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Created December 11, 2018 04:06
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'  手動で選択した範囲をボタンが設置されている列をKeyとして
' 並び替えを実施。ボタン名がASCならば昇順、DESCなら降順で並び替え
Sub ボタンの位置で並べ替え_Click()
Dim wCurrCell As String
Dim wBtn As String
Dim wOrder As Variant
On Error Resume Next
wBtn = (ActiveSheet.Buttons(Application.Caller).Text)
If wBtn = "ASC" Then
wOrder = xlAscending
wOrder = xlDescending
End If
wCurrCell = ActiveSheet.Shapes(Application.Caller).TopLeftCell.Address
With ActiveSheet
.Sort.SetRange .Range(Selection.Address(ColumnAbsolute:=False, RowAbsolute:=False))
.Sort.SortFields.Add Key:=.Range(wCurrCell), Order:=wOrder, DataOption:=xlSortTextAsNumbers
.Sort.Header = xlNo
.Sort.MatchCase = False
.Sort.SortMethod = xlPinYin
.Sort.Orientation = xlTopToBottom
End With
End Sub
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