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Created January 18, 2016 20:27
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"A run time environment"

Node allows us to run javascript on OS instead of browser We need a server to create a website or webapp

###Server A program running on a computer somewhere that can communicate with clients

##Modules moduel.exports = exports specific parts of a program A "require" of the file will return this

##Require Find(with path (. or ./) or assumes its in ./node_modules), execute and import the files

fileB var x = 'foobars'; module.exports = x;

FileA var y = require('./fileB'); console.log(y) // foobars

##npm (node package manager) Command line tool that finds libraries and downloads them, and keeps a list of dependencies in package.json


  1. kick off some external process
  2. register and event handler that happens when it's done (Callback)
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