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Created June 1, 2014 18:43
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module IHaskell.Eval.RIO (RIO(), runRIO, IHaskell.Eval.RIO.putStrLn, IHaskell.Eval.RIO.putStr,MyGhcMonad) where
import qualified System.IO
import GHC
import MonadUtils
import Exception
-- Notice that symbol UnsafeRIO is not exported from this module!
newtype RIO a = UnsafeRIO { runRIO :: IO a }
type MyGhcMonad = GhcT RIO
instance Monad RIO where
return = UnsafeRIO . return
(UnsafeRIO m) >>= k = UnsafeRIO $ m >>= runRIO . k
instance Functor RIO where
fmap f (UnsafeRIO a) = UnsafeRIO (fmap f a)
instance MonadIO RIO where
liftIO a = UnsafeRIO (a)
instance ExceptionMonad RIO where
gcatch (UnsafeRIO ioa) handler =
putStrLn :: String -> RIO ()
putStrLn s = UnsafeRIO (System.IO.putStrLn s)
putStr :: String -> RIO ()
putStr s = UnsafeRIO (System.IO.putStr s)
print :: Show a => a -> RIO ()
print s = UnsafeRIO (System.IO.print s)
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