `this < t`
compareTo(t) {
return this.totalMilliseconds - t.totalMilliseconds;
* Returns a new TimeSpan equal to the absolute value of this TimeSpan
* @returns {TimeSpan}
duration() {
return new TimeSpan(Math.abs(this.totalMilliseconds));
* Returns a new TimeSpan equal to the negated value of this TimeSpan
* @returns {TimeSpan}
negate() {
return new TimeSpan(-this.totalMilliseconds);
* @private
* Regular expression matching a valid TimeSpan string
static get _regex() {
return /(?:(\d+)\.)?(0[0-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-4]):([0-5][0-9]):([0-5][0-9])(?:\.([0-9]{3}))?/;
* Parses strings in the format returned from `toString`
* into TimeSpan objects
* @param {string} s A string representation of a TimeSpan
* @returns {TimeSpan}
static parse(s) {
if (typeof s !== "string") throw new TypeError("Parameter s must be of type string");
let match = s.match(TimeSpan._regex);
if (match) {
let n = [undefined];
n.push(...Array.from(match).slice(1).map(x => x ? Number.parseInt(x) : x));
return new TimeSpan(n[5], n[4], n[3], n[2], n[1]);
throw new Error(`Input string was not in the correct format: "${s}"`);
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