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Last active February 17, 2021 23:54
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Build the unitary matrix corresponding to one period of a periodic (Floquet) quantum circuit.
module FloquetCircuits
import Base: Matrix
using LinearAlgebra: I
using TensorOperations: tensorcontract
export Gate, FloquetCircuit, Matrix
"Quantum gate acting on some number of qubits."
struct Gate
# sites the gate acts on
# unitary matrix
matrix::Array{Complex{Float64}, 2}
# default constructor
function Gate(sites::Vector{Int64}, matrix::Array{Complex{Float64}, 2})
# check consistency
s = size(matrix)
n = length(sites)
# on-site dimension
d = 2
@assert s[1] == s[2] == d^n "Size of matrix is inconsistent with sites."
new(sites, matrix)
"Quantum circuit consisting of a series of gates applied to L qubits."
struct FloquetCircuit
# number of sites
# gates
# default constructor
function FloquetCircuit(L::Int64, gates::Vector{Gate})
# check consistency
for g in gates
for x in g.sites
@assert 1 ≤ x ≤ L "Gate sites inconsistent with L."
new(L, gates)
"Convert a quantum circuit to a dense unitary matrix."
function Matrix(circ::FloquetCircuit)
# for use in einstein summation later
alph = collect("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz")
ALPH = [uppercase(ltr) for ltr in alph]
# on-site and full hilbert space dimensions
d = 2
L = circ.L
D = d^L
# initialize to the identity
U = Matrix{Complex{Float64}}(I, D, D)
# split the row index into a product over site indices
sU = tuple(fill(d, L)..., D)
vU = reshape(U, sU)
# multiply by the gates in the circuit
for g in circ.gates
# number of sites gate acts on
x = collect(g.sites)
l = length(x)
# split the row and column indices into products over site indices
su = tuple(fill(d, 2*l)...)
vu = reshape(g.matrix, su)
# tensor contraction pattern
Upat = alph[1:L+1]
upat = [ALPH[x]; alph[x]]
uUpat = copy(Upat); uUpat[x] = ALPH[x]
# contract gate into the unitary
vU .= tensorcontract(
vu, tuple(upat...),
vU, tuple(Upat...),
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