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Last active December 10, 2019 23:00
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  • Save aortiz49/fe7123d84325e2e73696f380b606071f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save aortiz49/fe7123d84325e2e73696f380b606071f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
* Returns the first occurrence of the character given by parameter in the queue given using
* a binary search.
* @param pChar the character being searched
* @param lo the low boundary for the search
* @param hi the upper boundary for the search
* @return the index at which the character first appears in the queue
private int findFirst(int pChar, int lo, int hi) {
if (hi >= lo) {
int mid = lo + (hi - lo) / 2;
int midChar = tripsbyWeek.getNode(mid).getSourceId();
// Since the arrays inside the priority queues that use this method are 1-indexed, we
// must check the case in which mid = lo. If we execute "int = midMinusOne" before
// checking if we've reached the start of the array, we could get an exception.
if (mid == lo && midChar == pChar)
return mid;
int midMinusOne = tripsbyWeek.getNode(mid - 1).getSourceId();
if (((mid == 1 || pChar > midMinusOne)) && midChar == pChar)
return mid;
else if (pChar > midChar)
return findFirst(pChar, mid + 1, hi);
return findFirst(pChar, lo, mid - 1);
return -1;
* Calculates the second cost arc between two vertices
* @param pStart the start vertex
* @param pEnd the end vertex
* @return the second cost arc (average velocity between two vertices)
private Double calculateCost2(GraphVertex pStart, GraphVertex pEnd)
throws NullPointerException {
// array containing the average travel times
DynamicArray<Double> times = new DynamicArray<>();
// zones from the vertices
int zoneA = pStart.getZone();
int zoneB = pEnd.getZone();
// the last index of the queue
int endIndex = tripsbyWeek.getLastIndex();
// the average of travel times
double averageTime = 0.0;
// find the first occurrence of the given startZone
int index = findFirst(zoneA, 1, endIndex);
boolean diff = false;
// search from the start of first occurrence of the sourceId (don't exceed the last
// index)
while (!diff && index != -1 && index <= tripsbyWeek.getLastIndex()) {
UberTrip currTrip = tripsbyWeek.getNode(index);
int currSourceId = currTrip.getSourceId();
int currDestId = currTrip.getDestinationId();
if (currDestId == zoneB)
// exit the loop if the startId is different from zoneA
if (currSourceId != zoneA)
diff = true;
// if the zones are equal and no trips were found
if ((zoneA == zoneB) && times.size() == 0) {
averageTime = 10.0; //(ex 574,574)
// if the zones are distinct and no trips were found
else if ((zoneA != zoneB) && times.size() == 0) {
averageTime = 100.0; // (ex 73,1020)
// if the trips are equal or distinct, find the average of times
else {
for (int i = 0; i < times.size(); i++) {
averageTime += times.get(i);
averageTime /= times.size();
return averageTime;
// -------------------------------------------------------------
// Point 10
// -------------------------------------------------------------
* Creates a graph containing the uber zones as vertices. The edge cost are calculated in the
* following way:
* (1) From zoneA to zoneB there will only be one edge.
* (2) For any edge x, if it isn't in the hash table, find all trips in the csv file
* that match the respective start & end zones and take the average of their travel times.
* (3) For the same edge, find all trips in the csv file that match the respective start
* & end zones but in the reverse direction and take the average of their travel times.
* (4) Take the average of both of these trips.
* Additional notes: If an edge from the original graph is located inside the same zone,
* don't consider it for the zones graph.
