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Last active August 29, 2015 14:16
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Black Box Variational Inference: Bayesian Linear Regression
import os
import numpy as np
def generate_data(n, p, seed):
beta = np.random.normal(size=p, scale=2.0)
X = np.random.normal(size=(n,p))
y =, beta)
return X, y, beta
def save_data(X, y, beta, dirname):
if not os.path.exists(dirname):
with open(os.path.join(dirname, "betas.txt"), "w") as f:
for b in beta:
f.write("%f\n" % b)
with open(os.path.join(dirname, "y.txt"), "w") as f:
for yy in y:
f.write("%f\n" % yy)
with open(os.path.join(dirname, "X.txt"), "w") as f:
for x in X:
f.write("%s\n" % (" ".join([str(xx) for xx in x])))
class BBGaussian(object):
def __init__(self, eta=1.0):
self.params = np.array([0.0, 1.0]) = np.array([0.0, 0.0])
self.eta = eta
def nparam(self):
return len(self.params)
def setparams(self, params):
self.params = params
if self.params[1] <= 0.0:
print "UHOH! sigmasq < 0: %f" % self.params[1]
self.params[1] = 1e-6
def applygrad(self, paramgrad, rho=None):
if rho is None:
# AdaGrad += np.square(paramgrad)
self.params += paramgrad * self.eta / np.sqrt(
# standard Robbins-Monro
self.params += rho * paramgrad
if self.params[1] <= 0.0:
print "UHOH! sigmasq < 0: %f" % self.params[1]
self.params[1] = 1e-6
def getparams(self):
return self.params
def sample(self, size=1):
mu, sigmasq = self.params
return np.random.normal(loc=mu, scale=np.sqrt(sigmasq), size=size)
def loggrad(self, x):
mu, sigmasq = self.params
mu_grad = (x - mu) / sigmasq
sigmasq_grad = 0.5 * (np.square(x - mu)/sigmasq - 1.0) / sigmasq
return np.array([mu_grad, sigmasq_grad])
def logprob(self, x):
mu, sigmasq = self.params
return -0.5 * np.log(2 * np.pi * sigmasq) - 0.5 * np.square(x - mu) / sigmasq
class BBLinearRegression(object):
def __init__(self, X, y, S=100, tau=0.7, kappa=1.0, sigmasq=1.0, epssq=1.0, eta=1.0, ada=True):
p = X.shape[1]
self.X = X
self.y = y
self.qbetas = [BBGaussian(eta=eta) for i in xrange(p)]
self.sigmasq = sigmasq
self.epssq = epssq
self.S = S
self.kappa = kappa
self.tau = tau
self.ada = ada
def logjoint(self, betas):
n, p = self.X.shape
quad_beta = 0.5 * np.sum(np.square(betas)) / self.sigmasq
norm_beta = 0.5 * p * np.log(2.0 * np.pi * self.sigmasq)
quad_lik = 0.5 * np.sum(np.square(self.y -, betas))) / self.epssq
norm_lik = 0.5 * n * np.log(2.0 * np.pi * self.epssq)
return -(quad_beta + norm_beta + quad_lik + norm_lik)
def qsample(self):
samples = [qb.sample(size=self.S) for qb in self.qbetas]
p = len(self.qbetas)
samps = np.empty((self.S, p))
for j in xrange(p):
for s in xrange(self.S):
samps[s,j] = samples[j][s]
return samps
def run_iter(self, rho=None):
p = X.shape[1]
samples = self.qsample()
S = len(samples)
grads = []
for i, qb in enumerate(self.qbetas):
f = np.empty((S, qb.nparam()))
h = np.empty((S, qb.nparam()))
for s, z in enumerate(samples):
h[s] = qb.loggrad(z[i])
f[s] = h[s] * (self.logjoint(z) - qb.logprob(z[i]))
grad = np.empty(qb.nparam())
for d in xrange(qb.nparam()):
fd = f[:,d]
hd = h[:,d]
cov = np.cov(f[:,d], h[:,d])
a = cov[0,1] / cov[1,1]
grad[d] = np.mean(f[:,d] - a * h[:,d])
for grad, qb in zip(grads, self.qbetas):
if rho is None:
qb.applygrad(grad, rho)
def run(self, niter):
for i in xrange(niter):
print "Iteration %d" % (i + 1)
if self.ada:
rho = np.power(i + self.tau, -self.kappa)
def print_params(self, outdir):
if not os.path.exists(outdir):
mufile = os.path.join(outdir, "")
sigmasqfile = os.path.join(outdir, "params.sigmasq")
with open(mufile, "w") as fmu, open(sigmasqfile, "w") as fsigmasq:
for qb in self.qbetas:
params = qb.getparams()
fmu.write("%f\n" % params[0])
fsigmasq.write("%f\n" % params[1])
if __name__ == '__main__':
X, y, beta = generate_data(100, 10, 20)
datadir = os.path.abspath("data")
save_data(X, y, beta, datadir)
# standard Robbins-Monro (does terribly...):
#lr = BBLinearRegression(X, y, S=1000, tau=20.0, kappa=0.55, ada=False)
# AdaGrad:
lr = BBLinearRegression(X, y, S=1000, eta=1.0)
outdir = os.path.abspath("output")
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