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Last active October 27, 2015 21:18
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#lang ivy2
#Panda's synchronization protocol
# General modules & macros
#Functional dependencies
module lone(f) = {
axiom (f(X, Y1) & f(X, Y2)) -> Y1 = Y2
module injective(f) = {
axiom (f(X1, Y) & f(X2, Y)) -> X1 = X2
macro assign_empty(f, a) = { # f(a) := {}
f(a, X) := false
macro assign_value(f, a, v ) = { # f(a) := {v}
f(a, X) := X = v
type transaction
type node
type time
type key
type operation
relation before(X:time, Y:time)
axiom before(X, X) # Reflexive
axiom before(X, Y) & before(Y, Z) -> before(X, Z) # Transitive
axiom before(X, Y) & before(Y, X) -> X = Y # Anti-symmetric
axiom before(X, Y) | before(Y, X) # total
individual zero:time
axiom before(zero, X)
# Advance time
macro assume_next(a, b) = {
assume before(a, b) ;
assume a ~= b;
assume before(a, Y) & a ~= Y -> before(b, Y)
relation commit_time(X: transaction, T: time) # Commit time for transaction
instantiate lone(commit_time)
instantiate injective(commit_time)
axiom commit_time(Tx, T) -> T ~= zero
relation op_in_tx(Tx : transaction, Op: operation) # An operation of transaction is op
relation next_operation(Tx: transaction, Op1 : operation, Op2 : operation) # The next operation within the transaction
axiom next_operation(Tx, Op, Op1) & next_operation(Tx, Op, Op2) -> Op1 = Op2 # Unique successor
axiom next_operation(Tx, Op1, Op) & next_operation(Tx, Op2, Op) -> Op1 = Op2 # Unique predecessor
# Each operation reads and writes one key
relation op_reads_key(Op: operation, K: key) # OP reads k
instantiate lone(op_reads_key) # See if we can remove this.
relation op_writes_key(Op : operation, K: key) # OP writes k
instantiate lone(op_reads_key) # See if we can remove this
# Do not read and write the same key.
axiom op_reads_key(Op, K) & op_writes_key(Op, K2) -> K1 ~= K2
# The operation in each node
relation op_node(Op: operation, N : node) # The node on which an operation is applied
instantiate lone(op_node)
axiom op_in_tx(T, O1) & op_in_tx(T, O2) & O1 ~= O2 & op_node(O1, N1) & op_node(O2, N2) -> N1 ~= N2
# Each op is in a single Tx.
instantiate injective(op_in_tx)
relation precommit_tx(Tx : transaction, N: node) # Is transaction tx precommitted at n
relation abort_tx(Tx : transaction)
relation commit_tx(Tx: transaction) # Is tx committed
relation depends_tx(Tx: transaction, K: key, T : time) #Flow values between commited transactions
init ~depends_tx(Tx, K, T) # Empty depends
axiom depends_tx(Tx, K, T) & commit_time(Tx, T1) -> before(T, T1)
relation write_tx(Tx: transaction, K: key)
init ~write_tx(Tx, K)
relation node_for_key(K: key, N : node) # Key is at node n
instantiate lone(node_for_key)
relation last_committed_key_write_time(K: key, T: time) # Last time k was written (commit)
instantiate lone(last_committed_key_write_time)
init last_committed_key_write_time(K, zero)
relation last_committed_key_read_time(K: key, T: time) # Last time k was read (commit)
instantiate lone(last_committed_key_read_time)
init last_committed_key_read_time(K, zero)
relation last_uncommitted_key_write_time(K: key, T: time) # Last time k was written (uncommit)
instantiate lone(last_uncommitted_key_write_time)
init last_uncommitted_key_write_time(K, zero)
relation last_uncommitted_key_read_time(K: key, T: time) # Last time k was read (uncommit)
instantiate lone(last_uncommitted_key_read_time)
init last_uncommitted_key_read_time(K, zero)
# Constraints
axiom ~abort_tx(Tx) | ~commit_tx(Tx) # Abort and commit are disjoint
axiom op_reads_key(Op, K) & node_for_key(K, N1) & op_node(Op, N2) -> N1 = N2 #Operations must be local
axiom op_writes_key(Op, K) & node_for_key(K, N1) & op_node(Op, N2) -> N1 = N2 #Operations must be local
axiom last_uncommitted_key_write_time(K, T1) & last_committed_key_write_time(K, T2) -> before(T2, T1)
axiom last_uncommitted_key_read_time(K, T1) & last_committed_key_read_time(K, T2) -> before(T2, T1)
# Transaction protocol
individual tx: transaction
individual op: operation, op1: operation, op2: operation
individual n : node, np: node
individual t1: time, t2: time, t3: time, t4: time
individual kw: key, kr: key
action transaction = {
tx := *;
op := *;
op1 := *;
op2 := *;
n := *;
np := *;
t1 := *;
t2 := *;
t3 := *;
t4 := *;
kw := *;
kr := *;
assume op_in_tx(tx, op) ; # Grab an operation
assume ~abort_tx(tx); # Ensures that the transaction is not already aborted
assume ~next_operation(tx, X, op) | # First operation
(next_operation(tx, op1, op) &
op_node(op1, np) &
precommit_tx(tx, np)) ;
# Ensures that the previous operation was successfully
assume op_node(op, n) ; # Assume operation is in node n
assume ~precommit_tx(tx, n);
assume ~op_writes_key(op, K) |
(op_writes_key(op, kw) &
node_for_key(kw, n));
assume ~op_reads_key(op, K) |
(op_reads_key(op, kr) &
node_for_key(kr, n));
assume commit_time(tx, t1);
if (op_writes_key(op, kw) &
last_uncommitted_key_write_time(kw, t2) &
last_uncommitted_key_read_time(kw, t3) &
(before(t1, t2) | before(t1, t3))) {
abort_tx(tx) := true
} else {
if (op_writes_key(op, kw)) {
last_uncommitted_key_write_time(kw, T) := T = t1
} else {
if (op_reads_key(op, kr) &
last_uncommitted_key_write_time(kr, t3) &
last_committed_key_write_time(kr, t4) &
t3 ~= t4 &
before(t3, t1)) {
abort_tx(tx) := true
} else {
if (op_reads_key(op, kr)) {
last_uncommitted_key_read_time(kr, T) := T = t1;
precommit_tx(tx, n) := true
#if * {
# assume ~next_operation(tx, op, Op2);
# commit_tx(tx) := true
individual tx1: transaction, tx2: transaction
individual k: key
individual n1: node, n2: node
action error = {
# Local serializability should always hold
tx1 := *;
tx2 := *;
k := *;
n1 := *;
n2 := *;
t1 := *;
t2 := *;
t3 := *;
assume(tx1 ~= tx2 &
commit_tx(tx1) &
commit_tx(tx2) &
commit_time(tx1, t1) &
commit_time(tx2, t2) &
before(t1,t2) &
write_tx(tx1, k) &
depends_tx(tx2, k, t3) & # tx2 read k, k was updated at time t1
~before(t3, t1))
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