public Graph<Integer, GraphVertex> createZoneGraph() {
zonesGraph = new Graph<>(5);
// hash tables to keep track of what has already added to the graph
HashTable<Integer, Integer> vertexMap = new HashTable<>();
HashTable<String, Integer> edgeMap = new HashTable<>();
// dynamic array that stores edges with no trips
DynamicArray<String> noUberTrips = new DynamicArray<>();
// list of edges in the current graph
DynamicArray<Edge<Integer>> edgeList = graph.getMapEdgeList();
// iterate over every edge
for (int i = 0; i < edgeList.size(); i++) {
// current vertices of the current edge
GraphVertex startVertex = graph.getVertexInfo(edgeList.get(i).getStartVertex());
GraphVertex endVertex = graph.getVertexInfo(edgeList.get(i).getEndVertex());
int startZone = startVertex.getZone();
int endZone = endVertex.getZone();
// go to next edge if the zones are the same
if (startZone != endZone) {
// comparison booleans for the latter decisions
boolean startVExists = vertexMap.containsKey(startZone);
boolean endVExists = vertexMap.containsKey(endZone);
boolean edgeExists = edgeMap.containsKey(startZone + "$" + endZone) && edgeMap
.containsKey(endZone + "$" + startZone);
// if start vertex isn't in the map (don't care about the value)
if (!startVExists) {
vertexMap.putNode(startZone, 0);
zonesGraph.addVertex(startZone, startVertex);
// if end vertex isn't in the map (don't care about the value)
if (!endVExists) {
vertexMap.putNode(endZone, 0);
zonesGraph.addVertex(endZone, endVertex);
// if the edge exists (A->B & B->A)
if (!edgeExists) {
// calculate the average of the bidirectional costs
double costAtoB = calculateCost2(startVertex, endVertex);
double costBtoA = calculateCost2(endVertex, startVertex);
// average of costs. (from A->B and B->A)
double newAvgTime = (costAtoB + costBtoA) / 2;
// if the avg is 100, that means there were no trips in either direction
// add this edge to the list of noTrips
if (newAvgTime == 100.0) {
newAvgTime = 200.0;
noUberTrips.add(startZone + "-" + endZone);
zonesGraph.addEdge(startZone, endZone, 0, newAvgTime, 0);
edgeMap.putNode(startZone + "$" + endZone, 0);
edgeMap.putNode(endZone + "$" + startZone, 0);
return zonesGraph;
public void drawZoneGraph(DynamicArray<Edge<Integer>> pEdges) {
DynamicArray<LatLng[]> edgeVerts = new DynamicArray<>();
for (int i = 0; i < pEdges.size(); i++) {
int startId = pEdges.get(i).getStartVertex();
int endId = pEdges.get(i).getEndVertex();
GraphVertex startVertex = zonesGraph.getVertexInfo(startId);
GraphVertex endVertex = zonesGraph.getVertexInfo(endId);
double startLat = startVertex.getLatitude();
double startLong = startVertex.getLongitude();
double endLat = endVertex.getLatitude();
double endLong = endVertex.getLongitude();
LatLng start = new LatLng(startLat, startLong);
LatLng end = new LatLng(endLat, endLong);
LatLng[] locations = {start, end};
new Mapa("zones", edgeVerts);
public void drawPathGraph(DynamicArray<Edge<Integer>> pEdges) {
DynamicArray<LatLng[]> edgeVerts = new DynamicArray<>();
for (int i = 0; i < pEdges.size(); i++) {
int startId = pEdges.get(i).getStartVertex();
int endId = pEdges.get(i).getEndVertex();
GraphVertex startVertex = graph.getVertexInfo(startId);
GraphVertex endVertex = graph.getVertexInfo(endId);
double startLat = startVertex.getLatitude();
double startLong = startVertex.getLongitude();
double endLat = endVertex.getLatitude();
double endLong = endVertex.getLongitude();
LatLng start = new LatLng(startLat, startLong);
LatLng end = new LatLng(endLat, endLong);
LatLng[] locations = {start, end};
Mapa map = new Mapa("zones", edgeVerts);
public void drawPath1Graph(DynamicArray<Integer> pVerts) {
DynamicArray<LatLng[]> edgeVerts = new DynamicArray<>();
for (int i = pVerts.size() - 1; i > 0; i--) {
Edge<Integer> edge = new Edge<>(pVerts.get(i), pVerts.get(i - 1), 0, 0, 0);
int startId = edge.getStartVertex();
int endId = edge.getEndVertex();
GraphVertex startVertex = graph.getVertexInfo(startId);
GraphVertex endVertex = graph.getVertexInfo(endId);
double startLat = startVertex.getLatitude();
double startLong = startVertex.getLongitude();
double endLat = endVertex.getLatitude();
double endLong = endVertex.getLongitude();
LatLng start = new LatLng(startLat, startLong);
LatLng end = new LatLng(endLat, endLong);
LatLng[] locations = {start, end};
new Mapa("zones", edgeVerts);
* Returns the zone graph
* @return the zone graph
public Graph<Integer, GraphVertex> getZoneGraph() {
return zonesGraph;
* Returns the graph
* @return the graph
public Graph<Integer, GraphVertex> getGraph() {
return graph;
// -------------------------------------------------------------
// Point 11
// -------------------------------------------------------------
public DynamicArray<Integer> minPath(int pStartVertex, int pEndVertex) {
// if the zone graph is loaded, there are fewer vertices in that graph than there are
// total possible zones. So, add an offset to the size to prevent a null pointer exception.
