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Last active June 9, 2024 01:44
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GraphQL Java Spring Boot 2 configuration with queries cache(Caffeine)
public class CacheProvider implements PreparsedDocumentProvider {
private AppProperties appProps;
public PreparsedDocumentEntry getDocument(ExecutionInput executionInput, Function<ExecutionInput, PreparsedDocumentEntry> computeFunction) {
final Cache<String, PreparsedDocumentEntry> cache = Caffeine.newBuilder()
Function<String, PreparsedDocumentEntry> mapCompute = key -> computeFunction.apply(executionInput);
return cache.get(executionInput.getQuery(), mapCompute);
public class GraphQLConfig {
private ApplicationProperties appProps;
private AuthorResolver authorResolver;
private BookResolver bookResolver;
private CacheProvider cacheProvider;
private Instrumentation instrumentation;
private GraphQL graphQL;
public void init() {
final List<String> sdl = new ArrayList<>();
final String schemaAuthor = resourceToString(SCHEMA_AUTHOR);
final String schemaBook = resourceToString(SCHEMA_BOOK);
final GraphQLSchema graphQLSchema = buildSchema(sdl);
this.graphQL = GraphQL
new AsyncExecutionStrategy(new GraphQLDataFetcherExceptionHandler())
private GraphQLSchema buildSchema(final List<String> sdl) {
final SchemaParser schemaParser = new SchemaParser();
final TypeDefinitionRegistry typeRegistry = new TypeDefinitionRegistry();
sdl.forEach(schema -> typeRegistry.merge(schemaParser.parse(schema)));
final RuntimeWiring runtimeWiring = buildWiring();
final SchemaGenerator schemaGenerator = new SchemaGenerator();
return schemaGenerator.makeExecutableSchema(typeRegistry, runtimeWiring);
private RuntimeWiring buildWiring() {
return RuntimeWiring.newRuntimeWiring()
.type(QUERY_TYPE, typeWiring -> typeWiring
.dataFetcher(FIND_AUTHOR_BY_NAME, authorResolver.getAuthorByName())
.dataFetcher(FIND_BOOK_BY_NAME, bookResolver.getBookByName())
.directive(UPPERCASE, new UppercaseDirective())
public GraphQL graphQL() {
return graphQL;
private String resourceToString(final String pathResource) {
try (final InputStream is = new ClassPathResource(pathResource).getInputStream()) {
return IOUtils.toString(is, StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
} catch (final IOException e) {
throw new UncheckedIOException(e);
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