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Created September 2, 2015 13:24
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Compare xxHash with default String.hashCode
java version "1.8.0_60"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_60-b27)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.60-b23, mixed mode)
Benchmark (length) Mode Cnt Score Error Units
StringHash.defaultHashCode 10 thrpt 5 93402,407 ± 1890,337 ops/ms
StringHash.defaultHashCode 100 thrpt 5 8932,744 ± 336,015 ops/ms
StringHash.defaultHashCode 1000 thrpt 5 886,429 ± 8,678 ops/ms
StringHash.defaultHashCode 10000 thrpt 5 89,057 ± 1,649 ops/ms
StringHash.xxhash 10 thrpt 5 55170,485 ± 2236,430 ops/ms
StringHash.xxhash 100 thrpt 5 12645,358 ± 256,102 ops/ms
StringHash.xxhash 1000 thrpt 5 1715,421 ± 35,312 ops/ms
StringHash.xxhash 10000 thrpt 5 179,315 ± 2,533 ops/ms
StringHash.xxhash_unsafe 10 thrpt 5 56964,408 ± 2102,881 ops/ms
StringHash.xxhash_unsafe 100 thrpt 5 19359,824 ± 633,949 ops/ms
StringHash.xxhash_unsafe 1000 thrpt 5 2677,863 ± 113,022 ops/ms
StringHash.xxhash_unsafe 10000 thrpt 5 280,267 ± 8,873 ops/ms
package bench;
import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.Benchmark;
import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.Param;
import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.Scope;
import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.Setup;
import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.State;
import sun.misc.Unsafe;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.util.Random;
public class StringHash {
@Param({"10", "100", "1000", "10000"})
int length;
char[] chars;
String str;
public void setup() {
Random random = new Random(0);
chars = new char[length];
for (int i = 0; i < chars.length; i++) {
chars[i] = (char) random.nextInt(65536);
str = new String(chars);
public int defaultHashCode() {
int hash = 0;
for (char c : chars) {
hash = 31 * hash + c;
return hash;
private static final int P1 = 0x9e3779b1;
private static final int P2 = 0x85ebca77;
private static final int P3 = 0xc2b2ae3d;
private static final int P4 = 0x27d4eb2f;
private static final int P5 = 0x165667b1;
public int xxhash() {
String s = str;
int h32;
int offset = 0;
int length = s.length();
if (length >= 8) {
int limit = length - 8;
int v1 = P1 + P2;
int v2 = P2;
int v3 = 0;
int v4 = -P1;
do {
v1 += (s.charAt(offset) | s.charAt(offset + 1) << 16) * P2;
v1 = ((v1 << 13) | (v1 >>> 19)) * P1;
v2 += (s.charAt(offset + 2) | s.charAt(offset + 3) << 16) * P2;
v2 = ((v2 << 13) | (v2 >>> 19)) * P1;
v3 += (s.charAt(offset + 4) | s.charAt(offset + 5) << 16) * P2;
v3 = ((v3 << 13) | (v3 >>> 19)) * P1;
v4 += (s.charAt(offset + 6) | s.charAt(offset + 7) << 16) * P2;
v4 = ((v4 << 13) | (v4 >>> 19)) * P1;
} while ((offset += 8) <= limit);
h32 = ((v1 << 1) | (v1 >>> 31)) + ((v2 << 7) | (v2 >>> 25)) + ((v3 << 12) | (v3 >>> 20)) + ((v4 << 18) | (v4 >>> 14));
} else {
h32 = P5;
h32 += length * 2;
for (; offset + 2 <= length; offset += 2) {
h32 += (s.charAt(offset) | s.charAt(offset + 1) << 16) * P3;
h32 = ((h32 << 17) | (h32 >>> 15)) * P4;
if (offset < length) {
char last = s.charAt(offset);
h32 += (last & 0xff) * P5;
h32 = ((h32 << 11) | (h32 >>> 21)) * P1;
h32 += (last >>> 8) * P5;
h32 = ((h32 << 11) | (h32 >>> 21)) * P1;
h32 ^= h32 >>> 15;
h32 *= P2;
h32 ^= h32 >>> 13;
h32 *= P3;
h32 ^= h32 >>> 16;
return h32;
public int xxhash_unsafe() throws IllegalAccessException {
return xxhash_helper(stringValue.get(str), charArrayOffset, str.length() * 2);
private static int xxhash_helper(Object obj, long offset, int length) {
int h32;
long end = offset + length;
if (length >= 16) {
long limit = end - 16;
int v1 = P1 + P2;
int v2 = P2;
int v3 = 0;
int v4 = -P1;
do {
v1 += unsafe.getInt(obj, offset) * P2;
v1 = ((v1 << 13) | (v1 >>> 19)) * P1;
v2 += unsafe.getInt(obj, offset + 4) * P2;
v2 = ((v2 << 13) | (v2 >>> 19)) * P1;
v3 += unsafe.getInt(obj, offset + 8) * P2;
v3 = ((v3 << 13) | (v3 >>> 19)) * P1;
v4 += unsafe.getInt(obj, offset + 12) * P2;
v4 = ((v4 << 13) | (v4 >>> 19)) * P1;
} while ((offset += 16) <= limit);
h32 = ((v1 << 1) | (v1 >>> 31)) + ((v2 << 7) | (v2 >>> 25)) + ((v3 << 12) | (v3 >>> 20)) + ((v4 << 18) | (v4 >>> 14));
} else {
h32 = P5;
h32 += length;
for (; offset + 4 <= end; offset += 4) {
h32 += unsafe.getInt(obj, offset) * P3;
h32 = ((h32 << 17) | (h32 >>> 15)) * P4;
for (; offset < end; offset++) {
h32 += (unsafe.getByte(obj, offset) & 0xff) * P5;
h32 = ((h32 << 11) | (h32 >>> 21)) * P1;
h32 ^= h32 >>> 15;
h32 *= P2;
h32 ^= h32 >>> 13;
h32 *= P3;
h32 ^= h32 >>> 16;
return h32;
private static final Unsafe unsafe;
private static final long charArrayOffset;
private static final Field stringValue;
static {
try {
Field theUnsafe = Unsafe.class.getDeclaredField("theUnsafe");
unsafe = (Unsafe) theUnsafe.get(null);
charArrayOffset = unsafe.arrayBaseOffset(char[].class);
stringValue = String.class.getDeclaredField("value");
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new AssertionError("Cannot use private API");
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