int diff = Math.abs(graph.getVertices() - maxZoneId) + 1;
DynamicArray<Double> distTo = new DynamicArray<>(graph.getVertices() + diff);
DynamicArray<Integer> vertexFrom = new DynamicArray<>(graph.getVertices() + diff);
LinkedList<Integer, Integer> queue = new LinkedList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < graph.getVertices(); i++) {
VertexNode<Integer, GraphVertex> start = graph.getVertexNode(pStartVertex);
vertexFrom.set(pStartVertex, -1);
distTo.set(pStartVertex, 0.0);
queue.append(new Node<>(pStartVertex, 0));
while (!queue.isEmpty()) {
Node<Integer, Integer> curr = queue.removeHead();
VertexNode<Integer, GraphVertex> currVertex = graph.getVertexNode(curr.getId());
DynamicArray<Node<Integer, Double[]>> adjacentVertices =
// iterate over adjacent vertices
for (int i = 0; i < adjacentVertices.size(); i++) {
int currId = adjacentVertices.get(i).getId();
VertexNode<Integer, GraphVertex> currAdj = graph.getVertexNode(currId);
if (!currAdj.isVisited()) {
vertexFrom.set(currId, curr.getId());
distTo.set(currId, distTo.get(curr.getId()) + 1);
queue.append(new Node<>(currAdj.getId(), 0));
DynamicArray<Integer> fromList = new DynamicArray<>();
Integer startP = vertexFrom.get(pEndVertex);
if (startP != null) {
int curr = startP;
while (curr != -1) {
curr = vertexFrom.get(curr);
return fromList;
* Returns the longest path out of the shortest possible paths from a vertex to any of its
* reachable vertices
* @param pStartZone the start zone
* @return
public DynamicArray<Edge<Integer>> longestReachablePath(int pStartZone) {
DynamicArray<Edge<Integer>> edges = new DynamicArray<>();
// queue to store the paths
PriorityQueue<QueueNode<Integer, DynamicArray<Integer>>> pathsQueue = new PriorityQueue<>();
// reachable vertices
DynamicArray<Integer> reachableVertices = graph.getReachableVertices(pStartZone);
// iterate over all reachable vertices
for (int i = 0; i < reachableVertices.size(); i++) {
int end = reachableVertices.get(i);
DynamicArray<Integer> path = minPath(pStartZone, end);
int cost = path.size() - 1;
pathsQueue.add(new QueueNode<>(cost, path), false);
if (pathsQueue.size() != 0) {
DynamicArray<Integer> maxPath = pathsQueue.delMax().getValue();
for (int i = maxPath.size() - 1; i > 0; i--) {
int start = graph.getVertexNode(maxPath.get(i)).getValue().getId();
int end = graph.getVertexNode(maxPath.get(i - 1)).getValue().getId();
Edge<Integer> edge = new Edge<>(start, end, 0, 0, 0);
return edges;
// -------------------------------------------------------------
// Point 12
// -------------------------------------------------------------
public DynamicArray<Integer> djikstra(int pStartVertex, int pEndVertex) {
// if the zone graph is loaded, there are fewer vertices in that graph than there are
// total possible zones. So, add an offset to the size to prevent a null pointer exception.
totalCost = 0;
int diff = Math.abs(graph.getVertices() - maxZoneId) + 1;
DynamicArray<Double> distTo = new DynamicArray<>(graph.getVertices() * 2 + diff);
DynamicArray<Integer> vertexFrom = new DynamicArray<>(graph.getVertices() + diff);
IndexPQ<QueueNode2<Double, Integer>> queue = new IndexPQ<>(graph.getVertices() + diff);
// keep track of the added vertices
HashTable<Integer, Integer> vertexTable = new HashTable<>();
// Set distTo to infinity for all vertices
for (int i = 0; i < graph.getVertices() * 2 + diff; i++) {
// uncheck all as visited just in case we already executed it earlier
VertexNode<Integer, GraphVertex> start = graph.getVertexNode(pStartVertex);
vertexFrom.set(pStartVertex, -1);
distTo.set(pStartVertex, 0.0);
queue.insert(pStartVertex, new QueueNode2<>(distTo.get(pStartVertex), pStartVertex));
int test = 0;
while (!queue.isEmpty()) {
int curr = queue.delMin();
VertexNode<Integer, GraphVertex> currVertex = graph.getVertexNode(curr);
DynamicArray<Node<Integer, Double[]>> adjacentVertices =
int test1 = 0;
// iterate over adjacent vertices
for (int i = 0; i < adjacentVertices.size(); i++) {
Node<Integer, Double[]> currNode = adjacentVertices.get(i);
int currId = currNode.getId();
double prevWeight = distTo.get(currId);
// calculate distance to father plus distance to child
double currWeight = distTo.get(curr) + currNode.getValue()[1];
VertexNode<Integer, GraphVertex> currAdj = graph.getVertexNode(currId);
if (!currAdj.isVisited()) {
if (prevWeight > currWeight) {
distTo.set(currId, currWeight);
vertexFrom.set(currId, curr);
if (queue.contains(currId)) {
queue.decreaseKey(currId, new QueueNode2<>(currWeight, currId));
queue.insert(currId, new QueueNode2<>(currWeight, currId));
// keep track if it exists or not
vertexTable.putNode(currAdj.getId(), 0);
DynamicArray<Integer> fromList = new DynamicArray<>();
Integer startP = vertexFrom.get(pEndVertex);
if (startP != null) {
int curr = startP;
while (curr != -1) {
curr = vertexFrom.get(curr);
for (int i = 1; i < fromList.size(); i++) {
totalCost +=distTo.get(fromList.get(i));
return fromList;
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