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Created August 14, 2023 02:46
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Benchmark custom cops used for linting in Homebrew.
# Script to manually run each custom cop individually to see if
# there are any very slow cops that can be improved on average.
# Note: This is very slow since each cop takes 20-50 seconds to run.
require "pathname"
require "benchmark"
unless system("brew --prefix > /dev/null")
raise "Missing: Brew is NOT installed locally since `brew --prefix` doesn't work."
CASK_TAP = "homebrew/cask"
FORMULA_TAP = "homebrew/core"
INSTALLED_TAPS = `brew tap`
[FORMULA_TAP, CASK_TAP].each do |repo|
next if INSTALLED_TAPS.include?(repo)
raise "Missing: The #{repo} tap is NOT installed locally."
BREW_REPO_DIR = Pathname(`brew --repo`.strip).freeze
BREW_RUBOCOP_DIR = (BREW_REPO_DIR / "Library/Homebrew/rubocops").freeze
def benchmark_rubocop(cop, tap, retries: 3)
command = "brew style --reset-cache --only-cops=#{cop} #{tap} > /dev/null" do
Benchmark.measure { system(command) }.real
end.sum / retries # take the average of multiple retries
MODULE_REGEX = /^(?<indent>\s*)module (?<module_name>[A-Za-z]+)\s*$/.freeze
CLASS_REGEX = /^(?<indent>\s*)class (?<class_name>[A-Za-z]+) < [A-Za-z]+\s*$/.freeze
def find_cops(dir:, excluded_cops: [])
all_cops = []
Dir.children(dir).each do |file|
file = dir / file
next unless file.file?
next unless file.extname == ".rb"
modules_by_indent = {}
IO.foreach(file) do |line|
if (match_data = line.match(MODULE_REGEX))
captures = match_data.named_captures
indent_size = captures["indent"].size
modules_by_indent[indent_size] = captures["module_name"]
elsif modules_by_indent[0] != "RuboCop" || modules_by_indent[2] != "Cop" || modules_by_indent[4].nil?
next # We expect to find cops in the following location: "RoboCop::Cop::<namespace>::<class>"
elsif (match_data = line.match(CLASS_REGEX))
captures = match_data.named_captures
next unless captures["indent"].size == 6
namespace = modules_by_indent[4]
klass = captures["class_name"]
all_cops << "#{namespace}/#{klass}"
all_cops.sort - excluded_cops
FORMULA_COPS = find_cops(dir: BREW_RUBOCOP_DIR, excluded_cops: %w[Homebrew/MoveToExtendOS]).freeze
CASK_COPS = find_cops(dir: BREW_RUBOCOP_CASK_DIR).freeze
].each_with_index do |(pkg_type, all_cops, tap), index|
if index.positive?
puts "----------"
puts ">>> Benchmarking all #{all_cops.count} Brew #{pkg_type} cops"
cops_by_run_secs = do |cop|
run_secs = benchmark_rubocop(cop, tap)
print "." # make it easy to track progress
[cop, run_secs]
end.sort_by { |_cop, run_secs| -run_secs }
max_width =
cops_by_run_secs.each do |cop, run_secs|
printf("%-#{max_width + 1}s %.3f seconds\n", cop + ":", run_secs)
>>> Benchmarking all 62 Brew Formula cops
FormulaAudit/Miscellaneous: 52.209 seconds
FormulaAudit/OnSystemConditionals: 50.800 seconds
FormulaAudit/Text: 49.500 seconds
FormulaAudit/Lines: 46.312 seconds
Homebrew/ExecShellMetacharacters: 46.217 seconds
FormulaAudit/LicenseArrays: 46.117 seconds
FormulaAuditStrict/RustCheck: 45.330 seconds
FormulaAudit/LivecheckRegexIfPageMatch: 44.366 seconds
FormulaAudit/LivecheckRegexExtension: 43.231 seconds
FormulaAudit/ChecksumCase: 42.851 seconds
FormulaAudit/LivecheckUrlProvided: 42.753 seconds
FormulaAudit/LivecheckRegexCaseInsensitive: 42.417 seconds
FormulaAuditStrict/MakeCheck: 42.363 seconds
FormulaAudit/LivecheckSkip: 42.207 seconds
FormulaAudit/MpiCheck: 42.052 seconds
FormulaAudit/ComponentsOrder: 41.972 seconds
FormulaAudit/QuicTLSCheck: 41.943 seconds
Homebrew/IORead: 41.941 seconds
FormulaAudit/Licenses: 41.676 seconds
FormulaAuditStrict/Text: 41.656 seconds
FormulaAudit/Checksum: 41.575 seconds
Homebrew/ShellCommands: 41.486 seconds
FormulaAudit/Urls: 41.465 seconds
FormulaAuditStrict/GitUrls: 41.401 seconds
FormulaAudit/PythonVersions: 41.372 seconds
FormulaAuditStrict/Requirements: 41.145 seconds
FormulaAudit/LivecheckUrlSymbol: 41.070 seconds
FormulaAudit/OptionDeclarations: 41.059 seconds
FormulaAudit/SafePopenCommands: 40.875 seconds
FormulaAudit/LivecheckRegexParentheses: 40.618 seconds
FormulaAuditStrict/TestPresent: 40.489 seconds
FormulaAudit/Options: 40.468 seconds
FormulaAudit/ProvidedByMacos: 40.456 seconds
FormulaAudit/Patches: 40.430 seconds
FormulaAudit/DependencyOrder: 40.375 seconds
FormulaAudit/BottleDigestIndentation: 40.369 seconds
FormulaAudit/PyoxidizerCheck: 40.359 seconds
FormulaAudit/Test: 40.318 seconds
FormulaAudit/Comments: 40.288 seconds
FormulaAudit/Desc: 40.280 seconds
FormulaAudit/ShellVariables: 40.274 seconds
FormulaAudit/DeprecateDisableDate: 40.258 seconds
FormulaAudit/Version: 40.240 seconds
FormulaAudit/ClassInheritance: 40.236 seconds
FormulaAudit/PyPiUrls: 40.230 seconds
FormulaAudit/AssertStatements: 40.216 seconds
FormulaAudit/UsesFromMacos: 40.209 seconds
FormulaAudit/BottleFormat: 40.208 seconds
FormulaAudit/ClassName: 40.119 seconds
FormulaAudit/ComponentsRedundancy: 40.100 seconds
FormulaAudit/BottleTagIndentation: 40.099 seconds
FormulaAudit/Service: 40.095 seconds
FormulaAudit/BottleOrder: 40.079 seconds
FormulaAudit/SingleGenerateCompletionsDSLCall: 40.043 seconds
FormulaAudit/GitUrls: 39.995 seconds
FormulaAudit/KegOnly: 39.983 seconds
FormulaAudit/GenerateCompletionsDSL: 39.974 seconds
>>> Benchmarking all 9 Brew Cask cops
Cask/OnSystemConditionals: 22.587 seconds
Cask/Variables: 21.734 seconds
Cask/Desc: 21.725 seconds
Cask/StanzaGrouping: 21.642 seconds
Cask/HomepageUrlTrailingSlash: 21.463 seconds
Cask/StanzaOrder: 21.405 seconds
Cask/UrlLegacyCommaSeparators: 21.336 seconds
Cask/Url: 21.335 seconds
Cask/NoOverrides: 21.291 seconds
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