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Coding 😎

Andy aortiz49

Coding 😎
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# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Description: This file holds all my BASH configurations and aliases
# Sections:
# 1. Environment Configuration
# 2. Make Terminal Better (remapping defaults and adding functionality)
# 3. File and Folder Management
# 4. Searching
# 5. Process Management
// -------------------------------------------------------------
// Point 10
// -------------------------------------------------------------
* Creates a graph containing the uber zones as vertices. The edge cost are calculated in the
* following way:
* (1) From zoneA to zoneB there will only be one edge.
* (2) For any edge x, if it isn't in the hash table, find all trips in the csv file
* that match the respective start & end zones and take the average of their travel times.
aortiz49 /
Last active December 10, 2019 23:00
* Returns the first occurrence of the character given by parameter in the queue given using
* a binary search.
* @param pChar the character being searched
* @param lo the low boundary for the search
* @param hi the upper boundary for the search
* @return the index at which the character first appears in the queue
private int findFirst(int pChar, int lo, int hi) {
aortiz49 /
Created January 25, 2020 20:27
MVC Example
* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
* University of the Andes
* Department of Systems Engineering
* Licensed under Academic Free License version 2.1
* Lab 0: Sample
* Author: Andy Ortiz
* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
package controller;
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# renegade - Andy Ortiz
* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
* University of the Andes
* Department of Systems Engineering
* Licensed under Academic Free License version 2.1
* Project 2
* Author: Andy Ortiz
* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
package model.data_structures.RedBlackTree;
aortiz49 / courses.json
Created April 17, 2020 04:45
Data for Angular Tutorial
{"courseName": "Ingeniería de Software" , "professor": "Martin Fowler" , "credits": 4},
{"name": "Estructuras de Datos" , "professor": "Richard Stallman" , "credits": 2},
{"name": "Lenguajes de Programación" , "professor": "Dennis Ritchie" , "credits": 4},
{"name": "Metodología de la Investigación" , "professor": "Kurt Lewis" , "credits": 4},
{"name": "Comunicación I" , "professor": "Gabriel García" , "credits": 2},
{"name": "Comunicación II" , "professor": "Juan Rulfo" , "credits": 4},
{"name": "Teoría General de Sistemas" , "professor": "Ludwig von Bertalanffy" , "credits": 2},
{"name": "Economía" , "professor": "Adam Smith" , "credits": 2},
{"name": "Investigación de Operaciones" , "professor": "Luis Rodríguez" , "credits": 2},
{"courseName": "Ingeniería de Software" , "professorName": "Martin Fowler" , "credits": 4},
{"courseName": "Estructuras de Datos" , "professorName": "Richard Stallman" , "credits": 2},
{"courseName": "Lenguajes de Programación" , "professorName": "Dennis Ritchie" , "credits": 4},
{"courseName": "Metodología de la Investigación" , "professorName": "Kurt Lewis" , "credits": 4},
{"courseName": "Comunicación I" , "professorName": "Gabriel García" , "credits": 2},
{"courseName": "Comunicación II" , "professorName": "Juan Rulfo" , "credits": 4},
{"courseName": "Teoría General de Sistemas" , "professorName": "Ludwig von Bertalanffy" , "credits": 2},
{"courseName": "Economía" , "professorName": "Adam Smith" , "credits": 2},
{"courseName": "Investigación de Operaciones" , "professorName": "Luis Rodríguez" , "credits": 2},
* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
* University of the Andes
* Department of Systems Engineering
* Licensed under Academic Free License version 2.1
* Project 3: Graphs
* Author: Andy Ortiz
* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
package model.data_structures.DynamicArray;
* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
* University of the Andes
* Department of Systems Engineering
* Licensed under Academic Free License version 2.1
* Lab 1: Dynamic Array
* Author: Andy Ortiz
* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~