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Created February 7, 2020 22:04
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To time execution of windows shell commands, e.g. "time-it ping"
@echo off
call :reset
call :clock
%* > nul
call :clock
call :render
exit /B
set t0=
set t1=
exit /B
set _time=%time: =%
for /F "tokens=1-4 delims=:.," %%a in ("%_time%") do (
set /a a=10000%%a %% 10000
set /a b=10000%%b %% 10000
set /a c=10000%%c %% 10000
set /a d=10000%%d %% 10000
set /a now="%a% * 360000 + %b% * 6000 + %c% * 100 + %d%"
if not defined t0 (set t0=%now%) else (set t1=%now%)
exit /B
set /A cs = "(%t1% - %t0%)"
set /A th=(%cs% / 360000)
set /A tm=(%cs% - %th%*360000) / 6000
set /A ts=(%cs% - %th%*360000 - %tm%*6000) / 100
set /A tx=(%cs% - %th%*360000 - %tm%*6000 - %ts%*100) * 10
if %th% lss 10 set th=0%th%
if %tm% lss 10 set tm=0%tm%
if %ts% lss 10 set ts=0%ts%
if %tx% lss 10 (set tx=00%th%) else (if %tx% lss 100 (set tx=0%th%))
echo %th%:%tm%:%ts%.%tx%
exit /B
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